I'm going to school for Psychology right now, and just as a forewarning, I am NOT a mental health professional yet. But from all the classes I've taken here is my assessment of you.
You obviously have a lot of paranoid delusions about people scheming or plotting against you, as well as unreasonable thoughts about others following you and possibly wanting to cause harm to you. This, coupled with the reclusiveness and severe discomfort around people, and your highly active fantasy world are all pretty clear signs that you might be suffering from Paranoid Schizophrenia. The emotional numbness you mentioned is also an indicator of this; it's called flat affect.
You didn't mention this, but do you everhallucinate; hear things that aren't there, see things that aren't there, feel things that aren't there? If the answer is yes, then it is even more likely that you have this disorder. Another thing I'm curious about is how old are you? My guess is 17-23.
But if you care about your future, and becoming happy and content again, I'd advise you too seekimmediate psychological help, because whether or not you have Schizophrenia, you have some pretty big problems. If you do have schizophrenia, you need to consider with your doctor the possibility of neuroleptics(anti-psychotic drugs), as well as regular psychologicalassistancefrom a psychologist or social worker.
Again, I'm not a professional yet, and I'd strongly advice you to seek professionalassistance. You are potentially dealing with something extremely serious. If you have any questions for me, just post them here.
Best of luck to you pal
I don't really see things or hear things.
Also I don't belive myself to be rational in my beliefs. I know that their not realistic afterwards or even during but I can get caught up in the moment. Let me give you an example of something that happens In this instance whenever I get my hair cut.
"hmmn those hair stylists don't speak english. What if their talking about me and saying bad things about my hair?"
"what if they heard that? Don't think of something racist! Damn! What if they heard that and want to mess up my hair as revenge?"
"no thats not realistic your just being crazy again. Nobody can read your mind! Stop being stupid." "Listen if you are reading my mind I'm sorry I didn't mean that"
Then I leave and am so releaved to be out of that situation. Other times I get scared my friends are hacking into my computer or can see my Myspace edit history. I know that they would never do that but I just get so worried by the idea of it. Then I feel bad for suspecting them even though I know they would never do that.
Othertimes I wonder what if my laptops microphone is on and somebody is listening to me.
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