@lee7n: I play my ps4 through my xbone...so I can use YouTube while gaming with a flick of the xbone controller. Since xbone got rid of snap app. Now I am using the ps4 more for game but xbone for every other thing. Mixer is poo compared to twitch, u can't say a bad word without microsoft nazis emailing u. Bring back snap app.
@lostn: I see what u mean but I think the fact death is a reset like binding of Isaac he couldn't figure out a way to price it so instead he just charge people who want to revive with the same armor and leveling. It is a Suda game, either u love it or hate it. I LOVE THEM. LOLIPOP CHAIN WAS THE ONLY ONE I DIDNT CARE FORE BUT CAME BACK TO IT YEARS LATER AND LOVED IT.
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