Marijuana is NOT a gateway drug, there is absolutely no scientific evidence to support that theory.
Wow you guys seem kinda depressed. After a good night i feel fantastic because i know i had an amazing time and can go out and have another great night whenever i want to, as long as i have the money.
You made the safer decision, but honestly there are times when you have to put yourself at risk. If the abuse was bad enough that you felt uncomfortable and concerned you probably should have intervened in some way. Just asking what was up would have been better than nothing.
A tip for suppressing the munchies so you don't eat a pizza and a half every time - drink a tall glass of ice cold water before you start pigging out. Not with the meal, but before. It helps me out a lot. Also, try to eat healthier foods. Fruit of any kind is AMAZING.
Sitting in 4th grade history class, they had an announcement that some of our parents who worked in NY might be home late because of a "traffic jam" and then when I got home my grandma told me what had actually happened.
Now i kinda want to rethink my answer, because oral intake is extremely dangerous as well in terms of overdose. People who shoot up tend to know how much they want to use and how it will affect them (unless of course they get a drug that is stronger/weaker than what theyre used to, a scenario ive gone over way too many times on this forum so yeah). With oral intake its a bit harder to judge because it takes so long to hit you. One might take an oral dose and think it's not doing anything because the effects kick in over a longer period of time. They might then take more of the substance to get the desired effect, and then by the time they realize theyve taken too much it's too late. Like at parties when you start out with a few shots and feel only a bit buzzed, so you go for several more and before you know it you've blacked out.
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