I played Yooka Laylee though the camera and controls made it difficult to play so I gave up. Probably get Replaylee if reviews are good and it's priced low. Though I got Laylee for $9 a few years ago after trying it out on Playstation Plus. I never played the Banjo Kazooie games so I guess the controls threw me off.
Wish Sony would release Twisted Metal Head On for PS4/PS5. I am glad Sony Bend has released Syphon Filter trilogy on PS4/PS5 along with the PSP games. I never gave those games a chance on PS1 or PSP back then. Hope Sony can bring Socom US Navy Seals trilogy to PS4/PS5 as PS2 Classics.
I was getting Max with Spectrum for a year but now with price increase I'm now forced to subscribe. Never really used Max except to watch The Iron Claw and Blue Beatle and watch Superman 3. I have Paramount+ though plan on canceling.
Interesting to see what else Microsoft brings to Playstation 5 later this year. I definitely see it more on a case by case bases on how well their games sell on PS5.
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