pcgamingisurgod's forum posts
So yet another graphics card at the market? What's the deal? It seem to me that they are releasing new stuff more frequent than Max Factor announces something with a new formula. And yet it still tells me NOTHING about it and I doubt much of the public knows what it is about. GamingcucumberWhat's bad about a cheap priced card that offer's mid highend performance? the problem is so many good graphics cards out and there's no exclusives games on the pc really pushing the technology.
If my 8800 GT 512 mb can handle very high i think this would since 4850's supposed to be more powerful than 8800 gt. the main problem with crysis is that the game needs craploads of ram, in some levels of crysis warhead running very high i was hitting 1900 megabyes and i only have 2048 mb lol, plus the os uses some, im totally out. you definitely need over 2gb to run crysis without hitching.ATI released a new GPU this week. HD 4770, same performence as HD 4850 pretty much but its less than 100 bucks. This GPU can handle Crysis at High and is less than $100. Beat that consoles 8)
CoD 4 and 5. Killzone. cod does not have better gameplay than halo i disagree cod4 atleast on pc destroys halo 3. lean left or right around corners online, prone crawl,sprint,crouch,iron sight all guns, cook/time hand grenades. only advantage halo has is vehicles lols.[QUOTE="Mr_Splosher"][QUOTE="rofflecopter_"]see haters ALWAYS do that, dont try and counter with a game they think is better in terms of gameplay- just try and tell me a fps with better gameplay than halorofflecopter_
duke nukem forever has a possiblity of being shown at e3 2009. pc winsSONY -"this will be one of the larger E3s in terms of software and just discussions."
MICROSOFT -"will completely transform how people think about home entertainment." FOREVER
My Thoughts:
- Personally I think this E3 will be great. Microsoft is promising alot in terms of 'changing the game'. Sony is promising more exclusives and more PSP titles, which seems more on the safe side.
- I was personally more interested in Sony's E3 due to the possibility of more exclusive games. That was until I readDon Mattrick words! I'm very eager to find out what Microsfot has in store.
- I'm still more interested in Sony's game lineup for E3 (and unannounced titles) though.
[QUOTE="pcgamingisurgod"]And no zombies have ragdoll physics unimpressed, let's see how many you can get with ragdolls.kidonrewhy would zombies need ragdoll physics? I would much rather have 7000 zombies on screen without ragdoll than have 90 on screen with ragdoll you cant kick around the bodies lol and if you kill someone on some steps, the zombie will just be hovering in midair instead of rolling down them.
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