pdagamer's forum posts
[QUOTE="Indie_Hitman"]Im getting this game soon due to the story depth as I love a good story but I havnt played the earlier games. Is it worth reading the general storyline on wiki? TheGrat1Download the MGS4 database for free on the PSN. It will tell you everything without spoiling MGS4. I'll check that out. Won't make a huge difference unfortunatley IMO. Additionally... does the MGS Collection work on the PS3?
Actually... I did play MGS1 and MGS2 and skipped the third... I know the references. I just am not impressed. roddollente
and mind you, mgs3 is quite possibly better than al lthe other mgs games. so you missed out. HAHA.
I hope to God you are 16 or younger.So.... "you're playing it wrong!!!!!" ??? If you're running through the level, you're not playing it at all. It's a figure of speach. If I am able to make my way through the level, sedating enemies who get in the way... I am playing it as it was designed. At most, this is a design flaw, not any fault of mine.[QUOTE="pdagamer"][QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"] Kojima gives you a lot of toys to play with. If you don't play with them how do you expect to enjoy the game? He really leaves it up to you. Some games put the action right in front of you. Some games are designed so that you go about them as you see fit. Kinda reminds me of Bioshock, you could breeze through it, or you could enjoy trapping bad guys, killing big daddy's more methodically. If you just find the easiest way to do things it will be less satisfying. So yes the way you approach a game can sometimes be your own fault, not the games. Bread_or_Decide
[QUOTE="Tragic_Kingdom7"][QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"]It's as fun as you make it. If you run through levels it's your own fault you're not enjoying it.Bread_or_Decide
While I think the OP is simplistic, I don't think that's valid way of rebutting someone's opinion. It's a type of dismissal that can be used to combat a negative opinion of just about any game.
Kojima gives you a lot of toys to play with. If you don't play with them how do you expect to enjoy the game? He really leaves it up to you. Some games put the action right in front of you. Some games are designed so that you go about them as you see fit. Kinda reminds me of Bioshock, you could breeze through it, or you could enjoy trapping bad guys, killing big daddy's more methodically. If you just find the easiest way to do things it will be less satisfying. So yes the way you approach a game can sometimes be your own fault, not the games. So.... "you're playing it wrong!!!!!" ???Actually... I did play MGS1 and MGS2 and skipped the third... I know the references. I just am not impressed.LMAO mgs4 is a love letter to fans, and to those who played the first 3 games. you don't appreciate it siply becuase you're too young to play the first 3 games, or you didnt have a ps1 or ps2 to play the first 3 games. you will easily get lost to lots of references here and there and that's why you don't appreciate it. now why is that? it's a damn sequel of a heavily story-based game! it's not like CoD where the sequel's story isnt really that important. this is how you make a sequel and an ending. you basically tie in all the loose ends. psh. people here are bashing mgs4 probably because it's their first mgs game. what a joke. we already know that mgs relies on its predecessors for its backbone story and characters. if you've never played mgs1 you wouldn't know who Meryl or Campbell is, you just know they're in the game an d that there's too many characters, etc. lmao.
That is total crap.Calling it a movie is funny since it has more gameplay alone than the entirety gears of war.
Sons of Liberty was mostly cutscenes. What do you mean?mo0ksiTo be clear... are you saying that MGS2 had more cutscenes ( in length ) then MGS4?
I got 50/50 story/cutscenes in MGS4, best ratio of any MGS title, so I think everyone is lying.110millionWhaaaaaaat? Dude... I felt like I played on 15-20 minutes of in Act 2. Maybe I'm too good? BTW... I was playing on Solid Normal, I think it was. Do ACT 3, 4 and 5 have more gameplay then Act 1 and 2?
You obviously are not familiar with the MGS franchise if you think stealth is "too easy", whats with the cows creating second accountsMetalGearSolidZWhat...? That doesn't even make any sense.
[QUOTE="aaronmullan"]It's a 10/10 game. AAAAE. GOTY 2008. Definitely one of the best this gen.110millionSecond. Many haters weren't MGS fans to begin with, some long time fans do disagree, some prefere MGS3 and I can see that, but MGS4 was amazing regardless, the vast majority of haters I still believe were not long time MGS fans, but like I said, some who were do seem to not like the game.
Yes. The game is very story focused, and the story is good. I think the story is very well-written, especially compared to MGS2. However, you are missing the point. Where is the gameplay? The previous titles weren't 95% movie, 5% gameplay.the thing about metal gear solid 4 that a lot of people forget when they go to play it is that its a deeply story focused game, it depends on you having experienced the previous games in some way shape or form before, if you have then youll see a lot of fan service, a lot of loose ends tied up and such, if you just buy it as your first mgs game and expect to get the same impact as a long time mgs fan then your almost garaunteed to be disappointed.
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