I don't see a problem here at all. Usually when you play a game you get NO money back at all. How amazing is it you get a rare epic purple drop and you have no use for it? You sell it and lets says after all the fees you get 15-20 bucks well you just got 15-20 bucks for selling a fictional item. You make money, the buyer gets the rare item, Blizzard gets money and life goes on. Yeah the PVP might ge un balanced and might turn into a Pay to win game, but there is still a massive campaign to play through with 4-5 characters.
no one wins. See here the thing bioware rushed a crappy ending that had more plot holes. Like I said in a previous post no one is upset because the ending is sad or not "worthy." It was this rush job that made no sense. There were too many inconsistencies or things that went against their own lore. You can clearly see where bioware made a effort in some cutscenes or some choices in that game, but there was legit no effort in the ending since the last scene was legit a background for a PC backdrop and Tali was a bad photoshop of a stock photo. The mass effect series excelled at story telling so its no surprise the fans would react so harshly to a crap ending that once again made no sense, pc desktop background, goes against the whole point of all 3 games, same ending no matter what you do.
I was afraid of this. I always supported DLC I have always bought DLC that I wanted and ignored others without complaint. Yet the minute I had to spent $10 to continue fallout3 I was worried. Then I had to spend another 10 bucks to see the ending of Alan wake I was once again not amused. Yet this on content on the disc that is locked and won't unlock until you pay is a horrible idea. I liked how EPIC games handled this if you buy new you unlock the contenton disc with a code in the case. If you buy used you need to pay the extra 10 bucks so the developers can see SOME of the money. Yet the developers are punishing people who are buying the game new. Why do they need to squeeze out the extra $10 bucks from us? Like I said I understand used gamers need to shell out extra cash because gamestop or bestbuy keep all the money when you buy used and the devs see none. Yet don't punish the gamer because of that marketing scheme. The devs need to find out a better way to make money by people buying the game used not punish the people who buy new.
The gay thing didn't bother me what bothered me how almost every character wanted to have sex with Shepard by just a casual conversation. Also the 10 dollar DLC was bull. That character was extremely important to the plot and we had to shell out extra money on it which is sickening. Also the game lost its roots the first ME will always triumph over ME2 and ME3 they are more action oriented and feels like a clunky Gears rip off with a amazing story.
I think what these "gamers" did was horrible and totally wrong and probably younger than 14. Yet I have to say it wasn't because of "gamer entitlement." This garbage happens all the time on the internet and its horrible. Sadly the gamers who are mature and wanted to actually talk/respond/voice a opinion over Jennifer's interview were probably lost among the sea of hate. This is the problem this stuff turns developers off immensely. There is a extreme difference between criticism and pure hate. You don't like how ME3 was developed? no one is forcing you to buy it. All these guys who vomited up hate on Jennifer just set gamers back because why would developers ask fans what they want if their race, religion, sexual orientation etc would be under criticism from immature children. ME3 is not ruined. If you legit feel so strongly against it don't buy it at all. Look at the whole Command and Conquer 4 scenario. The Beta testers flat out told EA this will not work. They ignored them and the gaming community and look what happened? CnC4 was a flop and I remember one of the devs basically saying "we learned our lesson." The gamers spoke no one really bought it or flat out wrote to the devs with a list of complaints. If you want something done do it a a mature matter not this garbage.
@Kratos_Kills that's not true in RDR there was a sex scene and nudity. Yet it was so uncalled for and awkward even my friends after beating it were like dude the one thing that bothered me was wtf was up with that sex scene? It was just thrown there and to me it was rockstar still trying to be edgy or something.
@bmb111 sadly us americans feel that violence is better than a boob or butt. I mean it amazes me if you check the midwest and south how many people let their kids hold guns or go hunting at young young ages. Yet that is perfectly acceptable to kill another living thing at a young age (and not I am not against eating meat). Yet if a child sees male genitals or boobs it will scar them for life.
Honestly sex in games to me is pointless. Now I am not saying it should be illegal I support the devs to do whatever they want to do in gaming. Yet sex is just another way to attract customers. I never once felt a sex scene to a game was ever needed or added anything. Case in point in both Mass effect 1 and 2 it doesn't matter who you have sex with. Nothing changes you see a quick 1-2 min scene and thats it the character never talks about it again, no option to do it again and etc etc. I mean the God of war three-some minigame was a riot and at least it gave you some exp, but all in all no game has convinced me sex in games is totally needed.
payne6705's comments