@realityone: My issue isn't even with BLM itself. its the fact that Activision is forcing us to sit through it on our video game prior to attempting to gun down the most people for the highest score.
Its enough that I need to hear about BLM 24/7 on the news, now when I attempt to escape into a form of entertainment, I am "forced" to sit through more of it. What makes it worse, is I paid for this game. Why not give the option to your players to either turn it on or off? I imagine the majority of players would opt to not have the BLM splash screen appear at every boot up and map change.
The problem with this isn't even the concept of BLM. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.... & Im not speaking about your opinion of what happened to George Floyd. If you don't agree that was a horrendous murder, then there is definitely something wrong with you. I am talking about your opinion of whether or not BLM is a positive movement or a negative one. Activision is making that decision for you.
BLM is being forced upon you if you are in the COD community whether you agree with the movement or not. It is a form of brainwashing.
Why cant this be what it is meant to be? A form of escapism. A way to just have fun with friends and groups. A way to unwind after your hard day at work.
To be fair, it wasn't all that balanced in the movie either. Why do you think the rebels got the hell out of dodge?
In seriousness though, I don't recall having that much of a disadvantage as a rebel. If team members focus on holding the objectives, versus getting the most kills (which is relied on heavily in all battlefield/battlefront games) the walkers go down pretty quickly. I don't think its necessarily a balancing problem, as it is a teamwork problem.
The one thing I found pretty stupid was the random spawn points. What if I don't want to spawn in the middle of a firefight?
I am still looking forward to this game. Its a shame all the negativity out there. I think they did a pretty damn good job.
@Pokemon18986: I played the original battlefront, but don't remember having a great time with it (seems like forever ago). I'm really burned out on the COD titles, but do rent them just for the single player. I haven't really played a COD multiplayer and enjoyed it since MW2. I actually have high hopes for battlefront. There is a lot of material for EA to work with.... giving potential for some epic battles.... as long as they continue making good, challenging maps.
Sorry to hear so many people aren't liking this game so far. I was really put off with Hardline and wasn't sure if EA could pull this off. I have put in about 5 hours now and am really enjoying the gameplay. I found it to be much more fluid than previous battlefield titles & I haven't even played walker assault yet (waiting for some upgrades). My biggest concern is how many weapons/classes you will have to choose from and modify. Only the future will tell, but I'm having a blast so far.
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