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pixie9696 Blog

My 10,000th post

~ a tribute to all you wonderful SN posters ~

Hi guys.. i thought i blog this down for the benefit of those who didnt get to join our insomniac night. Im not trying to be smug about my milestone, neither am i trying to act smart by blogging this.. I just felt tat since it is a tribute to all you guys, i might as well share it in blogs... :)

I want to thank each and everyone of you for making this a wonderful place. and should i made any mistakes or hurt anybody feelings with one of my post, i apologise...




p/s: Thank you Lyca, for the help rendered in doing the above.. You are an angel..

Edit: Reference to pg 893 of pics thread, post # 17851


List of SN fans across the globe and its timing zones

gosh.. i thought i will leave this blog to be the room when i pen down my thoughts on SN.. oh well, SN fans are also related to SN right?? :?:?here goes another blog.. probably the last for now.. :) coz i really don't do blogs well.. :(& Iseldom visit other ppl's blogs, well normally, not until they told me to..:D im a bad pixie.. :x but i will try to visit oncein a while :)

btw, the warm reception i get on my previous blog is still overwhelming at the moment.. :oops::oops: unbelievable :o:o Thank you.. you guys are soo wonderful...

List of SN Fans across the globe

canada --> blue, engel, milla, jo, hotz, 60cents, sphynxcat, candy..

UK --> snow, jom, lyca, bb, eva, voldy, katie, ellie, b_m_t

Scotland --> CL, Tish,

France --> lizzie, saphira..

Australia -->julsus, deedee, kimmy, mcg, ellhearts, razen, patdsnfan, mmmont, belle, jjluva, CBD, arnie

Finland --> lina,

Ireland --> sparky,

India --> Glaceo

brazil --> razzle

china --> simpleorange,

belgium --> mini kim

sweden --> justajunkie

Puerto Rico --> Laz

Venezuela --> Alice650

Portugal--> Lia

US --> pales, skye, libs, webs, xoe, lucey, DC, dutchy, kimmy, diva, ange, SG, Weights, ohb, luv, kdt, laurie, callie, mrswinchester, entity, jenna, gellie

Timing Zone based on GMT at 23:00, saturday:


Snow/CL/Tish -->11pm

Engel/Laz/Webs/entity --> 6pm

Libs/Weights --> 5pm

Kimmy/pales --> 3pm


Lizzie/Saph/mini-kim --> 12am

McG/arnie --> 6am

suze/ell --> 8am

Note to self: insomnite (pg 2, post #39)

Nicknames &Twins

Ok.. i don't normally write blogs.. and my 2 previous blogs are on SN reviews (which i should have done for the last4 episodes(FPB, WIAWSNB, AHBL1&2).. hee :D:D ) - coz apparently people like McG said, they read my rants onthreads on the episode reviews.. wow! shocking!!! :shock::shock::shock::shock: i do not write good.. im not like pales, skye, snow, libs, callie and all the other people online.. didnt know people read what i wrote on SN thread.. :lol::lol:and jenna said i should write more blogs.. although im an idiot at blogs.. hee :D:D let's try one now...

i thought i better blog this before i forget....

Nicknames thus far:

Crazy Lizzie

Looney Callie

Baddie Saphie

Duivel Engel (mini-kim nick this! )



Drunka Milla

Shaggy -->McG (initially known as shaggy.. i kinda make it mcG.. hee :D:D no harm right? )

spazzy belle

la la laz (saphie nick this!)

mmmont @ monty (spazzy nick this!)

Funky Sparky

Lurky/Sneaky/Flipsy (according to sparky) Pixie --> i forgot my own!!!! :lol:

NEW!!: This is between.. a nick a twin..

skye and liz (Liz u ok with this? skye can u check?) --> John's Angels...

Engel andMilla --> **** partner

Milla and Kimmy --> single 28 w cats club

Kimmy and Engel --> Mind Freak

McG and Belle -->Psychic SPID


Snow & Webs

CL & Pix

Jom and Candy

Engel and mcG

Pales and skye

Katieand Voldy

Callie and laz

saphie and lizzie (if they want to :) )

lyca and libs?

Kimmy and mini-kim

Ell and suze (countdown)

Ell and deedee (aussie twin)

Dutchy and Belle

ohb & luv? (this i juz added :lol::lol: dun kill me!!!)

(Skye & Pales) + (Callie & Laz) = Double trouble twin sisters... :evil:


closer to buabs, nearer to the brother's standoff finale....


1) what can i say, she got mugged, gave her more confidence but at what cost?

2)she-wolf attack boss and ex boyfrend.. better dun make frens with warewolf.. wonder who else piss her off .. tat would clue as to who she killed in jared's shirt..


1) Theory bout killing the one tat did the biting, doesnt work in SN

2) warewolf have no recollection of wat they did

3) warewolf need to sleep before they are turned

4) no other choice but to kill it


1) dean is back with checking out girls, first maddy than the stripteaser.. not for long

2) in car, while lurking to watch out for maddy, dean no longer checks out maddie like he did the first time. its either becoz maddie is an SN being or he's making way for his bro, respecting wat sammy likes.. i choose the later

3) dean does anything tat sammy request... dean wanted to end maddie immediately but sammy say try kill the one tat bite her first.. dean said ok.. tat is if sammy kill maddie when she attacked (wish this is done and over with.. then we wont have such an angsty ending)... again dean wanted to end maddie second time, but knowing how deeply involved his sammy is with maddie, emotionally, he did say bout locking maddie up but with consequences.. sammy even gave dean the look, tks man.. but he know it wouldnt work 

4) 3 amazing dean looks.. one when sammy said to him tat maddie is like him, evil inside.. dean didnt realise and require a few second to absorb...

 when sammy said to maddie tat its not her fault, when she cant control wats in her, dean gave this looks, sounds like u in buabs bro.. shud heed ur own advise..

& when sammy said tat dean cant kill sam, but he can kill maddy??!! dean gave this look...

5)amazing dean's love for sammy.. when sammy said at the motel tat maddies turn, Dean said, we find her sammy... coz he noes sammy has something for her.. he will find maddie not only coz she's a dangerous warewolf, but for sammy.. he is even willing to kill maddie for sammy.. when sammy said he cant, he wont, dean took over.. took the gun (wireless communication btwn the bro on tat scene there)

5) dean's flinch at the end says it all.. one day he has to do it too... closer to buabs... nearer to their finale standoff


alas.. no choice but to touch on the man of tonite's show

1)love sammy shy look when asking maddie's personal question.. keep looking down and smile.. gosh..

2)relaxed sammy, hooked on tv show - predictable nonetheless

3) stubborn as he is, even after dean said, if there are other cures, others might have found it, sam still is adamant bout saving maddie.. as per normal, sam sees saving in every little thing.. and now it involves maddie, someone he has feelings for, all the more he believe tat he can find the cure.. when he said to maddie tat he will find someting, reminds me of faith.. watch me..

4) sam got a taste of wat he requested dean.. and he cant.. in the end he said u r right dean, she's right.. he accepted tat that's it.. no other way.. and then he accepted her death's request..

5) when he said wait here dean, initially i tot maybe he meant dean, i need u here.. dun go away.. but he said, juz wait here.. it could also mean.. dun interfere dean..

6) his last look to dean say it all.. how can i do it dean? but then he must.. and then he look forward... look forward to wat maddie's destiny.. death in sam winchester's hands...

7) sammy's screwed big time in the gal's dept...

Hope i dun miss anything.. this is the best i could tink in a messed head

Born Under a Bad sign

Aha! my first blog post...

1) Steve the hunter - who is he? why is demon meg piss off at him to drag him into the picture? why would demon meg drag sam all the way to another state to get this hunter? or is it coz bobby is there, hence she chose the state to kill steve? lots of things that demon meg could kill to make sam unconciously kill someone, but no, she chose this hunter.. & now this hunter has friends & they are out to find the murderer and they are like gordon, dun see reasons.. is he that prominent figure in the hunter world? was he hunting demons? was he a threat to demons like John? what did this hunter stumble upon to make him a threat?

2) JO - now either she is conveniently there for sam to get to her or is she really a big deal to dean's life? Seems to me, demon sam is trying to get dean to kill him.. he's trying to get to dean's soft spot.. question now is, why Jo? Is she just part of a storyline where the writers felt that the audience need to know what happen to her dad? "Our dads were in california, devil's gate reservoir, for some sort of hell spawn.." were john and jo's dad near to the demon's lair? hmm.. i wonder.. but when sam told her what actually happened to her dad, it makes me wonder another thing, why would the demon talk about Jo's dad.. Is he another prominent hunter? 

3) Bobby - a cool dude.. a very experience hunter.. Im thinking the reason why Meg is there is to get back at him..

4) exorcism - doesnt work on demon who's been to hell? oh wow!

5) Binding - now, we are shown how demon will bind itself with the host.. question is, what took Meg soo long to do it? why wait until bobby and dean is there to witness it?

6) demon meg - wow.. it doesnt even take her soo long to crawl out of hell even though she confirms hell sucks.. i wonder if daddy helped her..

7) John winchester - if meg can do it, where is John? How come John still have not crawl out of hell..

8) devil's trap - there goes the devil's trap in bobby's home.. all cracked up...

9) dean's necklace - dean also needs an amulet for anti-posession.. there goes the concept which most ppl thought earlier..

10)Dean wont kill sam.. ~period.