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phantom4life1 Blog

new banner and some other news...

well....thanks to t_f i now have a new banner. ^.^ thank you!!

and as well, i do have some other midterm exams are next week, so i wont be on as much, but trust me i will not forget about you all again!! its just that i will be busy with studying and what not all next week so that i can actually pass. ^.^ trust me, i need to!

omfg!! once again...i completely forgot about this site!! :o

i can't believe i forgot about all of this again!! i am so sorry for not being on!! has been a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong while since i was last on!! i usually try to get on as much as possible but not here lately! is everyone and if someone could help me out...i would like to make a new banner....if someone wants to help me out, please email me and i will send the pics to you so you can make it for me. ^.^ thanks a bunch! :P

i also hope to remember everything that i have to check now. ^.^......

oh and teenage_fanatic....i started to watching anime along time ago...when did you start watching it? if you can^.^.....

Once again! i was gone forever!!

well now...once again...i was not on for was getting in the way and then my comp messed up again...but now that everything is sorta slowing down with school until after christmas break i shouldbe able to get on more often...but when midterms come in January i might not be on because i have to study for them!!! which sucks!! lol. but like i said...i'm back for now!!

First day of school!

i started school finally today! lol!

i was so happy to see all of my friends but not to happy about having to be back so soon. lmao!

as i said in my last blog i won't be on as much because of school but i will try to get on when ever i can.

i hope to have a good year. and i will try not to kill any of my teachers. so far the majority of them seem to be really nice.

im back for now! (plus some bad news)

well. im finally back online after a long summer. lol....i start school on the 4th of september and i hope to have a great year. but we shall see.....


ok....on to the bad news....

monday night we get a call from my uncle saying that my grandma here in virginia was in the hospital because she had a small heartattack. anyway, my mom tells me what happened and i asked her if we were going to go and see her? she told me that she didn't really want to see her and that she wasn't going to go!! (we did go though). anyway. when she said she didn't want to go it pissed me off!! (my mom has a bad past with my aunt, uncle, and grandma...thats all im saying)...anyway's i told her that just because of what happned then doesn't mean that she can't go and see her own mother! apparently my step dad was in the basement and heard me yelling at my mom....(i try not to yell at her. but sometimes its just to hard not to) the morning that we were leaving to go to the hospital he comes outside and starts to talk to me about it....i don't know how it happned but something he said pissed me off and i started to yell at he threatens to beat the f**k out of me, so i told to go ahead and see what happens...(he didn't though) and then he threatned to have me emancipated from the house!! so i don't kno what to do at the moment. so now i have until the end of today to decide on what i want to do...and to be honest. i don't kno. i really just don't know!

sorry for posting this but i just needed someway to say what i needed to and relieve some of the stress!!!!

WOO HOO!!!! i leave....

WOO HOO!!! i leave on Sunday to go to Florida!! i can't wait!!! so..i don't kno when i will be back on though. i hope to be able to get on while im down there! well we will find out!

ill miss being on though!

bye *waves*

YAY!!! its the end of the school year...but...

my last day of school isthe 14th!! WOO HOO!!! i have to take like 3 or 4 final exams but other than that i passed all of my SOL's!!! YAY ME!!! well technically MY last day is the 13th cuz i don't have to take my Geometry Final..but im going to a friends house on the 14th so i have to go...but thats only cuz they have to take the final. lol...but anyways...only 1 more week before i leave for FLORIDA!!!! YAY!!!!! i can't wait!! i hope to still be on while im there though!!.

I TOOK MY LAST SOL FINALLY!!!!!! and a little bad news

YES U HEARD RIGHT!!! I AM OFFICIALLY DONE WITH MY SOL's!!!!!!!! i am so all i have to do is hope that i pased them all so that i don't have to take my final exams for those ****s!!! for the bad news.....

my comp is f****ed up right now!!!! its not fair!!!! so i wont be on until i can get it fixed....i hope that i get it fixed soon!!!! :cry: its jus not fair!!!! *hits computer* *yells at it* well like i said..i hope to be back on soon! bye. *waves* :cry:

OH MAN!!!! (caps)

OH MAN!!! i got SOL's at the end of next week and all of the week after!!! im so not prepared!!! i hope i pass them all!!!! *looks at school work* *thinks: theres jus to much to study!!* *whines* i guess ill get through it!!

im all better!!! and something else.

Ok. so i went back to school yesterday...but i left early cuz i got sick i was happy cuz i was all better!!! lol. i got to school this morning everything was normal. but at around 7 am, these 2 freshmen were playing hackysack by the glasses doors and one of them feel through the window and cut the vein in his left arm!!! if he hadn't moved his arm from the position that it went throught the window...he wouldn't have had to have surgery to repair the vein he had cut!!!! they said that he is doing better now and should be back soon!!!

p.s. i also had donuts and poptarts in my 5th block today!!! yay me! lol.