Can someone be so kind as to explain to me the appeal of deadmau5? A friend introduced me to him recently and I just don't understand how this guy is so popular. Don't get me wrong, he does have a very nice sound. I like his synth programing and all that. His gear list is crazy. But his songs just flat out don't develop. He has a 15 second loop that sounds MONEY and he just doesn't do anything creative with it. It sounds cool, but I don't know, i just don't see him as being a very inspiring musician.
pizzahutgood's forum posts
Saying one race is stronger or weaker is silly. While probably true to some degree, Blizzard will keep working on the balance. Plus, everyone you will play online will have weaknesses. Just be better than your opponent. Pick the race that fits your play style. Protoss = heavy micro, warp gates. Terran = wall off, part macro, part micro. Zerg = heavy macro, creep. Mess around with all three races and find out which one you have the most fun playing with. If one race is stronger, its not by enough to be a legit excuse for losing.
I'm probably going to get a ps3 in the next week or so and was wondering if anyone has heard of a game bundle or something coming out soon. I know they are going to bundle it with the move, but I am not interested in that (at least not yet).
What are the good rpgs for Wii? Would you guys consider the wii to have a strong rpg lineup? Also, how would you guys rate the online service. In terms of multiplayer, downloadable content, etc. Also, is Sin & Punishment 2 supposed to be good? Thanks
Any chance it is shown tomorrow or thursday? Or is that pretty much it for Sony's E3? Honestly, I don't understand how that game wasn't shown. Maybe it still has a long way to go?
Pretty amazing. What will they think of next? It will be interesting to see if motion controls can make it. I hope Sony's experience with the Playstation Eye and "market research" are right...
For this to work, they are going to have to treat it like a new console release and REALLY support it. Not just make it an option in Socom, not just have some 3rd party support. They will need their best developers working on it, the ones that are making the current system sellers. Yet, they still can't abandon the stuff we are used to. That will be really hard to pull off.
I'm kind of scratching my as to why Sony would develop such a blatant rip off of the Wii. Do they really think they are going to beat nintendo at its own game? There may end up being some fun casual games that get developed, but that doesn't really justify all the energy Sony is putting into this. IMO, I see NO WAY this becomes a system sellier, which I think Sony is probably hoping for. PS3 for $300, plus a Move bundle for slightly less than $100. $400 bucks compared to $200 for a wii. Wii could always drop the price to $150 if they think this is a legit threat. Plus it will take at least 2 years before Sony has the software that would warrant the purchase. Wii already has a huge library. It also sounded like that "nunchuk" was not part of the bundle. And some games require two motion controllers. Its going to get pricey. For current owners of the PS3, its cool to have the option. But Sony isn't going to make jack $$$ from this if it doesn't get people to buy ps3's for the Move. I just don't see that happening simply because it is slightly more "precise" than the wii motion controls. Also, having it in a game like Socom is pretty cool. However, I find it hard to believe you could compete online if everyone is using a DS3 and you are using the Move that you paid over $100 for (ur going to need the nunchuck). You would get tore up, rendering it useless. Which means they would have to develop a fps solely for the Move, which would be really risky. Crazy gamble by Sony if you ask me.
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