@marcusmattingly Perhaps for some people this is true. I think for the average gamer nowadays, there's too many multiplatform games for people to justify buying $900+ worth of hardware. The only exclusives nowadays are first party games. For me, I prefer Sony's games. I think a lot of people don't care enough either way.
Up until a couple of months ago, I was stationed on a ship that would be out at sea for months at a time. Playing Xbox was one of the ways people would stay sane. With online check-ins, you're alienating a lot of military folks.
People will complain about anything based on what I've seen in these comments. If you don't want a slim PS3, don't buy it. If you already have a PS3, Sony probably doesn't expect you to buy it.
When you try to force a completely different style of gameplay on a series, you end up with the direction the Final Fantasy series has gone in. It may be referred to as "evolved' but it really just developers forcing what they think people want and not what has worked for years. What I don't understand is when these series stopped being successful enough to keep doing what worked.
pasinpman's comments