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#1 ozmandayus
Member since 2004 • 54 Posts

God damn it.....why the hell can't MS keep exclusive games on ONE platform? Don't they realise how important that is to a console? Jesus tap dancing christ.....


In all honestly, why in the hell does that matter to you? I'm a lemming who can't wrap his mind around why ME or other 360 exclusives coming to the PC some 7 months or more later is a bad thing. Jesus, ME is coming over a half a year later. Sorry, I'm not waiting for ME 2 to come a half a year later, or Gears 2 to come a entire year later. It's still exclusive to me if the PC gets a 360 game over six months after the 360 release. This isn't damage control, its common sense. What's the problem? If PC gamers don't mind the wait then just upgrade your PC's. But MS isn't stupid and they will make all their PC releases nearly a half a year after the 360 one. I for one can't wait, but for others who can its all good.

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#2 ozmandayus
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Hey, to each his own but I couldn't disagree more. I just don't care about HD films and the360's amazing gaming library to me is better and cheaper than the PS3's. In addittion, I don't see anything on the PS3 horizon that would make me give up Mass Effect 2 or Gears or War 2 or another Halo or Bioshock. As for reliability, you got me there but my 360 has been going strong for a year now. Sorry to tell you, but contrary to internt hype everyone's 360's isn't dying.

Long-term gamewise the 360 software coming is better IMHO and I'm just fine paying 50 bucks a year for XBL. I don't see or feel the PS3 gaming line-up to come is superior even with MGS, Resistance 2, and FF. As it stands now I feel their current gaming line-up fails when placed next to the 360. Those are just my opinions though, just like yours were yours. But overall I think the 360 is a much better long term gaming investment.

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#3 ozmandayus
Member since 2004 • 54 Posts

Sorry, lol. I can't agree with the fanboy TC.

The 360 is by far for me the better buy. Cheapter, better games IMHO, better online, and better outlook with Gears 2, Too Human, Mass Effect 2 and 3, better sports games, better multiplats IMHO, and probably someday Halo 4. Reliability is all the PS3 has over the 360 in my eyes as I just don't care about Blu Ray or HD-DVD. And I have two HD tv's in my house. Blu ray doesn't make up for what I feel is a much better gaming lineup now and to come on the 360, and that's with PS3 having FF, MGS, and Killzone coming this year.

As for women, I've never used games to get one yet. That's kinda pathetic, lol. And I've yet to me a hot girl who gave a damn what gaming system you have, lol.

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#4 ozmandayus
Member since 2004 • 54 Posts

[QUOTE="Star67"]I'll give you japan and Europe, but I dont see it happening in america.nogginkl

Yeah? Well, look for trends in monthly sales in America, starting this year even. I strongly believe the PS3 will cut the 360's lead in monthly sales this year, especially after a major AAA exclusive comes out--Metal Gear Solid 4? Once you see the PS3 starts to gain momentum over the 360, say over a 3 to 5 month period, there's no turning back, unless Microsofts wants to be unprofitable again this generation. Also don't forget that when prices drop for both consoles, which they will, it will help the PS3 more, because in one price drop, the PS3 becomes a cheaper HD gaming machine AND a cheaper Blu-ray player. Microsoft, can't win this generation. Anywhere.

Sorry, but you're reaching bigtime. First off, no matter what there are still only so many people with HD TV's and everyone isn't near as concerned with Blu Ray and HD-DVD as you seem to think. Second, you act as if MS has nothing going for them this year or next. Newsflash, its software that placed MS in its current good position and that's not likely to change. With Ninja Gaiden 2, Gears 2, Mass Effect 2 and 3, Bunjie's new IP, and whatever else they have planned, the next two years are going to be damn solid. The PS3 will gain ground on MS, this year no doubt and Japan will be its biggest help. In the US PS3 sales will improve but not eclispe the 360 IMHO. As for price drops, a 360 one will spark more sales than a PS3 one becasue at the end of the day there are more people looking to game than watch HD movies. And if gaming means the most to you IMHO the 360 is where you want to be. Expect IMHO at least two price drops for the 360 and massive announcements at the GDC in Febuary. Newsflash again, Sony's showed the vast majority of their hand for 2008 with Home, Killzone, Resistance 2, MGS, FF, LBP, and blu ray. What honestly has MS annoucned for the 360 this year in the way of exclusive games, release dates, new Ip's, price drops, new Xbox live games, new movies, and unannouced sequels?

Nothing really.

I don't think anyone truly can predict anything until at least each company has laid their 2008 plans on the table. Cause I tell you if the 360 hits that 300 price mark, announces Gears 2 this year, a new freee pack in for the 360, release dates for new downloadable content for Halo, Mass Effect and GTA4 that will make a massive difference in keeping the 360 very profitable and strong in America and Europe. So until MS shows its hand at he GDC you might want to hold off on predicting trends when you gun is only half loaded with what Sony is doing. PS I use In my humble opinion cause I don't make predictions I gurantee to be true. You might want to try that.

Microsoft can beat Sony in America this gen and be solid in Europe, but more importantly than both, it can claim a huge chunk of the gaming pie unlike last time, while laughing at the huge peice Sony lost. And when the 720 hits if they ensure no hardware problems I think they will be profitable in their gaming division here on out. As for MS losses thus far, its all a part of their game to win in the end, long term. They are no longer losing money. So even though the hole of losses is deep it isn't getting bigger, its getting smaller. And with an insane attach rate and tons of million sellers and a great deal of franchises that sell they are in a very good place to hold off the PS3 until at least mid to late 2009. By then they'll still be in the black even if they are in last place. And at the end of the day isn't that what business is about, Making a profit, being compettive in market share, and building a solid name for your gaming division. All three of those are MS hallmarks in the 360 era. Don't expect that to change, IMHO:)

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#5 ozmandayus
Member since 2004 • 54 Posts

MS has done more bad than good in the videogame business. why the praise?

xbox RROD = you praise them for having 3 year warranty. RROD is unacceptable, yet you lems are brainwashed into thinking that 3 year warranty will suffice for the RRODING.

xbox live payment = online gaming should be free.

MS raising price from 49.99 to 59.99. sure its only ten buck but if you deduct the 10 buck on every games you buy and thats plenty = whats wrong with 49.99 price tag?

Implementing the idea that ADDED MAPS shouldnt be free anymore.

Systems shorter lifespan. what the hell?

The milking of accessories. for examples recharge batt, hd dvd, ms only harddrive, wifi, hdmi


1. MS jumped into the market to quickly, but has offered for me a very acceptable warrenty. Yeah, it sucks but that's life when you have a gaming line-up that is IMHO so superior to everyone elses. Plus, the PS2 has tons of problems and so did the SNES. Hardware issues, while sucking, are not new to gamers.

2. Xbox live is about 7 bucks a month of 50 for a entire year. For the service it provides I'm fine with the fee. I wish it was free, but that's life. And I'm a grown man, so 50 bucks or 7 a month just doesn't affect your rent, mortgage, or car payment.

3. MS, Nintendo, and Sony are all in business to make money. You act like you don't understand that concept and want them to be nice little companies that are all about helping the world save money. That's not busines, kid. MS is in this to steal market share, recoup Xbox losses, and stay in the black like they've been the last half year for the entire life of the 360. That's their goal and expecting them or any other company to act different is setting yourself up for ridicule, embarrasment, and a lack of common sense.

4. See answer 3

5. Well, since MS had had nine different gaming consoles I see your poi... wait a second, MS has only had one before the 360. Seriously, you can't expect to see a pattern of MS gaming products with only one system life completed. I expect the 360 to be around until the beginning of 2010. 2008 is a given and we will hear of the 720 or whatever follows 360 that year, IMHO.

6. Again, see answer 3

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#6 ozmandayus
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For me the 360 just has and will continue to have the better gaming line-up. Dead Rising, Crackdown, Lost Planet, Graw 1 and 2, Mass Effect, Halo 3, Gears of War, Bioshock, the better version of Madden 2008 are what drew me to the system. I still feel the Wii is marketed for children and older people. Its just doesn't appeal to me. I have a HD-TV but the PS3 costed to much and I just don't care about Blu-Ray movies. Sorry to inform cows, but some people just don't. I wanted a gaming console and that's what I bought.

Plus, even with the PS3 lineup of MGS, FF, Resistance 2, Killzone 2, and God of War 3 I'm unwilling to buy one because Gears of War 2, Ninja Gaiden 2, Mass Effect 2 and 3, Halo Wars, Too Human, Alan Wake, GTA episodic content, Mass Effect content, and probably another Halo in 2 years is superior gaming to me. Couple that with xbox live service of which despite the recent downtime I am very pleased with and the better controller IMHO I just don't feel the need to own a PS3. And with Banjo 3 coming, a host of sequels, almost every multiplat, and new IP's from Bunjie and Bioware I am very, very pleased with the gaming console I purchased.

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#7 ozmandayus
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I don't think that has anything to do with it. My theory is because Microsoft lied to them telling them Live fees were going to become the industry standard, that PS3 would never be able to keep up graphically, that games would always be horrible on PS3 because it's harder to program for, that HDMI wasn't needed, nor was wifi, bluetooth, that DVD would be good for two more generations, that Blu-ray games were going to cost $100-200 each, oh and that defects "were within industry norms."

Once you've invested hundreds if not thousands into an X360 it's hard to admit you made a mistake.


I'm a 360 owner and I certainly don't feel I've made a mistake. Live is 50 bucks a year and worth it as far as I'm concerned. The PS3 simply does not have the games I want to play, nor do I feel they are graphically or storywise superior to the 360. HDMI isn't needed as far as I'm concerced, lol. II care about games not cables. I purchased my 360 for playing games only, so I could care less about Blu Ray or HD-DVD. My system has IMHO the best software in the world and is the best games console for me. Instead of trying to find reasons why 360 owners aren't happy with their purchase, you might want to list reasons why you're happy with yours. Food for thought, pal.

PS: MS never lied to me any more than any other manufacturer, lol. They are all liars.

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#8 ozmandayus
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[QUOTE="jack_russel"]eventually it will began selling more. Especially since the 360 is basically done since it's released halo3, most of the people who want a 360 have one now. Also, a lot of the PS3s major software is finally starting to roll out. Also, the price has gone down. Also, there are 120million people with PS2s. I don't' they that they have all moved on to the next gen yet, so they're are still tens of millions of potential customers. I'm not sure that it will outsell the 360, but if it did, those would be the reasons why.bezaire2005

the 360 is basically done because they've released Halo 3? wow..what a stupid thing to say. the 360 lineup has out-performed the ps3 lineup all year long, not just with Halo 3. Not to mention the fact that Halo Wars is going to be released next year, Gears of War 2 will be on the way, and neither Bungie or MS has said that there will never be another Halo FPS. You act like MS and Bungie are just going to drop the highest grossing game (in it's launch period) in this history of video games. Good luck with that reasoning. Add in games like the next Splinter Cell, and exclusive content for GTA...I wouldn't really say the 360 is "done".

Thank you God for common sense and insight. Its like some cows think Bungie looked at Halo 3 profits and said "Meh, we're done with that forever." Trust me, common sense says we see a Halo 4 within 2 years. Gears of War 2 is coming. So is Mass Effect 2 and 3. So are new IP's and sequels to just about every 360 million seller from 2007 and 2006. Oh, and there's Ninja Gaiden 2 and more then likely Dead or Alive 5. Then there's Banjo and possibly Killer Instinct. Oh, and Bungie is working on a new IP as well. Alan Wake and Too Human are still out there. With the 360's insane attach rate its likely they will garner tons and tons of multiplats and a couple more exclusives. By the way, GT4, Halo 3, and Mas Effect will all see more downloadable content this year. And to top it off, MS can do a price drop whenever they feel like because no matter what PS3 does overseas their sales are either negated or mostly negated by MS's strong US sales. And with the PS3a nearly several million sales behind... You do the math.

Saying Halo 3 and the other big 360 guns are already out and there won't be sequels and everyone who wants a360 already has one is such fanboy nonsense. A, Halo is a franchise that will live on. Its only a question of when, not if. 2, successful games get sequels. Why are PS3 gamers getting FF, MGS, and God of War? Simple, thye are successful franchises. And successful franchises get sequels. Just like Halo 3, Bioshock, Mass Effect, and Gears of War are all getting 360 sequels at some point. C, people buy game systems year round depending on what each individual persons wants. Its obvious Nintendo isn't looking to the Gamecube to plot the Wii. Cows would be wise to not look to PS2's success and simply say those gamers are waiting to jump onboard. Each system is dealing with and will be judged by the here and now. Not the past. Wise words.

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#9 ozmandayus
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With the 360's current lead of nearly 7 million systems over the PS3, do cows truly realise how much more per week the PS3 would have to sell to be able to overtake the 360 this year? I mean really, take off your fanboy goggles and use some common sense and math. What games are suddenly going to spur that type of international growth? The PS3 has some real heavy hitters this year with their price drop. LBP, MGS, KZ2, FF, Resistance 2, and Home. But none of those will start the PS3 to outselling the 360 by hundreds of thousands per month. And that, my dear cows, is what would have to happen in order for the PS3 to leap frog the 360 in a year. The PS3 isn't the Wii. Different appeal and audience.

Then to make matters worse, do cows think that Bungie just sort of, I don't know, went out of buisness? Do you truly think with nearly seven million Halo 3 sales that in a year or so we won't here word of a Halo 4? Newsflash, this businss is all about money. 9 times out of ten a great selling game will eventually see a sequel. So expect Halo 4 in 2009 not because of an announcement I heard, but just common sense. Oh, and When Gears of War 2 hits, whenever it hits, that game is a killer app in every way. Mass Effect 2 is coming as well, you know. So is Banjo, Ninja Gaiden, Fable 2, another Forza probably in 2009, tons of multiplats and NEWSFLASH, there will be a 360 pricecut sometime this year too. Its not only the PS3 that can lower its price. Add into that tons and tons of multiplats, including GT4 exclusive content, other new original IP's and whatever other suprises MS has in store and its just a long, hard road for the PS3 ahead.

All in all look for the PS3 to close in on the 360 to within I woukld say 3 million, but overtake it in 2008. That's wishfull, fanboy wet dreams. Its just not going to happen. Especially now with the 360's ravaging of the PS3 in the states almost offsetting any sort of advantage PS3 has internationally.

To end things, even if in 2009 sometime the PS3 was to overtake the 360, hypthetically, mind you, they went from nearly 80% of the maket share last gen to probably 30%. And they are deep, deep in debt over the PS3 thus far. Unlike MS right now, they aren't making a profit. It might take a long time for MS to be in the black, but at least a profit is being made now toward it.

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#10 ozmandayus
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i dont care about sales... as long as ps3 keep coming out with awesome games im happy with it

only ignorant fanboys spend all their time reading and looking for evidence for future failure of other systems..

so my advice for you, dont waste ur time...we will find out the success for which ever system in the near future so enjoy which ever system u own



People argue over system sales as if Nintendo, Sony, or MS are actually cutting them paychecks every week. When no matter who wins in the end all 3 companies will make a profit this time around, produce great games, and come back for another gen of wars. Its all good no matter what system you own.