Well, you've made the reply to your own post. They don't profit most.
Sure, of course I'll agree with you that gameplay or story should not suffer for the sake of visuals, at least not beyond reason (I can easily imagine the opposite extreme and I wouldn't want that either; visuals are critical to a gaming experience, nonetheless), however, the question they'd pose in return is: why not?
Why shouldn't they? This came to mind after seeing a variation of an expression I've read all too much, what should or shouldn't be done. In this case, about game development. And it was so I was reminded that the reason they do it is because it works for them. They want to sell as much as possible and they do sell a hell of a lot, with occasional failures that are inevitably counted as anomalies. I was reminded that responsibility also greatly lies with all of us. Hey, it's a democracy! It's what we want, right? Well, our free market is just like that. That's why more and more, politics and business near each other. Nowadays, they're long since merging, even. Point is, just as in politics, we're responsible as are the executives, devs or politicians. Primary fault and responsibility is theirs, granted. But again, it works like a democracy; if the majority literally buys it, what are we doing saying and presuming to tell execs and devs what not to do? If we disagree, it's this majority we have to enlighten and convert. And this article goes toward that, sure, but let's not say what they shouldn't do, because it's like saying one shouldn't murder. Well, duh.
Graphics looked spruced up and not particularly dated, hm. However, this trailer looked lackluster throughout.
This is basically Viking: Total War, 'cept that wouldn't fit a fantasy setting as well. I'd get this if I didn't have much else to play. I love story telling, so this one isn't a priority.
The only thing I enjoyed here was the music. No wonder, Frank Klepacki did it.
Gameplay itself seemed mostly just random battle scenes, with showing that huge mutha tank at the end. Nothing that showcases clearly the vaunted unique connectivity of this RTS.
@ramonl2 Hell, yes, it has. Just like anyone, I remember a fondness for games of old I'd play as a kid. And often times in recent years I've gotten them and tried replaying. Without fail, I end up regretting having wasted time, to a variable degree. The games are inevitably dated and I consistently conclude that I remember the feeling of the games, at the time, rather than how they are objectively. Yet I keep doing it, as just today I reinstalled Hitman Contracts, first time ever replaying it. And again I replayed Fallout, earlier this year, and it's got to be the old game I least ever regret replaying. I've always been very much into this series - the original titles, not Bethesda's, of course - and ever find it such a shame and a waste that Black Isle had to rush the sequel a bit and never have the chance to release more of that goodness due to Interplay's financial problems.
Well, it IS a teaser trailer. Although it seems a tad late to release a teaser, 2 and a half months before release. And to make this the featured trailer on game's page here, though that might be GSpot's fault. Unless, incredibly, this is the only trailer. Let's see...
I like the dark matter/dark energy theme she's got going, just as with Malzahar's "power of the void" thing. Really a powerful looking style I'd like to see in other fiction, both games and movies.
pitosga's comments