Find the error. It's impossible! AAA BBB CCC DDD EEE FFF GGG HHH III JJJ KKK LLL MMM NNN OOO PPP QQQ RRR SSS TTT UUU VVV WWW XXX YYY ZZZ Did you know that 80% of UCSD students could not find the error above?
[QUOTE="peypan"]wow some ppl are really ignorant... lebanese like from lebanon not homosexual lesbians.Shrapnelled?Because one guy said "I'm a guy so I can't be" everyone's ignorant?And I'm not entirely sure if he was serious or not[QUOTE="peypan"]wow some ppl are really ignorant... lebanese like from lebanon not homosexual lesbians.Beamanwe know dumbdumb, its a joke.alright dumbdumb, perhaps what i said was a joke as well. i couldve forgot the :p dumbdumb
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