Eh, I have just learned to live with shyness/social awkwardness...
But mostly because I am in a wheelchair and have been socially ostracized since I was 10 (20 now)... I have tried the things people suggested here only to have the people I say hi to or make small talk with walk off with their friends giggling "ha did you see that retard in the wheelchair"...
So being excluded from everyone and everything has more or less destroyed my communication skills to the point where I have extreme social anxiety and dread talking to anyone out of fear of humiliation...
you aint alone on this buddy, ive got a noticeable affliction that most people will say otherwise just to give me that extra boost of confidence, which is fine with me if it makes them feel better about it, but the bad experiences with people are always gonna outweigh the good because it comes with the territory, and because of that were the first ones to find out the hard way what human nature is really all about. ill treat people the way someone like me would want to be treated but im not gonna go out of my way to say more than 3 words to you just to get my point across.
generally imo, people=s***
that's not true. there's a lot of good going on on this planet. i'd say you're looking in the wrong places. so you have an affliction. don't forget for a second that everyone, absolutely everyone has crap to deal with. yours might be worse than others, but you'd be amazed at the skeletons and insecurities in peoples closet. so you can either lounge about and say how people are crap, or you can realise that you're probably far from the worst off person in the world, and in reality you're the only thing that's stopping you, by wallowing in your own misery..."our greatest fear is not that we are powerless, it's that we are powerful beyond measure"....it's hard to sympathise if you insist on being negative dude.
you can keep your sympathy, pity, remorse and give it to someone who actually wants it, all its givin me is even more of a negative nancy attitude. mutual respect is what i strive for whenever i socialize but dont think for a second i want the mofo with the self-righteous mind set trying to give me some lecture on self-esteem issues, that gets me just about nowhere in life and i find it pretty annoying that someone can try and dictate how i should feel about myself and people when they dont know the first thing about how the wheels turn in my head. the world around us shapes us into the people we need to be in order to survive, why should you say otherwise when all you have to work with is your own perception of reality if that is really something that you call your own?
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