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phanmn1 Blog


 I am now finally a officer of a Union. This is really cool because I have always wanted to print news about games but since I am officer of a more laid back union I get to print any kind of imprtant article I want. Daprofessa has always wanted to make a kind of Union like this and now he has really made it succeeded. So I would really like to say congrats man.

It may be hard to get the Union together and have them post comments and keep up work and have contests and debates about cartain politcal topics in about games or about world issues.

I wish this union the best of luck in getting many people together.

Sims Addiction

I have never really played a game that doesn't have that much action to it and had it be really intresting. You get to control a family and raise the people and get new jobs an promotions to get your family what they want. You star out with no money and then as you work you way through the game and get new jobs and promotions you start to get more money daily. And you can send your Sims private school so they can get a good job when they grow up. There really is so many dynamics to it then just the jobs. There is a mood meter which measures your sims basic needs and and wants such as hunger, comfort, bladder, hygene, fun, energy, ect... and you have to fulfill those to get your sims to do what you want them to do. Much of the game is pointless goals like in most games but with less action and more on planning and ideas and then just wating.

I think I should write a review of this game after I finish the what is a very hard mode of Resident Evil 4. And if I can brave the dark world of Ather then I will write a review of Metroid Prime 2: Echos. And also Metroid Prime 1. And If I am feeling really daring I can review Zelda. For which will take a very long time because I have to find money to discipher the triforce charts and then find them and then get all the treasures in the ocean and complete all the side quests in the game. (In which ther are many and that could take me months or even years to beat). And believe it or not it is not the only game I have that I can review. I guess then after that I will need time to finish most of the RTS that I have and the review them too. But I don't think that school will let me do that though because it is on it's way and I am very scared as to what will happen to me then.

Well I'm off to play more Sims 2.


Neighborly Emblem

Well well well. I know how to get this emblem. You have to have friends read your blogs and comment on them. And you must also have at least 11 friends or so.

And I also got a new game that I have been playing yesterday.

It was the collectors edition and it also comes with modding programs. I will try to learn how to mod and program most of the stuff so I can hopefully become a game designer. Well a guy can have dreams can't he?

Emblem Lost

Well, I didn't get to keep the boss of bosses emblem:cry: but I don't really mind that much. I hope the make a button mashing one though. Or a Hotspot emblem for users who listen to the hotspot. That would be hard to give out though. Oh well they might figure out something. 

Live Emblem

I saw the live video of the new season of Button Mashing and I got this emblem.

You are supposed to get it from watching a Matt Rorie boss of bosses live but I didn't see that one live.

Well I don't really mind because I got the emblem so it doesn't really matter. Any one is just fine.

New Emblems

I finally got what I wanted which was this emblem
I guess it really depends on the number of users that watch your videos and are for access. Or maybe having some videos in categories besides NA

This one was easy. All I had to do was vote in gamespot features. Still it is nice to have any kind of emblem.

Missing Emblems

Well I have gotten some requirements for some emblems. Still I don't have them yet. I think I have enough friends for the neighborly emblem and enough videos for the user video emblem and yet I still don't have those 2 emblems. Strange and maybe I have to do more to get those types of emblems. And I can't belive that I missed the chance to get e3 emblems and Matt Rorie boss of bosses emblem. I also want an artisic genius emblem too because I submitted a gamespot banner but I haven't gotten it approved yet. Hope to get it soon.

Good-Bye for a while

God it has been so long since I posted or had done anything to get my rank up. All I had ever done was just read previews, watch tournament tv and on the spot. I haven't been doing much because I don't have a job and anything to ge me motivated.

Driving school has been finished so I feel very good for that and all but getting my license is the most important part of the driving experience and that is still yet to come. I have to get about 50 hours of practice before I can take my test. I also have to take a driving portion and a writing portion again to get my license. Then comes the next part in getting a job. When I get a chance to drive freely and have a car I will be on the road volunteering or working to get money to upgrade my computer.

Only upgrading to be able to play F.E.A.R. on medium settings and other games like that so I can get a lot of practice for gaming tournaments and such.

It has been only a while and still I feel like school is beginning again for me. I don't want to go back to school but then again I get to make new friends and have money to do whatever I want to do. I just don't want to go to Vietnamese school again because it is a particularly difficult language to learn. And it wastes my Saturdays doing stuff.

Well I have a laundry list of things to do so I better get started. I want to get some new emblems for Gamespot but they are just really hard. Most have to do with owning a lot of games and stuff and joining Gamespot live events.

This is my leave for a while because I won't be on for a long time. I don't know why but I want to finish most of my games and go outside for a while to do stuff. Staying in my room for a long time is kind of bad for me so I will do other things.


Got Tagger Maker Emblem

Ha ha ha, I just got the Tagger Maker emblem today. Hoping to get and Upgrade to Tagger Leader before this month. I haven't been doing much tagging today on account of doing work on my banner and adding animated tags to my sigs for today.

Just getting used to doing stuff on Adobe ImageReady  a lot of the time. Photoshop doesn't help that much except for doing all of the effects and stuff. I really want to learn how to brighten up my picture editing skills and make my banners and pics have a glossy feel to them like they are 3-D or something but I haven't gotten the hang of it yet. There are so many things in Adobe Photoshop 7. Crazy!! If somebody could help me it would be great.

I learned how to make a new animation on my tags that I was making for my Final Fantasy and Devil May Cry Unions. Just making a fading animation and got it by accident. It does look cool though huh!

Dante slides down in front of Seymor and then fades away and the animation loops like that.
Pretty Cool Prettttyyy Cooool

And I almost forgot, I am taking drivers-ed tomorrow. I get to learn how to drive and pretty soon I want to get a job. Hopefully! My attempts so far have failed but never give up. Video games taught me that. 

Review, Pics, Updates, Emblems, and more coming soon from yours truly


I got the tagger Dabber emblem. Horray. For reading all of those articles and tabbing them hope to get more emblems on my games of course.

Oh yea and I also joined 2 new unions today

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