well. im finally back online after a long summer. lol....i start school on the 4th of september and i hope to have a great year. but we shall see.....
ok....on to the bad news....
monday night we get a call from my uncle saying that my grandma here in virginia was in the hospital because she had a small heartattack. anyway, my mom tells me what happened and i asked her if we were going to go and see her? she told me that she didn't really want to see her and that she wasn't going to go!! (we did go though). anyway. when she said she didn't want to go it pissed me off!! (my mom has a bad past with my aunt, uncle, and grandma...thats all im saying)...anyway's i told her that just because of what happned then doesn't mean that she can't go and see her own mother! apparently my step dad was in the basement and heard me yelling at my mom....(i try not to yell at her. but sometimes its just to hard not to)...so the morning that we were leaving to go to the hospital he comes outside and starts to talk to me about it....i don't know how it happned but something he said pissed me off and i started to yell at him....so he threatens to beat the f**k out of me, so i told to go ahead and see what happens...(he didn't though) and then he threatned to have me emancipated from the house!! so i don't kno what to do at the moment. so now i have until the end of today to decide on what i want to do...and to be honest. i don't kno. i really just don't know!
sorry for posting this but i just needed someway to say what i needed to and relieve some of the stress!!!!
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