This is the kind of slim pickins you get when all the movie and tv studios release their own separate streaming service and don’t want to offer anything to amazon and Netflix anymore.
@pspearman: that’s another major issue you just brought up. If someone buys this game months after release they would have to pay to catch up because of bad game design.
@khanwashere: what destiny 2 offers is purely cosmetic, it’s not pay to win and doesn’t affect gameplay therefore it wouldn’t be nearly as tempting to make a purchase as it is for battlefront 2. I agree that no games should offer purchases except for dlc, I’m just saying that destiny 2 is not the same as battlefront 2.
It’s a trap. Activision delayed their micro transactions for WW2 while they fix the game issues and it was commended, no surprise as EA and Activision copy each other all the time. I still am very wary that EA will keep its promise to adjust the game. I feel that this is just a ploy to get people to buy the game tomorrow and the only purpose of this delay is to give people a head start to advance in the game before the people who buy micro transactions arrive.
I’m updating my comment to mention that the newest need for speed is riddled with pay to win micro transactions as well, do not trust EA.
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