Pre-orders are stupid and anyone that does them is an idiot.
Except for games that are limited to a specific country/region.
It's dumb not to pre-order. I always pre-order games during the E3 event, on amazon if you preorder 3 or more games you get 30% off. You can literally preorder 10 games, cancel 9 and still get the %30 off. Not to mention they don't charge you till its shipped. So I pre-order every game I might be interested in, in the next few years and then cancel if once more info comes out and I don't want it.
I've preordered a lot of games before the price jump in canada too so I get 30% off the old price. I haven't paid more than $50 for a game in years (full retail is $80). I can actually buy games, beat them and sell them for a profit.
I just got ratchet and clank for $25 in canada, retail it's $50 here.
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