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pikastatic100 Blog

100 Posts and an Evolution!

WOOT!! I'VE REACHED 100 POSTS!!! NOW I'VE GOTTA MAKE MY WAY TO 200!! WOOT!!!!:D :lol: :D Don't worry, I won't make a blog post like this every time I get another hundred posts.:P I will make one once I reach 500 and 1000, though.:twisted: :lol: Anyway, I've finally gotten around to training my Prinplup again, and have now evolved it into Empoleon! I'm gonna keep training it as much as I can, and once it gets all uber like, I'm gonna go challenge Heatran! Bye!:D

Level 5 and a Small Pearl Update

Well, after a little more than two weeks as a member, I've reached Level 5. I'm almost at 100 posts, as well!:o I've really been enjoying the site a lot and it's hard for me to pull away from it and do other things.:P Anyway, I'm doing my best to keep leveling up and and being a good part of the community! In other news, if you read my first blog post, I said that I might be replacing my Lucario with Glaceon or Empoleon in my main Pokemon Pearl team. Well, I've made up my mind, and decided that Empoleon is the one! So I started training the lv 1 Piplup that I got in a GTS trade and have now leveled it up to a lv 30 Prinplup, knowing Ice Beam, Waterfall, Metal Claw and Bubblebeam. I've kind of been slowing down on my Pearl progress lately, though, since I got it up to lv 30 a few days ago, and haven't trained it at all since then. I haven't attempted to catch Heatran yet, either.:? But I plan on getting back on track soon (hopefully):lol:, and training Prinplup like crazy. And once I level it up to an Empoleon that's the same lv as the rest of my team (lv 63, like I said in my first blog post), I plan on challenging Heatran with it and and not giving up till I catch it! So until then, bye for now!;)

First Blog Entry - My Current Team and Position in Pokemon Pearl!

For my first blog entry, I will post my current team in Pokemon Pearl and where I am in the game. My main pokemon are: Lucario - lv 62 - Wise Glasses - Psychic, Dark Pulse, Rock Climb, Aura Sphere Starapter - lv 63 - Macho Brace - Fly, Brave Bird, Aerial Ace, Close Combat Luxray - lv 62 - Magnet - Crunch, Thunderbolt, Strength, Thunder Fang Infernape - lv 63 - Charcoal - Blast Burn, Focus Blast, Rock Smash, Flamethrower Palkia - lv 63 - Lustrous Orb - Surf, Dragon Claw, Water Pulse, Spacial Rend Torterra(my starter pokemon) - lv 62 - Miracle Seed - Razor Leaf, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Frenzy Plant Note: I may replace Lucario with Glacion or Empoleon, but I haven't decided yet. Now for my position: I've pretty much done every thing there is to do in the game. The only thing left to do in the main storyline is catch Heatran in Stark Mountain(I don't have Regigigas either, but since I migrated my golem trio from Emerald to Diamond, I don't have any more to migrate to Pearl:(). I've made 31 trades on the GTS so far in my everlasting quest to complete the National Pokedex, geting two Master Balls in the process, but I've still got a long way to go. In my Pokedex, I've seen 396 pokemon and caught 374. I've also got four Ex. Shares from the Jubilife lottery too.:D I have the Copper Trainer Card for defeating the Pokemon League(which I did twice so far), and winning the master rank Cool Contest with my Torterra. The only pokemon giveaway event that I went to was the Gamestop Deoxys event, getting one for my Diamond and my Pearl. I missed the Darkrai and Manaphy events though.:cry: Right now, my current goals are training my Piplup(which I got in a GTS trade) and Glaceon, and catching Heatran(which I don't plan on using one of my two Master Balls on). Well, that ends my first blog entry. I'd love to hear how far you're into Diamond or Pearl, or any pokemon game for that matter! Also, I'd love to hear any suggestions on training, catching pokemon, or/and battling strategies that you might have. Please comment and I hope you liked my first blog post!:)