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permy9007 Blog

More Contest Info

Hello everyone

As most of you know, I am having a contest

The contest is for avatars/banners/sigs/blog headers

I already have many entries, and I would like more!

I get a lot of PMs asking how to enter

This is how you enter:

Make the entry (this is for me to have a new avatar/banner/sig/blog header, this contest is not for ones that you have made before)

Then either PM me with the link to your entry, or have the entry in your PM

OR you could leave a comment on this blog post showing the link

Are we all clear now?

If you are still unclear about some things, then PM me and I will try to answer your question to the best of my abilities

permy out

New Avatar/ Check My Images!

Hello! This is my second blog today but.... WHO CARES?

Look at my new avatar, its AWESOME!!!!

I used Paint to put the words in, but I had to find the picture on the internet!

Check my Images! Comment on the one that you like better!

I just want to know!

Anyways, see you later!

Read the two blogs below!

permy9007 out!


A Few More Things.....

Okay, after my last blog, I have a few more things to say

So..... Here they are!

First, I am back from another long, painful suspension! I got suspended for 5 days for posting a comment agreeing with Ifnot that Brawl was too good and that sbmrinemnky375 (my BANNED cousin) knew who Tabuu was AND saying Brawl RULES!!!! I don't see the sense in getting suspended after posting that comment. Does it make sense to any of you? Anyway.... Yeah, I'm mad cuz you really miss a LOT of stuff in five days.

Next, I AM NOW A LEVEL 10!!!!!!!! Woo-hoo, woo-hoo! Woo-hoo, woo-hoo! Yeah I'm excited! The only problem is that I only have two badges/awards. I would really appreciate a comment saying how to get a badge. I would reallyy appreciate it!

Next, I am even still more disappointed in Gamespot after that last suspension. I mean, getting suspended for saying BRAWL ROCKS!!!!!! on the Brawl LC when we have been told countless times to stay on topic. I am going to contact Caddy66_08 later. He is the one that came to the LC and told us to post on topic or we would be possibly banned. It's not fair to us gamers and I am going to do something about it. If you want to contact Caddy as well, then go to My Tracked Blogs, not my friends, and then you can visit his blog, or track him or PM him. I'm just gonna PM him. And if I end up getting banned for NO reason, then you'll know how it happened.

No, This blog isn't as long as my other one, but it's okay! :)

Well, see you all later!

permy9007 is OUT!!!

Lots of stuff.............

Hello everyone (if everyone is noone)

I have a lot I want to say so here I go.......

First, I am back from suspension! YEAH!!!! I was not spam posting on the LC, so I have no I idea why I was suspended. I have a cousin, who on Gamespot is named sbmrinemnky375. He was just getting started on Gamespot, when I got suspended for no reason. So, smbrinemnky goes on to the Brawl LC and posts a comment saying that he's new here and that Brawl is awesome and that the mods please don't mod him. Well, he gets suspended for seven days and then BAM! I go on his profile and he is banned. Well, he went out peacefully. I really am disappointed with the Gamespot mods and for making us so that we can't post on the Brawl LC a.ka our chatroom.

Next, my banner/avatar contest is still going on. For all of you that have discovered GIMP, please take a look at my blogs further down. You might be interested. Thank you Dman712, Luigi487 and frogloe for entering. I have seen a LOT of profiles where the "owner" has GIMP. If you see any of those people, please tell them to come see my blog. I know that Dyxnar has GIMP and for some reason will not enter. The contest goes on until I have AT LEAST 5 banner entries and 5 avatar entries. OK? I don't think it's too much trouble to at least come and look and say if you will or won't enter.

Next, I have a lot of things done on both Brawl and Mario Kart Wii. It was kind of funny cuz I was doing a 15 minute Brawl to finish one of the challenges. I was Pit, and I was doing the thing where you fly under the stage to dodge the enemies. So, I was doing REALLY good (I only had 21 seconds left until I finished) and then the stupid controls made Pit do his side special when I wanted his up special, so I fell out with 21 seconds left. I know, I suck at that! Also, I FINALLY figured out what you have to do to unlock the expert staff ghost data on Mario Kart Wii!!!! I figured out that you don't need to beat the expert staff ghost, you just need to have the data in time trials from someone ELSE'S ghost! I also won't be able to unlock Dry Bowser for a very long time because I have to get a one star rank in every single 150cc cup.

Next, and I know that will sound really girly, but does anyone watch American Idol? If you do, then who did you want to win? I wanted Archuletta to win just because he's so much better than Cook and he is from where I am from! That was RANDOM!!!!!

Next, I am disappointed in Gamespot. They take away our chatroom and mod us just for going on the Brawl LC. It makes NO sense to me. I thought that Gamespot was ours to enjoy! I thought we could use it for however we please! It just makes me mad and I don't get it. It turns out that the Images section commenting works just like the LC so maybe I could do something on there....... I'm not sure though. Is anyone else disappointed in Gamespot?

Next, I remember frogloe saying something awhile back on the Brawl LC, when we had our freedom, about having a holiday where we all turn our avatars back to the one that we first had! I think it would be interesting, so if you like the idea, then tell me in a comment! If I get at least 20 positive responses, then I will make the date for the first ever official BEGINNING AVATAR DAY!!! Sound good? Then spread the word!

Next, Happy Memorial Day! May we all remember those that have passed on on this day of grieving. My family went to the cemeteries yesterday, so we got that all taken care of.

Next, I can officially say that the Brawl LC is nearly dead because of the mods. And by mods I mean Caddy.

Next, this is kind of random, but I watched National Treasure 2 last night just for the heck of it. I must say, that I liked the first one better. Don't get me wrong, the second one was great but the first one was better. RANDOM I KNOW!

Next, I got really sick on Friday night and was throwing up for like three days! That part was bad, but it was cool cuz I got to sit on the couch and sleep, play video games, watch TV or watch a movie! It was pretty fun!

Next, I only have 2 1/2 days of school left until summer vacation! YEAH!!!! So, I will probably be a lot more active on Gamespot a lot more!

Next, I am almost to a Level 10! So that will be really pretty cool! I also want more badges! Does anyone out there know how to get more badges? If you do, then please comment saying what the badge is and how to get it!

Finally, does anyone every really acknowledge that I'm here? Does anyone even care? Seriously, do you? Yeah that was pretty random as well, but I have a lot to say!

So, with all of that said, I want to sum it up by saying........................


Anyways, thanks for reading! See you all later!

permy9007 is OUT!!!!

It's Official!

Hello, everyone

so, today i was playing mario kart wii

and i was on the daisy circuit stage (which i just got first place on 150cc star cup)

and i now know that its official!

it is official that luigi and daisy are "together" like mario and peach are "together"

also, today is mothers day

did you know that i really like peanuts?


permy out

yes that was a random blog

Slogan and Problems






okay, i have officially made my "slogan"


dman has bacon

i have peanut

fair enough right??


i have some REALLY bad news!


mario kart wii is coming out tomorrow

but my wii crashed on me

none of the wii games work

but all of the gamecube games do

strange huh?

we have to send our wii in to nintendo

and we'll get it back in about a week and a half

I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:cry: :evil: :cry: :evil:

permy out :evil:

Contest Countdown!!!!!


I am still looking for reward ideas so please post ideas

until later,

keep creating banners and avatars!!!

permy out!

also, i have decided that this contest will officially go on until i have AT LEAST 4 banner entries and 4 avatar entries!!!!

More Contest Details!!!!!!!!!!!

So, in my last post, i announced that i was going to have an avatar and banner contest

Here is some more information:

Contest starts: Today!!! (April 20)

Contest Ends: April 30 (you have 10 days to enter!!!!!!!)

banner interests: A mixture of mario kart wii and brawl would be awesome!!!! (i would also like my friend code on it!)

avatar interests: something that has to do with mario kart wii (i really like baby mario and baby luigi)

"results": May 3 around 12:00 pm MST

thats all that i can think of right now

if you have any suggestions for contest details, leave a comment!

thanks for all entrants (i have two so far!)


i dont have any ideas yet, so leave a comment and i might consider it! i might even give a reward to the person who has the best reward idea! lol!

Banner and Avatar Contest

Hello everyone!

I know that this blog isnt very popular.

I want a new avatar that has to do with Baby Mario and Baby Luigi (or something that has to do with Mario Kart Wii)

For my banner, I want a cool mixture of Super Smash Bros Brawl and Mario Kart Wii!

I hope that many people can enter and have fun while making their banner and avatar!

so, create, create and enter the contest!

thanks for all that enter

My friend code and brawling

Hey everyone!

a lot of u are asking for my friend code so here it is


i am open at these times (mostly)

mon-fri: anytime after 3:45 pm

sat: almost anytime!

sun: anytime after 2:00 pm

well thats it!

if you wanna schedule a brawl, then just leave a comment!~

thanks for reading