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Top 5 Zelda Games

I have been playing lots of Zelda lately, as you may know I downloaded all Zelda games available on VC. So I decided to make this top 5. Here we go:

1- The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

No surprises, here. This game is considered to be the best of all time by most gamers. It has great graphics, a gameplay that has been used by many other games since 1998, a huge storyline and it was the first 3-D Zelda. It is a pretty lengthy adventure which features many challenges such as the Water Temple and Shadow Link. The puzzles were very creative and all dungeons had perfect design.

The game also had tons of sidequests, pieces of heart and secrets. By using the Ocarina you could play several tunes and have some fun creating your own songs, the soundtrack was also marvelous with many amazing songs like Gerudo Valley and the Title Screen. Even almost a decade after its release Ocarina of Time is still an engaging adventure that hasn't gotten old.

2- The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

The main complaints I hear about Twilight Princess on the forums is that it is similar to Ocarina of Time, but if you analyse both Ocarina and Twilight as a part of the whole series you will notice that although Twilight has the same scenarios when compared to Ocarina of Time, so does Ocarina if you compare it to A Link to the Past. Honestly the series has played the same since its first installment with dungeons on which you collect items that will allow you to defeat the final boss. So Twilight is as much repetitive as Ocarina is, the main difference is that Ocarina of Time was the first 3-D Zelda, thereby it was considered to be a huge revolution.

I guess too much hype was the main reason for most of those complaints. We had to wait years to play this game and when we had the opportunity people were not happy with it. But this game has so many qualitites, it is by far the longest Zelda game and the graphics are one of the best you will see on the GC.

3- The Lengend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Once in a while a great series like Zelda needs something different to keep going and that's what Majora's Mask is all about. There is no Ganon, no Zelda, no Hyrule and no Triforce . Instead, you are taken to the land of Termina where a skull kid has been possessed by an evil Mask that wants to destroy the world by striking it using the moon. Quite an odd and dark storyline.

The main feature of the game is the ability Link has to use Masks, it is awesome to feel what is like to be a Zora, a Goron or a Deku. Gamers disliked the fact that this game only presented 4 dungeons compared to 8 of its predecessor, still Majora's Mask managed to be really nice and in order to compensate for its lack of dungeons it was the zelda game with the most sidequests up to that day.

4- The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

Quite a polemical game here. As the Gamecube's release approached Nintendo fans were crazy to play a new Zelda game with great graphics and a deeper adventure. But Nintendo decided to take a huge risk. When footage of the new Zelda game was first shown everybody was disappointed. Where did that amazing adult link go?? What about the graphics?? What is Nintendo thinking?? Most people started to criticize the game, even expecting it to be the start of the downfall of the series, but then its launch day came and people who gave it a try were soon happy and astonished.

The Wind Waker is perfect, the graphics couldn't fit a Zelda game better. Never had a Zelda such a big overworld full of secrets and with lots of treasures spread through the land. Although it ended up being much better than expected the game had some problems such as too much sailing, weak enemies and lack of dungeons. But is impossible not to feel overwhelmed everytime the daylight comes while you are sailing and you know that there are still a lot to explore.

5- The Legend of Zelda

This game is easily considered the longest game of the NES era. It was the first game where you were not supposed to finish it in a couple of hours. Actually you had to explore the land of Hyrule for a long span before you could find the first level. Despite being the first game this game is still the one on which you can find the most secrets, there are hidden caves everywhere.

Link's first adventure already announced what was to come. The biggest series of all time.

My Pokemon Team is finally ready

After 80 hours of gameplay I must say my team is ready to be transfered to Pokémon Battle Revolution once I buy it, so I can have great battles via Wi-Fi. After a couple of hours thinking I've also finished their movesets and I'm quite happy about it. I want to know what you guys think. I'm not putting their levels but I can say they vary from 50 to 80. I have only EV trained Gengar since his defense was way too weak.

Nature: Serious
Dragon Pulse

Nature: Relaxed
High Jump Kick

Nature: Hardy
Dream Eater
Shadow Ball
Destiny Bond

Nature: Timid
Sludge Bomb
Giga Drain
Petal Dance

Nature: Impish
Aqua Tail
Dragon Rush
Dragon Dance

Nature: Lax
Ice Beam
Drill Peck
Flash Cannon


My first Virtual Console experience

Today I recieved my first Wii Points, I bought two cards to have some fun while waiting for new releases and for my Wario Ware Smooth Moves. I downloaded the following games:

The Legend of Zelda (Bought it because my NES cartridge dyed some months ago)
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Bought it because I never had the game)
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Bought it because the battery of my game wore out)
Donkey Kong Country 2 (Bought it because I never had the original game despite being on my top 10 list)
Kid Icarus (I had never played this game for the NES until sometime ago, and I just love it)

I am using the GC controller as I don't have enough money to buy a proper one. It is awesome to play the Zelda games using the GC controller, especially Ocarina of Time since the N64's control stick was a little bit annoying. But I have got many complaints about how Donkey Kong Country 2 is played, they just screwed it up, I guess it wouldn't be hard for them to change the controls a little bit, it's almost impossible to control the monkeys using the B button and the Y button.

I hope I get used to the way it is played as time goes by, but it sure wouldn't hurt to make some minor changes. Little problems aside the Virtual Console works perfectly.  

Mario Party and its luck factor

Yesterday a friend dropped by to play my Nintendo Wii, after a couple of hours playing Wii Sports he asked me to play Mario Party 6 which is a game we have always had a good time with, both of us play it really well and it's tough to win.

So, we started playing and 15 turns later I was in the lead with 3 stars and almost 200 coins while he was way back with only one star and 25 coins. That's when things started to change, the stupid CPU landed on Chance Time and screwed me up by making me exchange coins with him, I lost almos 150 coins. 3 turns to go and my friend lands on another Chance Time and once again I am ripped off, I had to give him all my stars.

So I had just 3 rounds to try to do something to win the board, I tried everything, items, winning all mini-games and praying for me to get the bonus stars, but I couldn't do it. He eventually won and I was kind of dumbfounded at what had happened.

I know Mario Party has always been more about luck than skills, but I think that's quite frustrating when you are winning a game and suddenly you are in last place. I know it's fun how unpredictable the game is and how no one knows who will win even 1 turn before the game ends, but as losses due to bad luck pile up some people will get pissed off at the game.

My question is, one week away from Mario Party 8 release, what are your expectations? Do you guys think it should be more about skills than luck, or it should keep its unique style? I can't wait for it.

Super Smash Bros Brawl Site is now updated

After a long countdown the site has just been updated and sadly there aren't any big news. There is a Menu where you can choose Characters, Stages, Music, Notices, Game Modes, Items and How to Play, unfortunately only How to Play, Stages and Music are available.

It would be great to know new stages but Nintendo has only released one called Battlefield which is the stadium we see the characters brawling on the videos. It seems like the novelty of this is stage is that its scenario will change according to the time of the day you play it.

There are some songs and I could notice on the musicians list that there are guys from games like Golden Sun, NiGHTS and Chrono Trigger, so maybe we can expect to see some characters of these games to appear on Super Smash Bros Brawl.

There are some new images that show beautiful graphics and great textures. The characters look amazing. The realease date is yet to be announced, the site has no information concerning that, it just says the release is planned for 2007. We will be looking forward for more information, the site will be updated daily on weekdays.

Super Smash Bros Brawl Site

Release Dates of Metroid Prime 3 and many other games

Today was sure a busy day for Nintendo, in some hours we will be getting news about Super Smash Bros Brawl and while the website isn't updated they announced their summer lineup, and it includes games like Mario Strikers Charged, Metroid Prime 3 and Battalion Wars II. The dates are respectively July 30th, August 20th and September, the day was not announced.

For other dates check IGN.

I'm glad to see Nintendo isn't holding any of its major games for next year, it clearly shows that they probably have something up theirs sleeve for next year, it is likely to be a new Zelda, Mario Kart or maybe Star Fox.

And now the best news. Donkey Kong Country 2, one of the best games of all time, is now avaible on VC. I'm quite happy and now I'll have to buy 6000 Wii Points to get all VC games I want. I've always loved Donkey Kong Country 2, I must have finished it 15 or more times, unfortunately that's the only Donkey Kong Country I never bought for my SNES, now I'll be able to get it. I'm looking forward to Earthbound.

It's been a great Monday so far. And later Nintendo will give us an update on Super Smash Bros Brawl, today is a great day for us gamers!

Advice on my Pokemon Diamond Team

It's been a long 55 hours of gameplay since I started playing Pokémon Diamond, it is officially the game I have played for the longest time on my first playthrough, there are so many things to be done that I just can't stop. Right now I'm breeding Eevees while training my Dratini and Haunter. So, I've decided my team is going to be the following.

Dream Eater
Destiny Bond
Shadow Ball

Hi Jump Kick
Force Palm

Solar Beam
Petal Dance
Sludge Bomb
Giga Drain

Thunder Wave
Thunder Bolt
Dragon Rush

Hydro Pump
Blizzard(Ice Beam)

Heat Wave
Sunny Day

I'm not sure about Empoleon's Ice attack, I've always loved Blizzard but I heard some people bashing it, because it isn't so accurate. I'm also not sure about my Gengar's moveset, but I guess it is great. So Do you think anything should be changed?

New information on Super Smash Bros Brawl in 6 days

It's been reported by IGN that on both Super Smash Bros Dojo, which is the Japanese name for Brawl if you don't know yet, and on Nintendo's website there is a countdown for a new and huge update on the game's site. It seems that new information will be released in 6 days and counting!

Now we all wonder what precious information will be delivered, I guess we are all expecting to see new characters named and perhaps even a release date. Now all we got to do is wait until Monday and check it out to see what will be revealed. I can't wait for it.


IGN Report
Super Smash Bros Dojo Web Site

Two Pokemon questions for you

I wanted to know two things. First of all, I was looking at my Boxes today and I saw that my Gastly didn't have Hypnosis which I think it's a very important move for any Gastly. I tried to catch one who had it everywhere but I didn't make it. So I was wondering if any of you had one. I would really like to trade.

The second one is about the National Dex. I'm getting it soon, and I wanted a Charmander bad. My question is, Will I be able to trade it with a friend even if I haven't seen one yet?

Pokemon Diamond Update 4

Today was quite a busy day at Pokémon Diamond, I caught Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf, I had a hard time trying to catch them, I must have turned my DS off over 30 times, but I finally managed to catch them all. I used my Master Ball on Mesprit since I think he is the hardest one to catch because he doesn't appear very often after he runs away from you.

I'm now on Victory road and my team is the following:
Empoleon Level 53 - Waterfall, Surf, Brine and Blizzard
Roserade Level 53 - Giga Drain, Sludge Bomb, Solar Beam and Petal Dance
Medicham Level 50 - Psychic, Hi Jump Kick, Force Palm and Substitute
Staraptor Level 49 - Fly, Aerial Ace, Close Combat and Roost
Sneasel Level 46 - Shadow Ball, Beat Up, Ice Beam and Payback
Golem Level 40 - Explosion, Fire Blast, Rock Throw and Earthquake

I'm aware that I need to train my Golem and Sneasel but I after I finish the League I intend to build up a team using Pokémon from other generations and I'm thinking of leaving Golem, Staraptor and Sneasel, although I'm not sure about the latter, because I think they can be replaced with stronger Pokémon. I want to get a Charizard, Umbreon and a Luxray. But before I do that I need to think about the pros and cons of making those changes.

My little problem with Chimchar is gone, I deleted his moves and after he evolved he became a Monferno, without any strange Japanese name, I'm quite happy about it. I put a Machoke Level 35 on the GTS for a Turtwig any level, I hope I can get one, since I'm crazy about getting all the starters.