ive been coming to this site for quite a while now and i read the forums fairly often esp. when im at work nd my boss leaves for the night (im an xray tech so i dont have the luxury of a cubicle or anything) lol. I do own a ps3 but dont really consider myself a fanboy due to the fact ive been mulling over the purchase of a 360 for quite a while now.
On topic tho, i read through about the first 6 pages, nd seriously i think there was 1 or 2 thoroughly good explaination to the TC's question on every one of them. Nd they all make perfect sense, some ppl know what they r shopping for, nd others dont. if u want what the ps3 has to offer it is ultimately around the same cost to upgrade a 360 to that level of gaming. Nd of course i must have read about 1 million definitions of opinions here on these forums. If ur opinion nd preference is to not upgrade ur 360 nd r perfectly happy w. the gaming u recieve from that console then yes u have made the correct decision. rejoice.
Excuse me for skipping the other 6 pages nd not reading the entire thread, nd if everyone finally caught on nd i wasted my first post on nothing then i am very sry.
IMO the way that the TC illustrated this topic nd came across as a wise guy im guessing it is flame bait but either way i can care less lol
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