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ourkissgoodbye Blog

This is the Reason You're Alive, This is the Rise and the Fall....

The Brand New show was amazing. I had a great time. I was right in the front and had to endure the pushing, shoving, and crowd surfers. And now I'm bruised and sore in places that I didn't know you could be. But it was definitely worth every second of it. I was a little disappointed that they played most of their new stuff, as I think their older stuff is the best. But it was a good show either way.

Training for my job is done! Yay! And last night I worked my first shift. I'm not sure if I even mentioned what my job was, but its for the school phonathon. We call parents and alumni and try to get contributions to our parent's and alumni funds. It's a little scary to talk to people you don't know on the phone but at the same time its nice cause you probably won't ever talk to that person again.

Now I have three classes today, two of which I have quizzes in. Just four classes before my break begins. And the best part about break is that I get to go home and when I get there my fabulous new macbook will be there waiting for me. I can't wait!

Tell All The English Boys You Meet...

Tomorrow is the long awaited Brand New concert. I AM SO EXCITED. It's been a while since I've been to a live show and Brand New is an awesome band. I'm going to have so much fun! CAN'T WAIT!

But before I go to that, I have to go to training for my new job for 5 hours. What fun!

Finally a Good Day!

Well I got a phone call this afternoon from the manager of the school's phonathon (which is where I had applied and had the interviews for). He called to congratulate me for making it through the two parts of the interview and to offer me the job. I was so excited that he called. I really really needed this job. I start training this weekend. 11am-4pm on Saturday, and TBA on Sunday. Finally I have a job and I won't be completely without any money.

But on an even better note, now that I have a job, I can afford to get my new computer. So that is just what I did. I called up Apple today and ordered my Macbook and Ipod. So excited! I can't wait until next week when I get them. Finally I will have an amazing computer that isn't a complete piece of crap.

The only bad thing about today was the fact that Apple just came out with a brand new ipod. It is just like the iphone only without the phone part. But because its brand new it doesn't count towards the buy a macbook get a free/discounted ipod. I was sad. It's a really sweet ipod and I really wanted it. I was even willing to give up 900 songs that I have on my current ipod (20GB ipod that isn't even made anymore) so that I could have it. But instead I just got the 30GB video ipod. At least its better than the ipod that I already have.

All and all today was a good day. I don't have too many of these really good days, so I like it when they come. It's a nice break from all the crap I deal with on a daily basis.

Only three more days until the Brand New concert. Yet another thing to be excited about. I haven't been to a live show in a while and I just can't wait to go and just stand in the middle of a sweaty crowd and scream the lyrics of my favorite songs. There is nothing better than a live show!

And Only 4 more days of class until we are on break. Figure this one out ok. We started classes on August 29th. And we have a break from September 11th - September 17th. Do we really need almost a week off after having only 10 days of class? I think not. Normally we have five weeks of class, one week off, five more weeks of class, one week off and then five more weeks of class followed by the end of the semester. I don't know who made the breaks for this semester, but I don't think I want a break this early. I'd rather save it for when I'm so sick of classes that I want to rip my hair out.

But I am excited to go home and see my kitty. She has been limping a lot since I left home, and I have to take her to the vet while I am home to find out what is wrong. I'm scared that its going to be something serious. She is my baby and I don't know what I would do without her. But I have already made the decision that if god forbid something serious is wrong with her, I don't want her to suffer. She was abused before we got her, and her being in pain or suffering is the last thing I want for her.

Well I think that is all for now. I'm going to go back to reading this Harry Potter fanfic that I found.


The interview went well. I have a personal face to face interview tomorrow. So I basically got past round one. I'm happy that the interview is over because I was dreading it. It ened up being a lot easier to do than I thought it was going to be.

And as my reward I get to watch a marathon of SVU on USA! Whoot!

One Week Down, 14 to Go!

Well my first week of school has come and gone. It wasn't anything special. And now my roommate and I are hanging out in our dorm room. She's playing Donkey Kong and I'm writing this blog. I'm not really sure what we are going to do today. Seeing as I slept until almost noon, I'm really in a lazy state of mind today. I wouldn't mind just sitting here. I have some episodes of Law and Order: SVU and Queer as Folk that I'd like to watch. I also have my phone interview for a job on campus to practice for. That should be fun. But my roommate offered to help me practice so its all good.

But for now, I don't know. I'm having fun watching my roommate scream at the SNES everytime she dies. But I just saved her cause I found the cheat code to get 50 lives, so shes set for awhile!

Anyways that is pretty much all I wanted to talk about. So I'm going to go and find something else to keep me occupied. Maybe I can find a good fanfic to read. Hmm.

Last Semester

Well I am back at university for my last semester. Yesterday was my last first day of classes ever. It was alright, but mostly the first days are nothing compared to what a normal day would be like. My schedule is ok I guess.


9-950am - Colonial Latin America
3-350pm - Fashion Journalism
5-730pm - Intro to American Sign Language


12-150pm - Computer Aided Design


9-950am - Colonial Latin America
3-350pm - Fashion Journalism
5-730pm - Computer Merchandising


12-150pm - Computer Aided Design


9-950am - Colonial Latin America
3-350pm - Fashion Journalism

There is plently of time in there for me to be the lazy college student that I am. And spenc loads of time online doing nothing at all. Not to mention time for me to get a job so that I can afford my new laptop. Since I got back on campus my computer had been getting worse and yesterday it froze when someone IMed me. I really can't take this much longer.

Crunch Time

I only have three more days to get everything that I need to get done before I go back to college done. Ugh. But really, I don't have that much to do. I have to pack my room up and get it into some state of clean before I leave. That means packing everything I will need to take to school and cleaning out my closet and dresser. I have to clean my closet and go through my clothes every time I go to school, so that I don't end up packing something that I no longer need and/or clothing that doesn't fit me or I haven't worn in forever. In the long run it makes everything easier.

I also have to finish my London scrapbook so that it is ready for me to give a presentation when I get back to London. My advisor wants me to give a presentation to some of her classes and I wanted to make sure that I could show off my scrapbook. I'm almost done with that. All the pictures are in there, I just have to put the finishing touches and embellishments on the pages. And I have to label everything.

I have to wash my car inside and out. My dad is letting me take it to college with me, and is actually going to pay so that I can park it on campus. And he told me that I needed to vaccum it out and wash it so that it looks decent and not like the piece of junk that it really is.

And then when I get to school, I have a whole new list of things to do before classes start on Wednesday. I have to get my textbooks. I'm so glad that this is my last semester of having to buy overpriced books that I will never use. I have them pre-ordered and I am going to buy them all and see if I actually need them, and if I don't then I am going to return them so that I won't have spent the money for nothing.

I also have to find a job on campus. I really really need a new laptop and so far I have about $700 saved up for it. I want to get an apple and I get a $200 rebate with it, so all together I have basically $900 of the $1600 that I need for it. And if I can get a job on campus, I will be able to buy it with my credit card and pay off the computer by the time the semester is over.

I have to register for my extra class. I dropped out of one of my classes while I was in London, so I have to take an extra class this semester to make up for the credits that I didn't get. I am going to be adding Special Topics in Human Ecology: Fashion Journalism to my schedule. The class is already closed, but the teacher said she saved a seat for me, and I have to go and see her so that I can get signed into the class and have the registrar enroll me. Besides that class I will also be taking Special Topics in Human Ecology: Computer Merchandising, Computer Aided Design, Colonial Latin America, and Intro to American Sign Language.

And last but not least, I have to buy my ticket to see Brand New! They are coming to my campus for a concert on September 8th and I am so there. I haven't been to a show in a while and I really can't wait to go! Plus I've seen Brand New before and they rock so its all good.

A Couple Updates

I can't believe that Erica (my best friend) will be leaving on Wednesday. It seems like she just got here! But we have had loads of fun so it was definitely worth it!

I bartended last night at the annual pig roast that the bar in town puts on. Made some nice money to go back to university with.

I move back to college on AUg 26th (next Sunday). I am really looking forward to going back, even though I'm ready to graduate and get a job. Not to mention that they have already scheduled an amazing band to play on campus! Brand New! I am hella excited and can't wait for the show!