WoW I wrote this long post, now I gotta do it again because at the end I hit the wrong key and apparently cleared it.
Basically what I was saying is that I decided to jump in on this post because the more I hear this argument the more ridiculous it becomes. So I can no longer resist the urge to throw my 2c in and go get my hands dirty in this "War".
I know I am gonna make some fanboys really unhappy because I am standing firm behind my belief that the 360 is the better "Gaming Machine". However before I get too flamed, I am going to explain WHY I feel this way.
I'd like to start by stating that I actually do own ALL of the current gaming machines. I have several "Gaming PC's" running both XP MCE 05' and Vista Ultimate. I own both Handhelds, the PS3, the Wii, and the 360. I even have a collection of games on my iPaq and tons downloaded onto my Cell... so Yes, I AM A GAMER, NOT A FANBOY!!
I got my Wii on launch day, since then it has produced a steady amount of entertainment for my family but even that is slowly being taken over by the 360 with games like DDR Universe 2, Rock Band, Guitar Hero 3, American Idol, and Scene-It. My next purchase was my PS3 2 months after launch (60gb model @ $699+tax). I didn't have many games for it at first but kept myself entertained by hacking various versions of Linux and installing emulators and old school Linux games (this did not last THAT long though). I originally laughed at the 360, giggling at its mere one million first year sales, pointing and joking at the broken demo at Wal-Mart. Then in 07' I got one for my 6 year old son for x-mas. Even requested my wife get me CoD4 for the PS3 for x-mas since the "real gaming machine" was mine and my son got the 360. It was only while shopping for racing games for him to play that I began to see far more titles that I would be interested on his system. After a couple of months I could no longer resist and purchased a 360 for myself to go with the PS3 and Wii in the family room. It was a VERY short time before I became addicted to the superior internet play of XBL and grew a HUGE wish list of titles I wanted on my new system. I began shopping and shopping, still trying to give love to my PS3, but constantly being let down by it. This fact remains true today as all multi-platform games I purchase on the 360 and have yet to regret it. I even ended up getting CoD4 on the 360 and enjoy online play a lot more now that I no longer get randomly scrambled by "Host has lost connection". It is for this and MANY more reasons that I have to give it to my 360 for the "NOW" part of my reasoning. Any multi-console owner out there has to agree that in shopping for both systems you come up dry VERY quickly shopping for the PS3 but you can blow a year's budget in days shopping for the 360.
Now on to the consoles future. Microsoft and Sony are both revamping online play a bit. By this, Microsoft is adding the ability to create home brew games and even earn points selling them when you make something good. This I feel is going to greatly improve an already fantastic online community. Sony is creating "Home"... I am sorry, but this demo looks like a sick joke. It's like a lame cross between the Sims, XBL and MySpace with none of the best parts of either. I don't want to have to load some cheesy game to see my friends game scores, I don't want to have to form a group in a Sims world while we dodge Pepsi advertisers and spam trying to talk to make a group. I want to QUICKLY log in, add my friends to my group, check out people that are on for fill-in's, and get going to my game NOW... This to me is yet another thing that is WAY over the top and going so far beyond what I need that it makes it useless to me. I already know I will never use this once it's someday finished.
Moving past the net play, let's get into the dirty work of games. That's right, the MEAT of this whole argument. Now I hear a LOT of talk about the 08' line-up and how 08's going to be Sony's year. Let's take a look at that now shall we? It's now coming toward the ending half of May, some really good multi-platform games like DMC4 and GTA4 have hit store shelves and exploded (the bigger explosion for both titles belonging to the 360). We've seen some GREAT games like Lost Odyssey come out on the 360, what's come out so far though that's so great for the PS3 in 08'? I mean, I shop all the time and I have seen nothing... I hear lots of talk of MSG4, yet all the previews I see look like crap. I heard a LOT of fanboys talking about this great PS3 exclusive "Haze"... yet now the 360 version has previews on IGN. I hear LOTS of people talk about my most awaited PS3 titles FF13... but you know who doesn't talk about it? Square!!! Take a look at their web site! Not even ONE PS3 game is listed in all of their lovely previews and art galleries. In fact, in searching their web site as hard as I could for FF13 content I barely stumbled across two measly mentions of the game. The first was an announcement that it was being pushed back so they could pursue the release of DQ9 for the Nintendo DS and the second was their dispute to the rumor of a release date even existing for the game. Yet you DO see the 360 exclusive "Infinite Undiscovery" listed on there.
Now while we're on the subject of "Unreleased" games there is a few things we need to consider here. Most of the "PS3 exclusives" don't even have release dates yet. Sony's track record for the PS3 is filled with delays so honestly, who knows when ANYTHING is going to hit a shelf for their beloved PS3. Second, you can't count ANYTHING as an exclusive until it hits a shelf with an "Only On..." sticker, and even then there's little guarantee. Third, Microsoft has a VERY strong lineup of upcoming titles and releases them steadily, I am already awaiting "Spectral Force 3" this month and am comfortable knowing I will most likely be playing it this month. Let's face some track records when it comes to games. In 06' the 360 sucked. Sold 1 million consoles and got few originals and some ported PS2 games and that's about it. In 07' the PS3 got pwnd hands down by every other console in the world... I wouldn't be surprised to hear that handheld poker games outsold PS3 titles. Half way into 08' the 360 STILL looks strong as can be. Games aren't slowing down one bit and great titles are just getting better. Since I got my 360 in February my game library for it has easily surpassed all my other gaming machines combined and my wish list is not nearly filled yet. I can't buy them as fast as good games come out and honestly I LIKE THAT IN A GAMING CONSOLE! So far in 08' some good movies have come out I can watch on my PS3... but for games, sorry, there's nada.
What it all boils down to is this. I can walk in my living room and pick up a 360 controller and guarantee myself hours of fun till my eyes bulge out or I pass out from over-gaming. I can pick up my Wiimote and pop in fun for my family for hours too or keep my kids entertained so I can get my game on somewhere else. It's not hard to hop on my PC and veg for HOURS on end with hundreds of GREAT MMO's or find FREE games that are enjoyable. I can even keep myself busy for quite a while with the impressive lineup for the Nintendo DS or go look for cool mods for my PSP... but when I pick up my Sorry excuse for a controller Sony calls the "Sixaxis" (cheap subtle shot at Nintendo), the best thing I can do with it is pop in a movie that isn't on Satellite because otherwise I guarantee myself a quick trip to boredom.
To me, this is what gaming is all about... having fun playing games NOW. Not looking at YouTube videos with high hopes talking about what I am gonna hopefully have some day. Yeah, I keep my PS3 in hopes there will eventually be some good games to play, however don't think for a minute I am setting down my 360 controller to wait for them any longer. IMO the PS3 has nothing to offer me to justify my purchase of it as a gaming machine. I feel like all these old up scaled blue-ray disks are a rip off since their not native and I am just repaying to get a movie that will do what my TV does anyway and end up paying more for it while limiting what players in my house can watch it. Anyone with a TV good enough to get anything out of blue-ray already has good enough up scaling not to need it so to me it's nothing more than an overpriced DVD player. We could argue specs? But I got a boatload of ammo there too... in the end it's all about games and I feel the 360 has MUCH more to offer now and WILL continue to do so as frequent great games are released. Yeah, someday the PS3 will have some good titles to call its own, but there isn't a PS3 owner out there that hasn't already spent far too long waiting for someday to come.
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