I noticed that there are a lot of defensive responses on the Wii forums??
Why is that...??
Some have to do with Mature titles...Casual gaming....Poor graphics....few good titles....No GTA IV....and so on...
Why is it that when ever some one asks a Wii related question....especially if he's not satisfied with something....that poster is flamed so much...
If some one just bought MKWii...and hated it....so what....maybe he'll like another title...
Even the BEST games SHOULDN'T be enjoyed by EVERY ONE!!....NO?
If that were the case, we'd all be driving the SAME cars and wearing the same clothes.... if we had the very same tastes!!???
If you bought the Wii...you knew you were buying a console that is TECHNICALLY FAR inferior to the competition...but FAR FAR SUPERIOR in the actual gameplay experience, interface and fun....
IMO...playing tennis by just waving your arm like in REAL tennis....or skiing down a mountain on an ACTUAL BOARD...or doing some USEFUL EXERCISE with your console...etc....is DOWNRIGHT amazing...
Its something that has NEVER been done before...and the idea is just ground breaking....blah...blah...blah...I could go on and on...
So...if someone posts that he HATES Mario Galaxy...fine...take a chill pill, relax...and don't take it personal...try to point him to another Wii title he may enjoy.....
I personally...HATE the GTA franchise...and would never have bought it if it came out on the Wii....I'd rather be skiing down a slope on a board...having sheer FUN!!
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