Well Guys as all of u know, I stated in my last blog that Ramadan is here & I'm very busy. So I thought of coming with a blog a few days ago but didn't got enough time, Most of time I'm too tired to write anything & Whenever have spare time I sleep :D. So guys If I've spare time & invest it on PC then I use internet to check updates & Read Blogs, I've read tons of blogs & Tons of more r still left or I play game some time. As this all was not enough my college is starting from 1st of September & So I'll be more busy infact I wouldn't spare time, So without wasting ur time, Let's Move on to the Blog.......
[NOTE = I mentioned in my previous blog that I'll do a Ques & Ans Blog, Where I'll ask somethings from U & I'll Change the layout of my blogs, Well due to a lot of things that blog got delayed & So that blog might b my next blog :)]
PS3 V/S X360 (Some Important Things)
A little bit of Opinion
As I wanna tell u my editorial regarding Ps3 VS X360 was mentioned in Community Blog, This is my 3rd Blog for Community Blog, So I'm happy, U know the problem with editorials is U can't pick one while comparing two most of times, So I'll come with something personal rather then Neutral Opinion & Yeah It may sound like Fanboyism :)....
So Guys I think all of U know about X360 Elite price drop, Well I'll say X360 did something not good, I was expecting that it will come with a bundle or The rate of Accessories will drop, They r only fooling us. U see they removed The HD Component cable which costs around 40-50$, Well I know many of u will say go on Amazon but I'm talking about new here & As X360 users will know the difference between 60GB & 120 GB HD is 50$, So they removed content of 50$ & added 50% content, So it's something same with black colour. If we compare Ps3 & X360 on technical basis PS3 is a clear winner cause X360 only excels in online content & Good looking 3rd Party games & sometimes exclusive content, These things No doubt make X360 a strong competitor but I think now more then enough users got a reason to buy PS3 because of it's epic hardware & Exclusive lineup, I thought X360 will come with a bang but they disappointed me, Still I strongly believe that X360 will have great sales & Is a great system but Now PS3 is something called a huge rival, Which can overtake X360.
I'm Damn Confused
Guys as some of U know I owned a X360 (Falcon-Motherboard) before & It got RROD in less then 4 months, I was super angry & Thus in a result sold my X360 (Definitely Not a good Decision). Also many of U know I live in super hot place & I don't have proper cooling in my room, So overheating is something I'm always afraid off. Many of u might know that after the launch of Jasper motherboard, The problem known as RROD has become almost extinct, The Jasper motherboard barely has Overheating RROD issues & If they even exist They r less then 10%, So I think RROD is something less to care.
I know that Technically PS3 is better hardware then X360 but Out of 6 of my friends 5 have X360 & 2 PS3 (1 owns Both), So I think X360 is a better choice for me, Secondly Many 3rd party games look good on X360 but PS3 has great exclusives.....
Now days I'm super confused as I'm going to buy one console next month toward the end or Earlie October but I wanna make my mind that what to get, If I'll buy a X360, I'm considering Pro cause IMO 60GB is enough HD & i like White X360, It'll save me 50 Bucks too, Which can b spent on something nice :D, So hopefully I'll make a good decision in future....
Now Something Very Important to Ask
What is Ur Console PS3 or X360??? (If U own one) & If U r planning to buy one this Holiday also mention what's ur preference???
My Predictions about Future in Gaming World
Well Analyst Pakhair :lol: is making some predictions for future.......
WII sales will decrease then previous years but There won't b a huge difference then previous years, The reason for decreasing the sales will be that many normal gamers will pick the next gen or Should I say more advanced consoles, I'm only talking about the ppl who play games normally not our casual gamers, Who only pick to have fun. Second I think WII should decrease 50$ from it's price because Now PS3 & X360 are very chap although they don't pose any threats to the WII for now but once Natal & PS3 Motion sensor launches then those will b great threat to the casual gaming system & They should earn some dime & Customers now, While they have opportunity. Last I think If the sales of WII do not increase till late this year We'll definitely see a price fall in WII's price........
I think X360 will go on smoothly as before & will have great sales, I think There is No chnace that Sony will surpass the Gaming Rig X360 in sales but this year Sony will improve a lot, I think X360 will still be the better selling console of the two........
PS3 sales will improve a lot this year & many consumers will pick up the new slim PS3 & I think Ps3 will have great sales as compared to previous years but Wouldn't surpass X360......
As All these r predictions, Anything can happen in the war between PS3 & X360 but I think X360 will sale more pieces as compared to PS3 but the difference will b less as compared to prior years......
Don't think that 400$ systems r out, Yep I think both PS3 & X360 will launch a 250GB console bundled with a game & Some goodies, X360 may give a WI-FI adopter & PS3 might give an extra controller but For sure we will see 400$ packages in this year...... :roll:
As for Handheld war I think PSP GO will increase the sales of PSP, The recently announced PSP Minis, 100mb Small Games & New Video Features will also help a lot to increase it's sales but Still DS will b the market leader & I think PSP might break the the hype of I Phone with these new features.....
Well This is it for my predictions, Hope U like it :).........
My New Shiny Emblems
Guys Just look at my profile & U'll know that I got two New Shiny Emblems
Guys Hope U liked them, Personally I didn't knew about TOTS emblem before last minute otherwise I'd have told u ppl to try for it, I also sent a lot of msgs & Posted in many places to obtain this emblem & Sophia Tong (GS Admin) helped me a lot in attaining the emblem, THANX Sophie, Well The description tells all, So no need describing.......
Now about the Greatest Game hero Competition emblem, I know many of U know about this & Would've obtained it but only mentioning it, So if anyone hasn't obtained, Can obtain Now. U have only time till competition starts cause once it starts this emblem might not b available anymore, Go to GS homepage, In highlights click on All Time Greatest Game Hero & Select Ur options & submit Ur bracket to obtain this lovely emblem, Well I like it :).......
Our Friend got Lucky, He desreves Congrats
Well David_LCK (a.k.a. david_lck) is one busy person on GS & friend of a lot of my trackers & is a nice guy, Recently he made a blog on Retro Gaming known as "A Look at Retro games and its Influence", Which is a great blog & Describes the history of Gaming, U should give a read if U haven't. For this awesome blog he achieved two most precious emblems on GS........
Member Spotlight Emblem & Soap Box Emblem
If U remember one of Our previous discussions David on GS U said....
DAVID = Nice, I have yet to have one of my blogs mentioned in the community blog. Congrats anyways!
PAKHAIR = THANX, It's just pure luck but whenever u make an editorial, Remember to select editorial category cause those blogs are always checked by GS......
Well David U hit a Home Run, Congrats for getting these emblems, I never tried for soapbox but I've tried for remarkable a lot of times in competitions but Unlucky until now, Still One Day I'll grab that Green Alien, Hopefully :D....
Oh Yeah My PS3 V/S X360 blog was also mentioned in community Blog, This is my third Blog until now to b mentioned in Community blog until now.........
Some Important Info related to GTA Franchise
GTA IV (The Ballad of GAY Tony)
Well Guys as Recently announced the first trailer of the Second expansion of GTA will surface on 1st of September but This is not the big news, The big news is about the new content in the Expansion pack & Remember It is no rumour, It is Confirmed....
- New Weapons including Venom (Turret Machine Gun), Satchel Charges, Small Automatic Rifle
- Will feature the Hunter Helicopter from previous versions of franchise, Yep I'm talking about that military Chopper with mounted Rocket Launchers & Machine Guns.
- Last but Not the least Parachuting will b added to the GTA IV world, Yippee Can't wait to say that finally they did something good :D.
As a Proof....
GTA Chinatown Wars (PSP)
Yep Guys the first official Screenshots for PSP version r out & Before going further, Take a look...
Now Guys, I don't know how Rockstar will implement the stylus heavy gameplay on PSP but this is not the only thing I'm worried about, Guys have u played previous games of GTA on PSP, They have complete 360 Degree camera & quite High Graphics, This is a over the top game, I know the graphics r improved from DS, Some quality Neon Lightning & Shining has been given to the game to meet the standards of PSP & To hide the graphics but How will this game work on the PSP is a mystery to me....
My Gaming (Some Updates)
New Edition
Guys I got Turok from my friend & I'm playing it now (When got spare time). It is one annoying game, Only played for 2-4 hours until now, The loading time is killing, Doesn't support X360 joypad, Aiming needs pin point accuracy, The enemy AI is like those old games, When enemy always know where U R & It's super angry at times. So this is all the bad, Now to good except for dinosaurs & a bow, I haven't seen a single good thing until now, My friend too told me that it was horrible but I wanted to play it for quite quite some time, First reason I loved old Turoks & Second I love killing Dinos. Until now it is a crap game, Hope might picks up later, This is game...
Turok's GS Rating 6.0
Some other Updates Regarding Games
- In SF IV I'm stuck in some of the Hard Challenges & I'm unable to beat them, So took a break for some while.
- Haven't touched Handheld gaming specifically Professor Layton for some time cause Don't have enough time.
- Only Play Turok sometimes.
- Played Batman demo & It's awesome, Haven't got a chance to watch or Play Retail with any of the friends, Still Reviews r great.
- Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box also got released & Recieved great ratings, I think it will b a must play game on DS & for Puzzle fans.
My Bracket (All Time Greatest Hero)
Guys I submitted my brackets in all time greatest hero competition & If U haven't, Go Submit & Win an Emblem. So Guys I really wish GS would've given us a feature to compare brackets with friends or specific user but Alas GS didn't added any feature like that but does it stop us to share our brackets [:lol:HINT = NOOP:lol:]. So here's my bracket, PLZ view original size to see all submissions, It is a high res image & Leave Ur comment PLZ, I'll also love to see ur brackets. BTW ignore the winning user votes, My submission was 10,000 & I don't like many of ppl whom I've chosen including the winner but what to do, Fan following of these users is a lot but definitely my vote will go to favourites.
My College
I already mentioned it at the top of my blog but I wanted to give it an extra section. So guys my college is starting from 1st of Sept, This means GS will almost die for me but I'll post blogs, Reply to comments & I'll check blogs of friends but It might not b possible to stay active. Well leave the crap for now, more will come in future :lol:. I''m trying to complete all of the backtracking before college & it seems I'll complete until then, Hope So :roll:, Still not sure....
Well as I said in previous blog, My time is scarce due to Ramadan on net & It'll become almost none once the college starts because I've a lot of updates to check daily, I'm working on a plan, Which might become active late September, The plan is what to cut & How to spare time, Yep I visit some websites for updates & I visit 1 forum website, GS & Face Book for Heavy posting & some else crap too, Still I've to make time for gaming & Study, So I'll come up with a plan on how to decrease my activity in future.
Sorry for boring u with all this nonsense but I thought, I should write it ;)....
Now to the Remaining V.IMPORTANT Things
Sorry guys for such a long blog but What to do, I always have too much to say :D, So I'll make points to make it short.
- My Next Blog Will b hopefully about Q & A, So b sure to leave ur feedback
- Once Again my X360 V/S PS3 blog was mentioned in Community Blog bringing the count to 3 means Three of my blogs have been mentioned in Community Blog until now
- Give Opinion & answer the questions regarding Console referring questions in first section of Blog.
- Well I didn't knew, I had so many Muslim friends here on GS, It's great to know, Wanted to mention names but I wouldn't cause I haven't asked :)
- My Great Friend, Who was a Muslim too & Was from my Race too. Well I'm talking about SMR-Venom, He Got Banned, Cruel GS never forgives, Why my good friends always get banned (First was Combat Soldier) not normal trackers :?
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