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Banjo to Kazooie no Daibouken
fun for all ages.
i heard about this game, and heard it was fun, so i checked it out, and it was lot's of fun. sure, the characters sounded as if they were stupid or lame, but still, it was fun, and deserves to be part of your n64 coll... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
Spyro the Dragon
just like crash bandicoot, an instant classic.
it sure is like crash bandicoot, it's an instant classic! i really like this game, but i do like crash better. spyro the dragon is lot's of fun for every member of your family, even adults will like this game as much ... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
Crash Bandicoot (Platinum)
old stuff, man!
i really liked the crash bandicoot series, and this one got me into them, which was nine years ago. i first played this game, and i said "you know what, this could be the start of a great series, and it was the start ... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
Crash Bandicoot 3: Buttobi! Sekai Isshuu (PSOne Books)
one of the best games on the PS1, and is the best crash game ever.
what can i really say, this game is amazing, and i call it highly addictive, but i would also call it "best in the series", because the game has a lot more moves than the previous crash games, and the gameplay is better,... Read Full Review
2 of 3 users found the following review helpful
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
great game, but not the best game ever.
i like the zelda series, i liked this one to, but i would not call it flawless, but still, it is a very fun game. if think this game is not "the best game ever", and this game certainly isn't the greatest RP... Read Full Review
2 of 11 users found the following review helpful
Twisted Metal: Black
i love this game, it's so deliciously twisted (Stewie Griffins voice).
i just got this game today, and already i love it! no wonder it got a 9.5 out of 10.0 on Gamespot, this game is for sure a must play, and a must buy! i like this game, but my favorite always has been twisted metal 2, ... Read Full Review
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WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos
with a great strategy game, comes great responsibility.
one of the best strategy games of the yesr, or ever. you all from gamespot were absoloutly right. this is definitley one the best strategy games ever, mabey even the best strtegy game ever made! i thought this game... Read Full Review
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Dark Chronicle
i love playing good games like this.
and it is true, i do love playing good games like dark cloud 2, you can do whatever you want in it! it was much, much better then the first one, the first one was a pile of **** compared to this one. this game in w... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
F-Zero GX
fast, intense, hard, and great fun.
this game has great multyplayer, it feels like you are in the race, and that's one reason why i like this game. and it is intense, the racers go extremeley fast, that my eyes can almost never catch them. (but i should... Read Full Review
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Ratchet & Clank (Platinum)
the start of another classic series.
my favorite ps2 classic next to jak and daxter, ratchet and clank is the second classic game. like spyro, ratchet and clank has neatly designed worlds, and offers fun gameplay, and great sound. since i loved the sp... Read Full Review
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Zelda no Densetsu: Kamigami no Triforce
old game, but a great game.
i love this game, this is by far one of my favorite zelda games, it's better then ocarina of time for the n64, which is another one of my favorites. like the ocarina of time, it has troubling puzzles, which took me a ... Read Full Review
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Metroid Prime
one of the Gamecubes best.
as soon as I got this game, i knew it was going to be good, but i was wrong... this game is great! the game has so much to offer, and many things to do, and lots of monsters to battle in the game, and the amazing grap... Read Full Review
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Jak and Daxter: the Precursor Legacy
the most classic game since it's old school ancestor, crash bandicoot.
the very classic crash bandicoot series now come up with two new mascots, Jak and Daxter. i got this for a christmas present sometime after when me and my bro first got a PS2. i nearly got addicted to this game, be... Read Full Review
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Super Smash Bros. Melee
great multyplayer=great fun
many words describe this game. the words are great, fun, and a party of four people. this is all i can say the greatest multyplayer game ever made, and it has alot to offer for gamers. it is also known as nintendos... Read Full Review
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God of War (Greatest Hits)
this takes the word "epic" to a whole new level.
well, i just beat the game a few hours ago, and here's what i have to say: this game is AWESOME. it is probably one of the most epic, most action-packed games i have ever played in my life. the boss fights are just amazi... Read Full Review
1 of 2 users found the following review helpful
Kingdom Hearts II
i've waited so long for this game to come out, and it has more then i expected.
look people, i really, really loved the first kingdom hearts, and i thought that this one was going to be better, and it is! i got this on my birthday just 4 days ago, which is on the third of april, and i just can't ... Read Full Review
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Twisted Metal World Tour
OMG, this is the greatest car game ever made, and i mean ever.
every time i look at this game, i say to myself "i'm glad i have this game, and my life couldn't be better." this is by far better then zelda: ocarina of time and halo combined! (but i do like both of those games.) an... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
BioHazard 4
one of the best games you'll ever play in a lifetime.<br /> (true score: 9.7)
as soon as i saw this at the store, i was so excited about playing it, which i did, and it is, in my opinion, one of the best games that i'll ever play, and is also my favorite Gamecube game! i could easily call this ... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpful
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
this game, just like the PS2 and GC version, ROTK is impressive, and adds new ideas.
i'm going to write this review almost as similar as the PS2 version i wrote down recently, i'm a huge fan of the LOTR series, and i love their games as well, and this one is great. i like the Xbox version just as much... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Croc: Legend of the Gobbos
why did Gamespot give this game only a 5.8?
what the heck was GS thinking!!??!!? this game doesn't deserve a 5.8, it should deserve a much higher score, so i changed the rating the other way around, you see i switched the rating from 5.8 to 8.4. i really love p... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
Conker's Bad Fur Day
for better or for worse, CBFD is a fun/funny platformer on the N64.
for starters, what should i say about this game, well, first of all, the game suprised me, and also, it's hilarious. the very first time i tried this game, i laughed so hard at the part with th drunk scarecrow named "... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
better then the two towers, ROTK is impressive and adds new ideas.
i'll always say this when i'm writing a review on a LOTR game, i've been a huge fan of the LOTR films, and most of the games were good, and this was one of them, and also one that added a bunch of new ideas. when my b... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Shadow of the Colossus
just downright incredible, also one of the best games ever made.
when i first played this game at best buy, i said "hey, what an awesome game, we better buy this!", and we eventually did, and guess what, this game is incredible! the gameplay is, well, awe inspiring, the graphics ar... Read Full Review
0 of 2 users found the following review helpful
Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex no Gyakushuu! (PlayStation the Best for Family)
a lot like the first one, but better.
i really love the crash bandicoot series, and i can tell you, this is not the best crash bandicoot game, but is another classic, just like the first one. this time, i'm going to rate the game to my ratings for once. ... Read Full Review
0 of 1 users found the following review helpful
Guild Wars (Special Edition)
an OK game, but is very overrated!
when my brother first got this game, i thought it would be tons and tons of fun, and lots of things to do, but i was wrong. when the second i played it, it was lots of fun, but then, after a month, the fun just seemed... Read Full Review
2 of 15 users found the following review helpful
Mario Kart 64
the best mario kart game, and does certainley not deserve a 6.4.
i love this game, i usually play this game with my pals, and man, do we have fun, and also gamespot, what the heck were you guys thinking? this game deserves more then a 6.4! this game at least deserves an 8.8 at best... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
a classical hit on the PS1.
if there was an award for one of the top ten PS1 games out there, this game would be nominated. for 3 reasons: 1.) it's great fun. 2.) the puzzles aren't boring like in zelda. 3.) it's a true classic! so i... Read Full Review
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Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves
obviously better then the first two.
i have been a huge Sly fan for quite a long time, and i never get bored of them, these are the games that i could play for hours and hours everyday. but as soon as i got the third one, i just couldn't stop playing, i ... Read Full Review
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Herc's Adventures
a great game for every member of the family.
when I saw this in stores as a 7 year old kid, a game like that really aroused my interest, though I couldn't buy it because they ran out of coppies so fast, and we tried again and agian and again and again, but it didn'... Read Full Review
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Age of Empires III
much more then i expected.
what can i say? this game is great, it is definitley much more then i expected, and showed me some pretty neat things. i love RTS games, and this one is for sure one of the best i have ever played in my life, and is l... Read Full Review
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Call of Duty 2
good game to start off the 360.
alright, where should I start? okay, I kinda like War games, especially WW2 games like this one, and when I firsat tried it at Best Buy, I liked it, I really, really liked it. this game is obviously a 360 launch title... Read Full Review
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Super Mario Sunshine
not my favorite Mario game.
when I borrowed this game from a friend of mine, I thought it looked cool, and it was kinda cool, like the graphics and levels, but when I played the game, I didn't really like it as much as I did the N64 version. the... Read Full Review
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Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!)
probably the best RPG on the PS2.
it could be the best RPG on the PS2, and believe me, Playstation rocks at making RPG's, while Xbox and Nintendo are only okay at it. the Final Fantasy series are pretty much the best RPG games ever created on this ear... Read Full Review
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Kingdom Hearts
one of the best RPG's i've ever played, next to the Final Fantasy series.
when i first saw this in stores, i thought it was just a big waste of time, but i was horribly wrong, this game is awesome! i like it that they mixed FF with Disney, oh boy, i wonder what they'll do in the second one,... Read Full Review
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Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
tons of fun, when you have a party of four people.
i usually play this game at my cousins house, and i really enjoy the game, it's fun, baby! i love playing as classical characters, such as my favorite combonation, Mario and Luigi, they make a perfect match, and same ... Read Full Review
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Devil May Cry (Platinum)
awesome game, and is incredibley hard!
i like this game, and d'you know why, cause it's one of my favorite games ever, and is much better then the second, and slightly better then the third. and you know what? it's so amazing, almost everything in this gam... Read Full Review
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Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage!
a lot like the first game, except with a few improvments.
after playing the first Spyro game as a little boy, and I found out they were making a second one, I was excited to play it, and when I got it as a Christmas present, I was jumping for joy that I got it. the second on... Read Full Review
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