I dont think the Wii is going to die soon... probably by 2009 they will have the Wii version 5.0... Nintendo sure loves to steal your money. Cant wait for update of the Wii to play DvD's, then the next one it will come with a Hard Drive, then the next one with an HDMI cable then the next one with different, better controllers and the old controllers wont be capadable with the newer version.... ah Nintendo... you got to love them.....
pinchimocote's forum posts
so far the Xbox 360 that i got in november broke in exact 3 months so microsoft exchanged it for another one. Since then i've havent had any problems with it. I havent powered it on for about 2 months since i got my PS3.....so hopefully it still runs freaking smoothly....
Damn it.... hopefully theres still websites that show you all the freaking fatality moves..... or maybe the game will have a feature that shows you all the moves. hmm.... interesting
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