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osumane2012 Blog

2k8 Rocks!!

2k8 rocks. Well the bseball version. I just got it yesterday and it was worth the money. Tons of new features like cards. I could manage my own baseball cards and trade with people online. I only have 2 right now tho. I also played a little Battefeild 2 and ranked up to master sergant. I cant wait until my video store has Army of Two in because that looked really good and its on my wishlist.


Finally got to lvl 37 in CoD 4. Im in my 2nd Prestige and I finally got there. 3 more lvl's and I get the P90. Im just goin to play a little search and destroy today and maybe a little HQ. Oh, and of course play a little runescape

New Day, New Games

Ahhh its finnally March! New games galore. Frontlines: Fuel of War, 2k Baseball 2k8, and many more. I was playing Enemy Territory:Quake Wars becasue I didn't feel like Call of Duty 4 and man was I smokin noobs. I was a oppressor most of the time and just pounded! I also played a little Objective and that was fun. I placed this huge cannon and blown little humans into peices!!! Ok sorry about that just a little evil moment. Well next week I'm gettin to lvl 40 in Call of Duty 4.
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