I have always wondered this about Agent 47. When he goes to Asia (China or India in Hitman games) when he puts on a disguise how does he fool anyone? He is clearly not East Asian or South East Asian. I mean in Blood Money you could not dress up as one of those gangsters in the training mission for obvious reasons while you can take any other guard outfit.
@bats94 Well some extra people like me will still buy it and the people that will pirate it, Well most of them were not going to buy it anyway is not like you lose anything.
@thetrellan I'm fine with a dumb feel. The ghetto vibe is one of the things that made me remember the first Saints Row. I agree that we need more diversity in the city as I thought it was really cool how different areas of the city felt different from one another (Downtown compared to the Row)
@MJ12-Conspiracy The ending for the Avengers was very reminiscent of the ending of Transformers 3 and it it showed just why Michael bay sucks as a director. The Avengers is a far superior movie and this comes from a person who grew up with Transformers rather then Marvel comics.
I am still one of those people who buys games at the store when I can. I have to admit that as a PC gamer Steam has a better selection then GameStop. I remember I wanted to get Arma 2 and the honest sales person even said you should just get it on Steam lol. The static prices for old games at GameStop and Steams penchant for sales does not help Gamestop's case.
@xXDevilush420Xx I agree but these guys are cold hard business people. They already got their money. Not like anyone can return the game to the store on account of the m26 dart glitch. Now they want more money.
@x_hunter00 Another company is going in the wrong direction. I don't see why anyone should celebrate such an event. I was not happy when Activision did this and I am not happy when EA did this.
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