I would really love to see a remake of Backstab or Bridge too far. Would be cool to see these old school maps remade with better graphics so we can play them again on my PC/next gen consoles.
Seeing as Battlefront was clearly inspired by the Battlefield series this can be great news. I just hope it does not go overboard with DLC seeing as EA is involved.
Just seems like they want to take more power away from the consumer for the sake of larger profits. Don't know but used games have been around for a while and the industry seemed to be doing well enough all these years.
I'm sure this 79 year old woman knows all about video games. It always amazes me that the people with the strongest opinions on this subject are the people who know the least about it.
I don't know I still have a special place in my heart for some of these so called b games.Not like I care for all of the so called AAA games that come out like Call of Duty or Assassins Creed.
pimpofdoom's comments