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New GameSpot

GameSpot has decided to get rid of all of the features that bring me here while managing to keep Tom McShea. I don't forsee myself coming here very often once the switch is made.

The 3D is only eye candy

Reviewers, we already know that. Added depth perception is nice and we like having it. Considering that graphics are a major part of most reviews I don't understand why "eye candy" is dismissed as something trivial. I will gladly take eye candy over eye vegetables any day.

The importance of exclusive games?

The past few years IGN has posted a very mathematical article tallying up how many quality games each console had and declaring a winner based in which had the most. PS3 has won 3 out of the past 4 years. While reading this I noticed that despite their paper victory that a large percentage of their highly rated games flopped. Should a game that fails to connect with an audience really be considered a great exclusive? What does the lack of acknowledgement of quality say about PS3 owners or gamers in general? What could Sony have done differently to get their games the attention that they deserved?

Sony Sixaxis controller = FAILURE

With the impending release of the Playstation move Sony is about to put the final nail in the coffin of their failed Sixaxis controller. For those who don't remember the PS3 originally shipped with a controller didn't rumble (because rumble was "last gen) and had motion controls just as good as the Wii! They set out to prove that by forcing Lair to control using only motion. Factor 5 the makers of the mostly excellent Rogue Squadron games is now dead thanks to that genius move and most other games that tried to force players to use it had to later be patched to also use analog controls as well as rumble support. Thank you for admitting your mistake, Sony. Let's hope that your Move is more successful than your first attempt at current gen controls. Maybe now Super Rub A Dub can be patched to be playable!

God of War vs Dante's Inferno

I keep seeing Dante's Inferno being slammed for borrowing heavily from the God of War series. Why is it that nobody cares or remembers that God of War blatantly lifted many of it's major elements from Onimusha/Devil May Cry? I'm vaguely remembering Shenmue doing the timed button press thing before God of War too. What I don't remember is GoW being given crap for for it most likely because the game was fun which is all that I really care about. Reviewers please keep your half arsed gaming history lessons to yourself and focus on what actually matters. It would be greatly appreciated.


I haven't been ignoring you all. Now that the big day is over I should be around a bit more again.

Game Collection Tally: August

41 new titles added to my list. So much for behaving. This completes one full year of monthly collection tallies.I'll probably write something up to commemorate that and reflect upon my purchases.

Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (GB) - Cart only - FREE - A game that I've played and beaten.

Ms. Pac-Man (GB) - Cart only - FREE - I've spent a lot of time with this one. Diamonds are forever.

Rugrats: Castle Capers (GBA) - Cart only - FREE - It's not as horrible as you'd expect.

The Powerpuff Girls: Bad Mojo Jojo (GBC) - Cart only - FREE - I beat this one a long time ago for my niece. Mediocre, but not completely worthless.

Uniracers (SNES) - Cart only - $7 - I've been wanting this one for over a decade. Welcome to the family.

Harley's Humongous Adventure (SNES) - Cart only - $7 - I need to get started on this one soon. I've been curious about it for a long time.

Disney's Aladdin (SNES) - Cart Only - $7 - I beat this a long time ago. Welcome back

Porky Pig's Haunted Holiday (SNES) - Cart only - $7 - The only Porky Pig game ever made? I'll take it!

Viva Pinata: Party Animals (X360) - Used - Complete - $16.19 - It's not as bad as it first seems. A little more instruction on how to play the games would have been appreciated.

Blast Works: Build, Trade, Destroy (WII) - NEW - $19.99

Summoner 2 (PS2) - Used - Complete - $3.59

Arc the Lad: End of Darkness (PS2) - Used - Complete - $4.49

Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits (PS2) - Used - Complete - $6.29

Dancing with the Stars (PS2) w/Dance Pad - NEW - $7.98

Boom Blox (WII) - NEW - $49.99 - Bought this to get Okami at 50% off. It's easy to pick up and play and definitely worth trying.

Okami (WII) - NEW - $19.99 - IGN logo on the front cover. LOL

Counter Force (WII) - NEW - $7.98 - I dismissed this one as garbage until I read up on it. It seems to be a cult favorite in some circles.

Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble (PSP) - NEW - $12.99 - The Mrs wanted this one. She's a big VJ fan.

Contra 4 (DS) - NEW - $19.99 - A great game at a budget price what's not to love? It manages to be hard and yet not turn me off to playing it. That's quite a feat.

Picross DS (DS) - NEW - $14.99 - GREAT game. More puzzle fans need to try this one.

Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles (PSP) - Used - Complete - $22.49 - Very fun game with lots of value packed in. A must own for PSP owners.

Gitaroo Man Lives! (PSP) - Used - Complete - $16.19 - A friend of mine once called this the stupidest game that she'd ever seen. I think that it's fun and cute.

Resistance: Fall of Man (PS3) - New - $29.99 - It was time to purchase this before they put it in a hideous Greatest Hits box.

Xbox Live Arcade Edition Compilation pack - Used - $10.79

Pac-Man Championship Edition (X360)

Boom Boom Rocket (X360) - A fun game that you can play with a dance pad, guitar controller, or regular controller.

Feeding Frenzy (X360) - Easily worth the low price of admission.

Luxor 2 (X360) - I refuse to play this one due to the goofy achievement points that leave your score with odd numbers.

Uno (X360) - Already had it, but it was part of the bundle.

Intellivision Lives! (GC) - Used - Complete - $2.69 - I needed more GameCube games and the price was right.

SSX On Tour (GC) - Used - Complete - $11.69 - This is the first time that I've seen this title for under $20. It's nice to finally check it off of my want list.

Viewtiful Joe (PS2) - Used - Complete - $4.49 - Who wants to see Devil May Cry's Dante in a speedo? Capcom seemed to think that we all did...

Nintendo DS Pokemon Bundle - NEW - $129.99 - These aren't supposed to ship until Tuesday, but my local store has them out already. The DS itself looks nice, and it comes with a bonus DVD, carrying case, and shirt. The shirt isn't the typical flimsy freebee either. It's a well made cotton shirt from Hanes. The only gripe is that the box is REALLY hard to open without ripping it apart. It's glued closed rather than the usual sticker keeping a flap closed.

Braid (X360) - Very short, but worth the price.

Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom (X360) - NEW - $27.88 - Another game that I've been wanting for a while. It's not as bad as the reviews would lead one to believe.

Dog's Life (PS2) - Used - Complete - $17.25 - I've been wanting this one for a long time. They had two copies. It was tempting to get both of them, but I didn't.

Ontamarama (DS) - NEW - $9.99 - I've heard good things about this game and the price was definitely right. It was also their last copy.

Viewtiful Joe 2 (PS2) - Used - Complete - $3.49 - At least this one doesn't have Dante in a speedo.

Soulcalibur IV (X360) - FREE! - I got to talking to a co worker about games. He mentioned that he bought the game and didn't like it much. I offered to buy it from him. He refused the money and said that I could have it for free since I always help him out with game related things.

Silent Hill: Origins (PSP) - Used - Complete - $16.19 - The Mrs really wanted this one. I was fine with buying it if she promised to actually play it.

MetropolisMania 2 (PS2) - Used - Complete - $11.69 - "This is something that you should have." "Meh, I'm not much into sims." Somehow it ended up following us home any way.

Rise to Honor (PS2) - Used - Complete - $6.29 - "This is like Stranglehold before Stranglehold was made." "Well, at least it's cheap."

Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge (XBOX) - Used Complete - $11.68 - This is one that we both wanted and it had been quite a while since we've seen a copy. Score one for the bad guys.

Game Collection Tally: July

So I finally have all 3 new consoles. I was supposed to behave since I had a pay a fortune for my PS3. 49 games disagreed with that....

Tomb Raider: Legend (PS2) - New - $7.98 - The main reason for picking this up was that it came with a special cardboard outer box that flaps open to reveal a pic of Lara as well as a bonus sticker inside.

Forza Motorsport 2 (X360) - New - $7.98 - I'm not the biggest racing gamer, but it was cheap and I'll get to it eventually.

Ratatouille (X360) - New $9.99 - Sadly enough I've been waiting for this game to drop in price. Easy points. LOL

Conan (X360) - Used - Complete - $14.99 - I noticed that this dropped to $20 while at Best Buy and decided to hold off and see if I could find a used version for cheaper. 20 minutes later I proved that I'm a wise shopper by finding this at Blockbuster.

Crackdown (X360) - Used - Complete - FREE - Awww yeah. That's what I'm talkin' 'bout! Boomshakalaka!

Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer (X360) - Used - Complete - $9.99 - I've been waiting for this one to get dirt cheap. That time has come.

The Golden Compass (X360) - Used - Complete - FREE - Some might say that I over paid for this. The price seemed right to me.

Geometry Wars: Galaxies (WII) - New - $16.98 - Circuit City had this and the DS version for the same price. My Wii collection needs some fattening up so this one was chosen.

Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins (PSP) - New - $12.98 - Another find from Circuit City. LOL I can see his underpants.

80GB PS3 console

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (PS3) - New - This was bundled with the PS3. I know that it's supposed to be great, but I can't bring myself to care about it.

PAIN (PS3) - New - This was a free download for the same bundle. It's the only thing that I've used my PS3 for thus far.

Folklore (PS3) - Used - Complete - $24.40 - The Mrs really wanted this one and it seemed pretty cool.

Ninja Gaiden Sigma (PS3) - Used - Complete - $24.40 - Another exlusive that seemed worth getting. More PS3 games need price drops. That are of my collection is too sparse for my liking.

Dead Head Fred (PSP) - Used - Complete - $8.99 - I'll probably adding this to the over looked games topic. It seems to be well liked and not very many people gave it a chance. It's also a rare M rated portable game.

Call of Duty 2 (X360) - Used - Complete - $8.99 - The main draw for this one is that none of the achievements are for online multiplayer so they're possible to get.

Amped 3 (X360) - Used - Complete - $13.40 - The clerk tried to talk me out of this one and claimed that it was worse than Jumper, Eragon, and The Golden Compass. The reviews that I read all seemed favorable enough to disregard him.

Battlestations: Midway (X360) - New - $15.99 - I won the guide for this from GameSpot last year and it was on final clearance.

Culdcept SAGA (X360) - Used - Complete - $26.99 - This is the only used copy of this game that I'd ever seen. It beat paying $40 for a new copy.

Downstream Panic! (PSP) - New - $12.99 - Further proof that PSP owners generally don't appreciate fresh, original games. This game was on final clearance despite only being a few months old.

Heavenly Sword (PS3) - Used - Complete - $24.99 - Mrs Deth has already played through most of this game.

Virtua Tennis 3 (PS3) - New - $15.99 - It's a cheap PS3 game and I don't have to worry about not getting all the points in it since I'm crap and the PS3 doesn't have points.

Sonic the Hedgehog (PS3) - New - FREE - The clerks forgot to ring it up. I was curious enough to try this train wreck, but didn't want it to ruin my gamer score. The PS3 version seemed like an ideal compromise.

Professor Layton and the Curious Village (DS)

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent (X360)

Kessen III (PS2)

Magic Pengel: The Quest for Color (PS2)

Piyotama (PS3) - $2.99

LocoRoco Cocoreccho (PS3) - $6.99

Stranglehold (X360) - New - $7.98

Xenogears (PS) - Used - Complete - I traded extra copies of Rogue Galaxy and Shenmue II to get this.

Castle of Shikigami III (WII) - NEW - $20

Ready 2 Rumble Boxing: Round 2 (PS2) - Used - Complete - $4.49

Vampire Night (PS2) - Used - Complete - $8.99

Wario: Master of Disguise (DS) - NEW - $19.99

ClayFighter: Tournament Edition (SNES) - Used - Cart Only - $9.99

Disaster Report (PS2) - Used - Complete - $9.99

Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows (PS2) - Used - Complete - $9.99

Manhunt (XBOX) - Used - Complete - $14.99

Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse (XBOX) - NEW - Sealed - $29.99

Surf's Up (X360) - New - $9.99 - They had a table full of items that were 50% off. Being so close to 40k achievement points made this hard to pass up.

PaRappa the Rapper (PSP) - New - $14.99 - Another item from the bargain table.

R-Type Command (PSP) - New - $16.81 - This was too hard to pass up since it came with the figure that was only supposed to be available for pre order customers.

Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures (X360) - Used - $39.98 - Complete - I don't see this game dropping in price any time soon and I really wanted to play it.

Quest for Camelot (GBC) - Cart only

The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (GBA) - Cart only

The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius vs. Jimmy Negatron (GBA) - Cart only

Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat (GBA) - Cart only

NickToons Racing (GBA) - Cart only

Tom & Jerry (GB) - Cart only

Game Collection Tally: June

This was a rather light month for me. It would have been even lighter if Blockbuster and GameSatan didn't practically give games away.

Jam Sessions (DS) - New - $9.99

Mortal Kombat: Unchained

Worms: Open Warfare 2

Brave Story: New Traveler

Ninja Gaiden II (X360) - Used - Complete - $40 - I seem to be the only person that I know that bothered to beat this.

Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure (PS2)

Manhunt 2 (PS2)

Yakuza (PS2)

Monster Madness: Battle for Suburbia (X360)

X-Men: The Official Game (X360)

Spider-Man: Friend or Foe (X360) - Completed for 1000 achievement points!

Guitar Hero: On Tour (DS) - I've been playing this a lot at work. It might be too pricey for some, but I've enjoyed it a lot.

Beowulf (X360)

Chaos Wars (PS2) - NEW - $40 - This is hard to find so I just HAD to have it.

N*Sync: Get to the Show (GBC) - NEW/SEALED - $9.98 - Stop looking at me like that.

Guitar Hero: Aerosmith (X360) has kept my achievement point train a rollin' all night long. It's a big step down in difficulty from Guitar Hero III so anyone that played that should be able to get most of the achievements available in this very quickly

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