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phanmn1 Blog

Back Again

Duuuuddddeeee!!!!. Back again and better than ever. But however nobody reads this **** that I type out so I am just typing for nobody to read but myself :D. So I haven't done much for this site since ummm Feburary when I typed about Devil May Cry comming out and then didn't do much then because I had school to do and now (ironically) I am also back in school with nothing to do soooo hahahaha. Anywayz, about gamez. I was just thinking bout gettin a job and stuff and then buying a 360 or somethin and then play some new games that i want like: Grand Theft Auto IV, Rainbow Six Vegas, Spinter Cell Double agent, Halo 3, Ninja Giden and mannyyyy mannnnyy more so I might end up doing that or I might not so whatever. [Knowing myself I actually will not because I am a scardy cat to won't ask for help with finding a job]. So I haven't gotten a system to play with except my psp that i hacked and put final fantasy games onto but all an all i don't really know what to do next with games. I am really turning away from it and I really should not because I need to FEED THE NEED, AND THE NEED WILL KILL FOR IT'S NEED!! So ya that felt better and now i will go do...Whatever I do....

Got Lulu's Venus Sigil

I just got the Venus Sigil in Final Fantasy X. I now have every ultimate weapon of each character in the game powered up to it's maximum potential. For Lulu's Venus Sigil, I had to dodge 200 consecutive lighting strikes in the thunder plains. This task took about an hour and a half total because I failed the first time when I was doing it and decided to try it again. The second time I decided to turn off the music on my television and got to 100 lighting strikes. After my first 100 dodges I decided to pause the game and rest my eyes and relax a little by going to eat a snack and watching my T.V. for bout 45 minutes. The other hundred dodges was simple then but as I got to 190 dodges my hand started shaking and my heart started beating very fast becasue I was about to achieve my goal. I dodeged more than I needed to and then stopped. My total was 235 consecutive!!! Dodges. Pretty cool. Now I have nothing else to do for Final Fantasy X. As for the other goals, I just want to finish all of my other games and then get new ones. But for my grand theft auto games, I want to get 100% completion for them all.


I currently am doing nothing now except trying to beat Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 100%. So far I think I have gotten up a little ways past 20%. Not a bad start but later I will have to go and collect about 250 different hidden items and tags in the game. I hope to get the other Grand Theft Auto games and beat them 100% but that might have to wait for a while after I finish my other games (Final Fantasy XII and Star Ocean: Till The End of Time). I might not have enough time to play while in school and working at the same time but that is soon to be uncovered. Right now I just really want to sleep.

Anticipated Games

2007 is slowly becoming an exciting year for gamers. There are tons of great new titles comming exclusivly for next gen systems but since I still have a previous gen consoles I am mostly anticipating the old games that I haven't Played yet. I now feel inclined to play the Grand theft auto series of games for the summer. Not that I am going to finish them but just to have to play during my spare time.

I sure wish to be a kid again and spend all of my time trying to complete the missions and getting the bonuses. Now I have so much work to do that I can't find the time to play games. I sure hope that my career takes me to a place where I can make decent money but have enough freedom to play video games.






Final Fantasy 10-2 Chocobo raising

Right now I am trying to find dundeons behind the chobobo ranch and the one on Mi'hen highroad and I have to do the steps to get it like send out 3 chcobos of each level and then talk to Clasko (or try the bold chocobo strategy but that is insanely difficult and time consuming). Soo Yea and I am trying to bet Final Fantasy 12 but that is just taking a lot of time also. You have no idea how long the game is. I think I might be able to finish every side quest in the game and find all the strongest weapons in about 100 hours.

There are also other things going on in my life such as now I am trying take A.P. classes and be in a musical at the same time. And after the musical I will really spend time on breakdancing. Sooo yea update!!! And here are some breakdancing clips.

Red Bull BC One 2005

Extreme Crew Clip

Accomplishment of an awesome Game

Final Fantasy X
    Got Kimarhi's s Saturn Sigil
    Got Tidus's Sun Sigil
Look online about finding ultimate weapons and you will find out how hard they are to do. But I have them. All I have left to do is to get Lulu's Venus Sigil and then I have all the weapons powered up.

What to do?!!!

I, at this current time have about 200 dollars from christmas (and about $14.22 cents on my target gift card). I have very difficult choices to make for what to do with that money and here they are:

1. I could spend money on a new PS2 ( or referbished) so I can play the games that I have always wanted to play such as
Final Fantasy 12
Jak 3
Ratchet and Clank Going Commando
Ratchet and Clank Up your arsenel
Ratchet Deadlocked
Grand Theft auto (III, Vice City, San Andreas)
Sly Cooper
Xenosaga series
God of war
Kingdom Hearts 2
Devil May Cry 2 and 3

2. I could use money to buy and x-box (or referbished) to get games like:
Halo 2
Ninja Gaiden Black
Jedi Knight 2 jedi outcast
Beyond Good and Evil
Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy

3. Get a DS and get:
Advance Wars Dual Strike
Castlevania games (Too many to list)
Metroid Prime Hunters
Advance wars
Advance wars 2
Final Fantasy (1-6)
FF tactics advance
Zelda (also too many)
Trama Center Under the knife

4. Get a PSP and games:
Metal Gear Acid
Metal Gear Acid 2
Metal Gear Solid Portable opps
Tekken: DR
Burnout Legends

5. Keep money.

Other games aren't mentioned are cross platform games such as prince of persia that can be played on both x-box and ps2. If only I could have gotten more money to get next gen systems such as the 360 or the Wii or ps3.

Well anyone know what I should do?

Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex [Thought]

I thought I would do something different for a blog because this is really an intresting topic to talk about. For those of you who don't know Ghost in the shell is a show about futuristic cyberspace in which humans are cybernetic (basically robots with artifical skin that makes them look identical to humans). It is an advantage because they can easily have direct access to the internet through there technological enhancements (Because just about every electronic device that is popular among techies has to be internet driven for some reason). And if there is no violence people could live forever because people cannot get diseases.

Now my question is mostly composed about the morality of being human because if our body is made artifically then does that still make us human? Do we start calling ourselves something else? Because the only thing that is organic is our brain. And in the show it also has robots called tochkomas ( botched spelling by the way) that interit humanlike traits through their advanced artificial intelligence programing. The tachkomas behave, act, and even mimic human characteristics. They are curious, smart and self sacrificing. So how do we distinguish the difference of being human and being pure?

New Emblem and New updates soon

Yeyyyyy. After several months of tagging news and previews of games I finally got my the very shiny and elegant Tagger Leader Emblem. It was kind of hard to tell how far I was to getting it though because there is no tag counter to keep track at gamespot. But I still perservered through all of the hard work of reading previews and staying a gamespot member for a while now. Other emblems I want are such things as afficando emblem, gaming collector, popularity (which I am not getting now because nobody is making comments in my blog and making friend requests with me but thare is always hope). The only thing I can do about my emblems is get the Tagger King Emblem but that will take me forever because I took me a while to get to this far and getting Tagger King is like getting a Tagger Leader Emblem from the beginning. But I wouldn't have had so much fun doing this without Gamespot putting this crazy emblem out.

It was been nearly 2 years since I joined up and discovered this amazing site. A lot has happened since then. They changed the profile looks and the gaming site and videos and everything. Keep up the good work Gamespot. You have a future paying member with you becasue your reviews, previews, movies, screenshots, features, news, wide cast of people who do daily work are great.

On track with future updates that I will start to have every time I post, I will soon have but not some time this year becasue I have no gaming system at this current time to play games and write reviews about. More videos will come up for people to watch and more news for my Gamers Social Union about the war in Iraq because we know some major changes are going to happen to it since the democrats have taken over Congress. And I since more news comes in during the holiday season I will try to get on as much info about games as I can. Not as much as Tim and Tor but about important games but games in general (especially about Sonic games for a certain fan in the unoin).

There is only one question that I have about he union. That is why there is a video tab for videos but when you try to post videos it doesn't show up on the tab. Strange...Is there anybody out there who reads my blog that can answer that?

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