Man, it's been a while, so yeah my Internet was down for a couple of weeks (My reasoning for not being on GS or Xbox Live). While I was out of action I've been doing various things to keep from going crazy (Me loves the web). First I rented Stranglehold, fun game, but not enough depth for lasting appeal. After finishing that up, I went out and purchased Viva Pinata, addictive guilty pleasure if I may say so myself. I've at least put 25+ hours into the game and I only paid $14 for it so it's certainly a bang for my buck. Now I wasn't going to stay at home all of this time, I went out clubbing with friends and saw (On the request of those same friends) the new Resident Evil movie...a mediocre movie at best, still don't know why I decided to see it. Oh and Ratchet & Clank: UYA is done aswell.
Also did something I haven't done in while seem like an eternity, and that was read a book, well actually I just started reading it not to long ago. It's called "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave". I'm only on page 10, and so far it's sorta hard for me to comprehend some of the wording, some that I haven't even heard of before. It is a Harvard University book so maybe that explains all the "big" words or maybe it's just the beginning preface by William Lloyd Garrison, duh. Anyways I'll figure it out as I go along, my dictionary is only a arm's length away. And of course I can't forget about the 800 pound gorilla known as Halo 3, unfortunately though, won't be able to get it until I pay off my pre-order. I can never seem to get a pre-order on time when the game's released. Still, Must. Get. Halo 3! So, what happened while I was gone?
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