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pagman_rox Blog

Time to announce my departure.

I've been on this site for a long time (over a year) and it's become hard for me to balance school, life, and internet time. I have a lot to do this term (I already have 4 projects and numerous essays I'm working on and school only started on Monday) and in week 7 I have school exams. Since I want to pass school exams I have to study for them. It's going to take me a lot of time and effort because although people call me smart I'm not actually all that bright...:|

It is with regret that I announce my not forever retirement from this site. I could never say I'm never coming back and I worked to hard to get the guides I have to leave completely. I'll continue to pop back every so often so check my guides and I may try to write a blog once a month or so to announce any new music videos and fics (or fic updates) that I have.

I'd like to thank everyone here for the memories that I have and you can bet you'll see me dropping by, especially when the new season of CSI starts!! I hope you all have fun without me but that shouldn't be hard. One of the most prominent names in the CSI forums is no more (I haven't posted there in a while) and I'm sure most people there don't even know who I am.

If any of you want to get in touch feel free to send me an email. I don't actually get that many emails so I would feel quite happy if I were to recieve one in my inbox...:|

I uploaded my latest video to Bolt so if you haven't seen it click the link. It's to the song It's So Easy Lovin' You by Ronan Keating. Au revoir people, until I come back to the site.

Question for people who have seen Pirates of the Caribbean 2.

I saw this movie while I was away and I saw it for the second time today. My question for those who have seen it is: Did you wait around to the end of the credits?

I made another CSI music video but it will most likely take a very long time to upload so I shall post the link in one of my next blogs. I'm on a music video streak and find enjoyment in making them. I swear that most likely my next blog will be on my trip to Aussie but as I want to post pictures and am yet to download my holiday snaps onto my laptop this may take me some time. I will try and get around to it tomorrow depending if I bother to do my homework or not.

If you like CSI/ship GSR read this blog!! (Music videos and fics.)

Now that I've got your attention with a catchy title it's link time to everything that I've done while I was away. I've got updates on two of my fics and have made a music video. YAY!!! I actually did something while I was away.

Link to parody fanfic: parody link

Link to other random fic: randomness

Now I need to rant. Getting my music video to upload on Bolt is no easy task. It would not work AT ALL. So then I thought I'd post it on my under construction CSI site which I'm going to reveal at a later date. But no, that wouldn't co-operate with me. Now I'm slowly uploading it on my photobucket account because that's all I have left. It's rather depressing because it is so slow!!:(:|

If you haven't noticed I'm quite mad at this point. On top of it I already started to write this blog then changed the page and it deleted and I'm soooo mad. My next blog shall be all about my trip with various humorous pictures that I took while I was away. It was a fun trip and I spent close to $200 dollars on books, clothes, and CDs. I have a new favorite band and shall upload some of their songs for you mayhaps on my next blog.

I have about 5 minutes left on my upload so while I wait I shall take this opportunity to make myself some dinner while I wait... Not that you should care about this fact or anything, merely pointing it out that that is what I'm doing right now.

And at last I have the link (for my very first music video!!):  I hope this works. If anyone wants me to upload it so you can download it just say, that can be my task for tomorrow.

Two new editorships while I'm still on vacation.

I am on vacation yet here I am writing this blog. I shall describe in detail my exploits during my time here in Australia when I get back  but for now I shall just say I have two new editorships. They're for Carmine Giovinazzo (Danny in CSI: NY) and Gerald McCullouch (my 2nd favorite CSI character Bobby Dawson!!!) So yeah... YAY for me!!!

Those of you who do bother to read various fanfics of mine will be please to hear the I did actually write some stuff for them while I was away. I haven't done anything on my parodies though. When I was writing my parodies I was going through I dark time in my life. I was depressed and on more than one occasion thought that by being moved to NZ my parents had ruined my life. I used humor as a way out. Now I'm considerably more happy and the humor just isn't how it used to be. I shall try but I doubt I could ever recapture the humor that I used to write with.

I also made my very first CSI music video. I shall post that when I get back as well. I arrive back in NZ on Wednesday so expect a series of blogs on Thursday or mayhaps Wednesday because I get back at about 12pm so there will be plenty of time to blog.

Here for a year and I'm leaving.

I haven't actually been here for a year, 6 more days for that historic date but since I won't be here celebrate I thought I'd better post that fact now anyway. YAY!!! For me!!! A year of my life wasted on the internet. All I have to show for this is the editorships for 5 people (with, I believe, two pending) and 1 trusted contributor. Pretty good if I do say so myself. I can also recite, from memory, every episode from CSI to ever air in order. I used to be able to do that with Star Trek (DS9) but doubt I can anymore. :(

I'm not leaving forever but you can guarantee that I won't be here from July 5 (tomorrow for me) to July 19 or something like that. Vacation shall be fun, I am going to Australia (Sydney specifically) for two weeks. I get to spending my Dad's money. He already said that he won't place a limit on what I can spend. That was most likely the dumbest mistake he ever made...

While I'm gone I shall make use of my no internet time and write many chapters of all my CSI fanfics. My Mom finally said I could bring my laptop when I said that I will do my Geography homework (yeah right). She was paranoid that we would have trouble getting through security. I will also play around with my video editing software and make some CSI music videos. I want to make a GSR one and have the perfect song in mind. It shall be a secret though. I will most definitely make a general CSI video as well. It will, of course, have the right amount of GSR. Since I do want opinions on what you guys think of the song (for the general one). I will post the lyrics:

No Bravery - James Blunt

There are children standing here,
Arms outstretched into the sky,
Tears drying on their face.
He has been here.
Brothers lie in shallow graves.
Fathers lost without a trace.
A nation blind to their disgrace,
Since he's been here.

And I see no bravery,
No bravery in your eyes anymore.
Only sadness.

Houses burnt beyond repair.
The smell of death is in the air.
A woman weeping in despair says,
He has been here.
Tracer lighting up the sky.
It's another families‚ turn to die.
A child afraid to even cry out says,
He has been here.

And I see no bravery,
No bravery in your eyes anymore.
Only sadness.

There are children standing here,
Arms outstretched into the sky,
But no one asks the question why,
He has been here.
Old men kneel and accept their fate.
Wives and daughters cut and raped.
A generation drenched in hate.
Yes, he has been here.

And I see no bravery,
No bravery in your eyes anymore.
Only sadness.

I most likely will get fed up with the entire process eventually and won't be bothered to do anything but, for a while, I will do something. Fic writing will be easier so that will probably be what I will do. It can pass the time in the airport instead of my usual book reading and iPod listening. 

Anywho, to you all I hope you have fun without my friendly face around the forums. I think my Mom hopes that this trip will cure my internet addiction but I doubt it. She can always hope.

Ramblings from a psychopath who just finished school.

Schools out for winter. Three weeks of no school, no learning, and very little homework that I won't do anyway...

...Today was house music. My house came 2nd overall and won both melodrama and small group. We got a placing in everything we did expect chosen song (Ain't to Proud to Beg) but that's okay, it was a pretty bad song choice if I do say so myself. All I got today was a headache from everyone yelling as loud as they could. Days like this I'm glad drugs (legal drugs...) were invented.

I'm going to Sydney next week so I look forward to doing shopping in Australia. I need to get some books and I'm looking for a new pair of shoes, and some new jeans. Shirts are also good so if I find some good ones I'll buy them. Going to Australia means missing good shows like CSI and Lost though. The Lost episode I saw last week OMG! Sure I knew <b>SPOILERS</b> Michael was going to shoot Libby and Ana Lucia but still, I can't wait to see what happens next.

Anywho must be going. There are things to do, shows to watch, and books to read. Until my next blog...

*Pulls out hair, runs into wall*

You think that with one week left in term I wouldn't have to do anything much. Not true, not true at all. A geography internal on commercial hunting, a French internal conversation on what I do in my free time, a physics test, an English formal writing report on something..., and if my teacher remembers a PE internal on bones and muscles and stuff. Fortunately for the PE thing we're going to say we were never told about it then not do it...

House music at the end of the week too. That means we get to not do anything on the last 2 days of term which is always good even though I hate house music...

On Friday my friends who are in a band have a concert at a club and I may go. Some of my friends went to their concert last Friday and talked about how they were moshing and stuff so could be fun to go. I haven't left the house in the weekend without my parents at night in since I moved. I need to get a life. :|

God bless mufti.

Today was mufti day at my school. For those not forced to wear a uniform at school mufti day is when you get to wear regular clothes. I wore one of my CSI shirts, one of my many pairs of jeans, my gloves, and my red furry hat. I like my hat. What was strange was that most people looked the same anyway. Most were wearing the same shirt, just different colors and jeans...

...I have lots of homework this weekend and next week is the last week of term so don't expect to see me here around here much. Next week is also house music which is really annoying. We all have to sing Love Oh Love by Lionel Ritchie and then my house is doing Ain't to Proud to Beg by the Temptations. I hate those two songs and officially want to kill them.

That's all for now, don't expect me on over the holidays either. I may have three weeks off but I'm going to Australia... I hope to see some koalas.

New Editorship, new fic, and news.

Let me start with my new editorship. I am not the editor for Archie Kao. Here is a picture of the hottness that is he:

Now I shall move to my new fic. It's CSI (of course) and I have actually managed to write two chapters in two days. It must be some sort of record for me. The first chapter can be found here. The new second chapter can be found here. Yeah...

Now on to news of my boring life. I pretend to have a lot of homework this weekend as soon as for some weird reason she threatened me with going to my brother’s chapel thing at school... I am not going and am writing this blog as they are gone now. I think I will order pizza for dinner watch CSI, Top Gear, and CSI in that order.

I failed miserably at my first attempt at my French speech. I forgot most of it and my for my Dad said "Elle amie regarder la tèlè en listant le journal. Or however you spell it. At least I get to redo it.

Friday night was semi-formal at my school. I didn’t go. Anything where one has to dance and look reasonably presentable goes against my moral and ethical beliefs. And the music would have been really bad too. I tried suggesting some cool tunes like some P!ATD, Nickelback, and It Is You (I Have Loved) by Dana Glover. Not a single of my songs was liked by anyone. People at my school haven’t even heard of Led Zeppelin. Who hasn’t heard of Led Zeppelin?

In the land of the mildly insane with sheep.

Currently I am listening to a very good song called Sheep Go To Heaven by Cake. It is a very good song. On that note I need some recommendations for some cool music that most likely very few people have heard of. Any suggestions people?

My Grandma left today and so did my Dad. He's going to a random Asian city for the week. He said if his company gets the contract there we'll go there on vacation in September. We would go in 4 weeks but I'm going to Sydney instead. I hope my Dad remembers to get me a souvenir. I like collect random junk. Will I ever use a train whistle that says Alaska? No but it was free when I went to Alaska and you can bet I will get anything that is free.

It was my birthday on June 7. Another year older. I remember when I was really excited about my birthday but ever since 5 years ago they don't hold the same magic. Who cares though? I got over $200 cash and $75 in gift cards.

I went into town yesterday with some people and I saw The DaVinci Code. The book was better. On Monday when I didn't have school I saw Mission Impossible 3. I liked it when there was a guy from CSI. I had a moment. The rest of the movie was boring.

I think I shall go do my homework right now. I have a French conversation this week that I will fail and I have barely started planning for. I know nothing. The teacher scares me...:|