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BS. plain old bs.

so i got reported for the 4th time. bs. it is the same reason msteele got repoerted. but this time they took points away. all i know is that the qoute chain topic at ROTU(random off topic union) keeps on getting on reported on. so thats the reason i am not a level 13. and its plain bs. and btw I PLAYED MW 2!!!!!! i just played special oppd mode, but just by the 2hrs i playeed it should be GOTY def. it amazzing. i think the only thing holding it back is short campaign, and its terriorist level. so basically it asks u (not a spoiler)(swear ;) ) 'this level may be disrturbing, u can skip it if u want. ' and the level is that u actually become the terriost and kill inoccent people. this is making a big controversial. idk why though. gta is killing inocent people too, soo??? i mean i understand that ifinty ward could keep this level out but, is it really enough of a big deal to cancel the selling?

anyways like i said i dont have YET but i i read about this^^^ in an article soo?? BUT it is soo aweso,ke!!! bs that i got reported, awesoem mw 2! my to new fav weopns are the scar thermal, and the new mp5k. both awesome! plus they have sooooo much coooooool kill streak stuff. !@!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyways realize i dodnt say anything specicfic too blow u off.. but leave a comment, and tell me if u want to know more aboutmw2

I figured it out

i figured it out guys. thx too snowmanu360 i could make the right pixels and all that but apparenley too gamespot it too large. i mean i know i have the pixels right. do i have to change the pixles in to like micro pixles of someting?? oh welll i dont care i will find a way. and am i the only person who doesnt have mw 2 yet?? gosh gs is soo abandoned.

yup i dont have that yet :P :) ;)

Stuck on Gimp- help again.

ok my blog image above me^^ is very small. i made a cool blog image and every time i go under image in the top toolbar, then go to scale image. anyways when i try to convert the width and depth to 432x155 it automaticallly changes to like 155x207 or something. also thats why i cant make a banner. :( snowman i know u can, also colmilios please help! i feel like a 4 year old but i can make a cool banner! :( :cry: :cry:

Sorry- been gone

sorry guys ive been gone 4 while. it might not seem be long time 4 u but it has been long 4 me and i will still be gone so make sure nothing BIG happens when im gone. im not sure but i felt like puting that up. so yea ;) :P :D :) :lol: 8)

:( :( i got reported again.

so in this past week i have gotten reported TWICE! i sad and very angry. im angry case apperentley i got reported on one of Reviews! Who reoprts someone on thier review!!!! im sad cause now i feel like a mean person.but i am not. i bet u a big fat (cant curse) *sigh* jerk just didnt like my opinion so then he reported me. but oh well. i am the only 1 who had been reported 3 times!!! how many times have u been reported?? if u fell uncomfortable then dont tell but please if YOU reported me plz tell me. i wont be angry of anything i just want to now WHY?? i have gotten reported twice 4 cursing, and 1 on a reiview. i mean really??? if u dont agree wit the review then just a thumbs down, not a report abuse.

and yes today i decided to change the font and size and color!! :P

Rad Racer

i leveled up!! yay! but wat is ur fav level u have been on?? mine favorite level name is prob either sectiod or atomic punk.

so tell me wats ur favorite?

so yesterday i was watching soccer for somereson and it made me go all theway back to my only fifa game: fifa 05. on gamecube. so i tookout all my gc games and found fifa and played it for like 2 hrs. its funny cause now i want fifa 10 on my 360 and i alos want madden 09 4 me 360 too. see my only football and soccer sport games are fifa 06 and madden 04. ever since i turned 11 i imidialtely liked KILL games, fps, first person rpgs, and3rd person shotter. so know im just buy buy some madden and fifa used cause im saving up 4 ac2 and mw2.

here are the old pics of fifa and madden.

and madden and the funny thing is that this is when michael vick wasnt a weed smoking dog fighting maniac! :P

ha redskins!+ my fav songs

ha redskins lost and cowboys won!! woot! although im from dc i like the cowboys cause............... just cause a long stroy and i dont feel like typing that much so cut me a breeak. but anyways i hate the redskins and luv the cowboys so lucky me!

ok i told ui was going to tell my fav songs. here top 5 songs right now

cant stop - red hot chilipeppers

forever- drake

the beatles- come together

the beatles- lucy in the sky with diamonds

so post ur fav songs and tell me

Best deal ever!!

okay a couple of weeks ago i got this sweeet deal at gamestop cause i got theclassic 4 zelda games! : ocarina time, majaro mask, and the first 2 that are like in 2d but htey are so awesome! Ocarina of time is prob the best WII, GAmecube game i have EVER bought! its unbelievabl! if u dont have this game im goin to kick ur asss!

and yes i know the some of them r in spanish but watever the point is to get the **** game!

get the game or we'll find u! ;) :P


(click on the blog so u can see the whoel entire pic)so my friend told me about this pic and i thouht im might show it cause its funny but i think its funny cause if masterbate...........................

also i found a pic of the opposite of the one above me so its both funny and remmeber dont masterbaate! lol :P :lol: :D


this is my definetion of pwned! let me show some others

yea KEN rules and rich and jennifer suck anal.

thers nothing as aworst as that my friend

ha handed but i have not yet been pwned! :P :lol: