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pherstothelee Blog

Ninja Gaiden: Sigma Preview

Ninja Gaiden is a game that I really wasn't paying attention to because I was not a big fan of the Ninja Gaiden series, but when this demo came out, I had to get it because everything looked so good and people are going nuts over it. Is this game as good as people are expecting? Well, you'll find out in a half a year when I can play a retail copy, but for now, here's my preview of Ninja Gaiden Sigma.

The first thing that I noticed about Sigma was the insanely gorgeous graphics. These were probably the best graphics I have seen with my own eyes on a system ever, and this wasn't just in the cutscenes. The beautiful graphics carried on into real time gameplay.

Speaking of gameplay, it plays out pretty well. The developers were generous enough to give you five weapons. A single katana like weapon, a pair of nunchucks, a two handed sword, a pointy pole, and a pair of katana like weapons. All of these had their advantages and disadvantages. For example, the nunchucks could not deal a great deal of damage, but they could be used to string together incredibly long combos, while the two handed sword dealt great damage, but one could not string together combos because the sword is so heavy. The enemies are kind of stupid, but since they attack in great numbers, it can be challenging to take them all down. The challenge doesn't make the game unplayable, though, setting the game in the middle ground that everyone strives for.

Ninja Gaiden Sigma and the team behind it have done great work on this demo to make me wish that fall was here already and may have dragged me into the Ninja Gaiden series. This is easily one of the best demos on the Playstation Network and I'm looking forward to playing the full version.

Thermometer: HOT

Resistance VS Gears: I Have Spoken!

I hate to say it, but if it were up to the scores that I gave the two games, Gears would take the cake. You can check out the review for Gears of War here. I'm oh so close from my shipment of new PS3 games, so I'm really needing another rainy day to write the review for Guitar Hero II for the 360. It's not going to be a fully fledged review, seeing that I've already reviewed Guitar Hero II. I'll just point out the changes and whether or not I liked them or not.

Reviews Queue

Guitar Hero II (XBOX 360) 

New Games Coming

So thanks to my dad's connections, (AKA people who he works with who travel between Raleigh and Lund) my dad, my sister, and I will each be getting one game from the US, which makes it pretty much half the price and releases earlier. I'm getting Major League Baseball 2K7, dad's getting Madden 07, and my sister's getting Ridge Racer 7. Obviously the games aren't for the one person who they were meant for, so I'm pretty much getting three new games next week. Expect a Gears of War and a Guitar Hero II 360 review so I can clear out my reviews queue for the new games. I'm also going to start previewing the new demos that I get once I clear out my reviews queue.


Reviews Queue

Gears of War (XBOX 360)

Guitar Hero II (XBOX 360)

Future Reviews (Once I get my Hands on the Game)

Major League Baseball 2K7 (PS3)

Madden 07 (PS3)

Ridge Racer 7 (PS3) 

Game Completion Info

So I beat Resistance a while ago playing co op with my dad, and I really enjoyed the ending. I like how it set up the sequel. Of course, I'm not gonna say anything, but it's pretty cool. I've still got to go through again and unlock all of the rest of the weapons so that should be pretty fun. I'm about one third of the way though MotorStorm and it's getting pretty tough. It now takes about five or six drive though's to win a race, which is annoying but fun at the same time. I also just wrote a review on MotorStorm and I tried to give it high, and I did, but the lack of features just screwed it up pretty bad, so go check that out. By the time MotorStorm finishes, Sony needs some games out for the PS3 so I can smoothly transition from game to game. Either that or NYKO needs to release that Guitar Hero controller adapter because I'm just itching to play some Guitar Hero. If neither of those happen, I guess I'll have to get Bully, Black, Shadow of the Colossus, or a great PS2 game like that. If anyone has some recommendations on what to get next, just throw it into a comment.

Network Set Up

I just got the network account set up last night. The name's pherstothelee, of course, so add me. I have Resistance and will be getting MotorStorm on Monday.

MIssion Accomplished

I finally got my PS3 at midnight this morning! I had to wait in a line of about fifty people for about an hour but it sure was worth it. There was a deal going on at GAME for 2 games for 999 kr, so I was able to get both Resistance and MotorStorm!!! The only problem was the availability of the games. I ended up grabbing the last copy of Resistance and I couldn't get my hands on MotorStorm. The guy there was nice enough however to promise me that I could get MotorStorm with the deal when it ships on Monday. I'm at school right now, so I'm just a itching to get home right now and play some Resistance!!! WOOOOOOOO!!!

I'll post later with some pictures of the midnight launch.

Phers... owwt!

AGH! So annoying!

I'm only one small percentage point from level 10 and being able to post videos, but it won't change! Also, only three days counting today until I get my PS3!!!
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