Hardcore drugs like cocaine or meth can mess you up physically just the first time, and can cause a true addiction a lot sooner than lesser drugs. Regardless of how bad one feels after the high is gone, they're just gonna want to get high again. All perception of reality is easily lost. So it's a good idea that they're illegal.
Marijuana is somewhat the middle of the road between alcohol and the more harsh drugs. It doesn't have as detrimental of physical effect as more severe drugs but people still get addicted a lot easier than to alcohol, so it's a grey area between legal & illegal. I don't really know how i feel about it, i just know i don't want to use it. meteo_ryte
I'll agree with the fact that a lot of people are irresponsible and can't handle drugs, but I want to clear a few things up just so people don't read your post and develop any false ideas. You don't immediately get damaged and addicted from one dose of a hard drug, and you definitely don't "lose perception of reality." They are dangerous, especially meth, but with self control you can easily try something just once or use it every once in a while rather than habitually.
Marijuana isn't "between" alcohol and the hard drugs. Alcohol IS a hard drug. It is physically damaging and addictive, like any other hard drug. It is also very easy to overdose on. A study was published in some medical journal that developed a scale for the harm potential of each drug, and it looks like this:

See where alcohol is? Now see where many drugs we traditionally view as dangerous are? Cannabis, LSD, and ecstasy are far safer than we think, while alcohol is up there with the really hard stuff. There are several other studies and graphs that show the same thing. And finally, cannabis isn't addictive, at least not physically. It is way easier to become addicted to alcohol than to marijuana.
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