I won't deny it, I'm a Far Cry groupie. I have loved Far Cry from the very first game. There are plenty of warts you can complain about, but overall, there is just something so engaging and fun about these games, and the added mixture of loot addiction. OH dear lord take me now, i just wanna play this game.
Regarding the graphics, I think that still's of this animation style tend to be not very flattering. Once it's actually in motion/animated is where it shines.
I can't help but be curious why it wasn't released on the xbox... (Devs?)
Anyway, I just wanted to add that, Honestly, I'm sure there is a possibility of an interesting game here; the problem most of us have with it is that they called it Metal Gear which is a franchise we've been playing most of our lives, and this seems radically different, and might actually not appeal to metal gear fans.
It's similar to like a new mario game coming out, but when you start it its actually a spreadsheet program. I'm sure there are people who love making spreadsheets, but I don't really.
My friend and I were cautiously hyped about this.. we downloaded the other night... loaded up... spent about 60 - 120 seconds stumbling around weirdness with confused looks and were just "Yeah, nope." Delete.
I tried it again by myself, but gotta say it seemed about as fun as a math test to me.
@java_gurl: THere is a lot of similarity to Skyrim. But it's a much more serious feeling game. The focus is much stronger on Role Playing in Kingdom. The story and lore is much a lot more accessible. The fighting is a bit clunky, but it hasn't turned me off from the game (yet) because I find everything else so interesting and enjoyable. I'm finding it very easy to role play the character and feel like i'm exisiting in this time and place. If you are interested in history, good story telling, and role playing, this would be worth your time.
If you'd like to watch me stream a play session just watch me on steam, i've been streaming for a lot of friends who've wanted to see it.
@TigusVidiks: I think this game looks fantastic, especially when you consider it was made by an indy company. I don't think "crude" or "simplistic" apply to the game's world in an form. I personally find the game much more compelling then the witcher. The story and world are much more realistic, the characters are simple, but look great and realistic. I had a difficult time taking Geralt seriously in the witcher. His gravelly voice and dialog led to this cartoonish or caricature feel. The story is a bit abstract and not super accessible- im sure if you have played all of the witcher games, it would help a lot. and I admit I haven't. I tried to play the early games, but i found the combat really clunky and a turn off, and again- there is just so much complicated lore that is being referenced all the time that it was hard for me to stay focused and interested on what was happening or care about the story.
Right from the start Kingdom is very easy to understand and engage with, its tone feels very serious and since its taking place in a real place and with actual events that have happened, the writing automatically feels much more realistic and the world is much less cartoonish. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that The Witcher 3 isn't great work. But some people might actually find Kingdom come more compelling and appealing depending on interests and tastes.
@monetstargazer: This can be an issue for me, but it depends on the game. For multiplayer games, where I exist in a world with other players the Character gen is very important to me. In a good Character Creator, I can easily spend hours building my character- I enjoy it so much. But, one of the downsides of the char customizer, is that it puts a huge burden on the programming team and sometimes the player characters suffer because of allthe extra work it takes. For a lot of games, characters from custom creators tend to have a generic look to them. It's rare that a char gen has the ability to let me create a char im truly satisfied with, and the variety of characters can be a bit of an illusion because its more like creating a mr potato head. you've got a box of body parts, and in order to make sure everything can go with any other piece, styling and design is restrained and as i said, you end up with player characters that are a bit bland .
And with games that don't give the PC an identity or voice, because the idea is you will fill it with yourself, it usually only makes the character more bland and separate from the story. The pressure is all on the writers to somehow make it less awkward that your character never speaks and it ends up having these conversations where everyone talks around you, awkwardly putting sentences in your mouth and speaking for you, or just like you're not there.
When a game has a specific main character, it usually looks a lot cooler because a professional designer is sculpting that character and able to make something much more unique then a char gen can, and when the character has a personality and a voice, i think it helps make a story and conversations seem muchmore natural!
In Kingdom, Henry actually IS someone- he is a real person that exists in that time and place, with a personality, and a backstory that fits and makes sense with who he is. If you could choose different backgrounds and things, it would create a ton more work for the writers- and would probably end up making the writing so that it was "one size fits all" which is why some games have such bland writing... it avoids situations where you would reference a unique aspect of a character.
p1p3dream's comments