think it through people , do u actually believe NG2 can beat GoW3.God of War is the Halo of Action games.Ninja Gaiden never really had a storyline (NG Sigma = remake , NG Black prequel Ninja Gaiden , Which Ryu dies).
Are u scared of Halo ruining the ps3's hopes? Im not.What kind of franchises do Microsoft have anyways? Halo , Halo , Halo oh ya Gears.Sony has good games coming out in 2007 and alot in 2008.Hype doesnt matter cause Killzone , Haze and Metal Gear are going to bring ppl to the ps3 and i heard the ps3 is going to be $400.
Metal Gear Solid is better than Splinter Cell.MGS has a great storyline.MGS4 is going to kill Splinter Cell Conviction.Did u see MGS4 gameplay , it blew my mind.
GoW owns NG come on. God of War is one of the greatest OR even the greatest action franchise ever.You guys are just 360 fanboys and jealous that Sony has GoW.
If u say that heavenly sword sucks ur a real 360 fanboy.Warhawk is a good game and so is Ninja Gaiden so go pick up those games and wait for unreal tournament , uncharted , Haze , and Ratchet and Clank(Thats only 1-2 months).
Ive been in a few situations like that.Gamespot and Ebgames ALWAYS try to convince me that the ps3 sucks or this game sucks.Man let me buy the game and just scan it.If someone tells me why are u buying killzone 2 in my face , id buy a halo 3 and say i want to play this game so bad then ill break the cd in front of him and be like screw Halo.
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