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pjacobson21 Blog

Getting a PS3 on Thursday!

So I start school next week but rather than ending my summer on a high I have been sick for the past week and I don't seem to be getting better anytime soon. But all that aside I do have good news which is that I will be getting a PS3 slim on Thursday!!! I actually don't think I have mentioned this in any of my blogs but I work at Best Buy, and we are getting out shipment of slims in on Thursday and I am going to make sure one of them is mine! I'll post my PSN as soon as I have set one up, feel free to add me. I already bought Little Big Planet and a PSN store card which I am going to buy Battlefield 1943 with so especially add me if you have either of those.

Anyways really not much new to say. I've basically been lieing in bed for the past week but it gave me lots of time to polish off the elite four in pokemon platinum. Even though I go out of my way to battle every trainer and never use repels (during the story at least) my pokemon all seemed to be significantly under-levelled. I being slightly under the levels of the champion in Pearl, but nothing major, but in platinum my pokemon were all low 50's facing off against Cynthia's team of all level 60 plus pokemon. Somehow with the help of some well used items I was able to beat the elite four and cynthia all on my first attempt but I definitely was out matched. Funny side note, though, my Garchomp's dig KO'd every single one of Flints pokemon in one hit:D

So for games I'll keep playing platinum for now cause I have only scratched the surface of the battle frontier and its easy to play DS lying in bed which like I said before since I've been sick I've been doing a lot of. But come Thursday when I get my PS3 that's all I will play for some time I am sure.

I feel like the freakin' man right now!!! (BN)

OK first things first sorry for the lack of blogs recently. I've been around the site, just nothing really to write about or more often just too lazy. But right now for once I really feel like blogging so I'll let you know what I've been up to (not like anyone will be reading this seeing as how its been a good couple months since my last blog:P)

My gaming periods seem to go in phases. I get really into one game, play it excessively and exclusively, then some time later take a bit of a break from gaming or move on to a new game. As you probably guessed from my last blog, a couple moths ago I was really into Animal Crossing. When the Conduit came out I got really into it, but then ended up going back to AC. But now kind of randomly I am in the midst of a new gaming phase. A series I am quite familiar with, and one that, dare I say it, IS MY FAVOURITE SERIES EVER (yes it beats out Metroid, Zelda or Mario) The funny part is that this series is actually a spin off, and aren't those supposed to suck?

Mega Man Battle Network

I love these games. (Just check my banner.) I own all six of course, although four were bought used but whatever they play fine and who doesn't like to save money? I am in the process of completing BN2 but just for kicks decided I would play some BN6 and take another crack at Bass of ProtomanFZ. Well well well, what started out as simple boss fights ended with an all nighter (not really, bed at maybe 4am) of BN6. I had assumed the Bass I fought earlier was the final optional boss considering how much trouble he gave me. It was a year and a half or so when I first faced him and since then my netbattle skills have much improved so I am sure he would not seem to hard now. But anyways, I manned up and got all the standard chips figuring all it would get me is the cool title screen icon, completely forgetting about the bonus area that opens up. It was a nice surprise when I stumbled into the graveyard and discovered a door that had previously been locked was now open!! What was behind this door? BassSP, the same boss who had owned me a year and a half ago, but a much improved version. Like I said I am much better at the game now, but I still had a ton of problems with this boss. Long story short, 2 hours later I had him beat.

BUT NO! Bass just does not die. I was looking into Program Advances online when I read a hint section mentionally you fight Bass in the underground. I assumed this was a typo but I decided what the heck I'll give it a go. Bam. BassBX. A third and hardest version of a boss whose easiest version I once found impossible. Well I won't bore you with the details, but two or so hours later I went online and found a sick strategy to deal with BassBX's 3700 or so HP. Long story short I was able to do around 2500 damage with one single hit which definitely helped a little:D So yeah I feel like the freakin' man right now after beating BassBX. The hardest BN boss that I can think of, and it really showed me how much better at this game I am getting. Too bad this is a GBA game cause some wifi would be awesome!

Basically to sum this who thing up I am back into BN and hardcore into it at that. I will probably go back BN2 for a bit and try and beat it, then start going for S ranks and SP chips from the BN6 bosses.

Oh and here is my conduit FC if anyone is interested.


50th blog!!!/1000 posts!!!


Happy st. Patrick's day first off all. I got the free animal crossing DLC the shamrock hat. Fitting.

Anyways way back I got 1000 posts and I just sort of forgot to blog about it. I actually think I am close to 1100 posts now.

And this is my 50th blog!!! YAAH! I really wanted to do something special with this blog, maybe like a nice game countdown or a really large blog. But all of a sudden I am feeling pretty lazy and since I hadn't blogged in a while I figured I can save the celebration for later. Hopefully my next blog will be a belated 50th celebration or something and I will actually write a lengthy or thoughtful blog.

But until then this is what I have been up to lately.

My clan for Call of Duty: World at War for Wii has finally gotten started. We are what is known on the boards as a social clan. We are not competitve but we play to win obviously. The point of the clan is to meet other people who play the game and start playing the same people more often rather than always playing randies. The clan HQ is a union on gamespot so if you play the game I encourage you to join the clan.

In addition to Call of Duty I have been playing a lot of animal crossing lately. After a very nice user gave me some bells online I was able to get the final house upgrade and build another bridge in my town (don't worry I only got enough to just help my along a little. I understand how just getting bells for free can wreck the game for you. But it was nice to get a little bit of a helper haha) Anyways I have really been getting into Animal Crossing lately. Which is why I bought wild world on eBay. I know it is exactly the same game as city folk, but it was only $15 and I really felt like getting a new game for my DS. I anticipate playing it at first quite a bit, then as my animal crossing kick wears off not playnig it as much and playing city folk more. But that is ok because I know this will be the perfect game for travelling which I tend to do quite a bit. My dad works out of town during the week and it is about a 4 hour commute one way. During the summer I will be getting a job where he works and commuting with him so this game will be good for then (yeah I know, summer is still way off. muh.) And I usually go up 3 or 4 times a year so lots of driving. Plus my parents are really into the whole "weekend getaway" deal so quite often we have those really rushed get aways usually to like my grandmas or something. She lives 8 hours away and I get bored easy haha so I need a new DS game.

Ok I realize now I was just sort of rambling there haha. Long story short I do a fair amount of travelling and I wanted another good portable game so thats why I bought Wild World even though I already have city folk.


lol you have got to love Blathers rediculous fear of bugs and terrible (yet funny) jokes.

And you have to got to love the easy screenshot tool in the game. Clearly I do haha:D

Starting up a new union (charter?)

Hey so you may remember awhile back I tried to start up a union for CoD WaW Wii. It was going to be part union part clan, emphasis on the union aspect though. And by that I mean it was not going to be a super competitive clan just a group who play together, play to win but don't freak out if they lose. The union would be for talking about games, the game in general, and some off topic as well. Well long story short the union fell through and I had to wait 30 days to try again. Well my thirty days are up and I am trying again!!! I already have a couple charter members but I need more to make sure the union actually happens this time. Please if you are able to, let me know and become a charter! It would really, really help if you play the game lol but seriously if you are willing to charter that is all I need. Naturally if you dont play the game once we got more members I would remove you from the officers, but I would never forget your act of kindness!!!!!:D:D:D

So, yeah, help a brother out and charter for this union. Or if you know someone who would charter send them over to me.

The clan name is not set in stone yet but 3lite_fighter suggest Guys, Guns, and Grenades. The clan tag would be [G3] I really like the name and it works well for a clan tag. My only problem with this is that I don't want to give the impression that the union is only for guys. I'm sure most people will realize that we are using "guys" as a term for everyone, or even simply because the characters in the game are guys, but still I am slightly worried that the union may appear to be sexist in some way. Thoughts? Am I making too big an issue out of this?

I am back into Animal Crossing + images


And using the handy built in screenshot tool I took a few pics. The tool is handy but it does seem to reduce the quality of the image. That is my guy currently, and yes behind that Luigi hat is pink hair! Anyone who has played City Folk knows that unless you use a guide changing your hairstyyle is pretty much random. So I ended up with pink hair. I actually really like it sticking out under the hat, but without the hat it's just too much to take.


Just doing some fishing. Other than turnips and foreign fruit fishing is my main source of income. It can be tedious at times but catching a fish worth 15,000 bells makes it all worth while. When I catcha new fish, though, no matter how much it is worth I always stick it in the museum. Same for fossils and bugs. My museum is really starting to grow but I still have few bugs in it because when I first started playing it was winter.


aaaaahhhhhhhhhh yeeeeeaaahhhh Stringfish worth 15,000! And my mii mask.


And here is my winter look. This photo is from December when I first got the game. As you can see my look hasn't changed too much, but I haven't been able to find any shirts I like and there is no way I'm losing the aviators! I did have the touque in the winter which I thought was pretty cool. But after taking a break from playing and coming back to find it is now spring, the touque just looks weird.


So like the title suggests I am back into Animal Crossing. When I first got the game it was Christmas break so I had tons of free time and played the game a ton everyday. Then as school and basketball picked up again I was gaming less, and when I was gaming I played other games. But now all of a sudden I am back into it. I am just about to pay off my third debt (the final first floor expansion, the one that is like 250,000 bells or so) and Nooks store has been upgraded to a Nookway. My town is started to look real nice, and after sending letter after letter to my neighbours I finally got some foreign fruit to plant in my town.

I am always open to adding friends for this game, in fact I am looking to add friends. My online info is at the top of my profile but here it is again.

Animal Crossing: City Folk 5026-8655-1916
Town: Compton
Player: Patrick

It's been awhile (+new image)

I hate posting a random blog, but I don't really have anything specific to blog about and I feel like I should write a blog anyways. So here it is.

Just came off a couple amazing games of COD on Wii. First one was on Cliffside and I was sniping the hell out of my opponents. Finished 25-4. Then the very next game was Dome and I was semi-camping with my MP40 (don't judge me!!!) I ended with a 18 kill streak that was only stopped because the match ended. Finished 32-5. I'm level 50 now which is nice cause I finally have the magnum and can use second chance effectively. I think after those two games I will be back into COD. Not that I was ever out of it but I've been busy and haven't been playing the last couple weeks.

I know the grammys were a long time ago, but here are my thoughts on them. Lupe Fiasco should have won rap album of the year. The Cool was a sick album and IMO Lil Wayne is the most overratted man in the muci industry. Daft Punk's Alive 2007 won electronic album of the year, and the "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger" remix from the album got best electronic recording. About time Daft Punk wins a grammy!!!!

I just beat the first Megaman Battle Network game. A long time ago I almost beat the game, but then had to return the game to my friend. But I picked up a copy on eBay and the last week or so I've been really into it. The game is awesome and a lot of the game mechanics are different then those in the other Battle Network games so it has its own unique feel. Just a great game full of tons of boss fights and as far as battle network games go a pretty good story. My only complaint is that it was really short compared to the other games in the series. I know that I still have some side quests to do and more chips to collect but I was able to clear the game in 11 hours. Compared to BN 6 which was around a 30 hour clear time, 5 which was 40 or so and 2, 3 and 4 which are all around 20 hours. Still, a great game.

Check out my previous blog and read the comments. Some turd decided to keep commenting on it and trying to pick a fight. You gotta love the freaks you can meet on the internet.

And I made a wii tag of sorts. The emphasis is on CoD WaW for Wii although you wouldn't be able to tell from it. The CoD FC is there. It's a little small for my tastes. And yes I used a template, although I actually had to make it myself it's not one of those website generated ones.


New set up, and a NEW GAME!!!

This past weekend was my semester break so when I got back from my baskatball toruney (muh, 4th out of 8 teams) I had a couple of days to kill with no homework. So in addition to the usually playing guitar, gaming and chillin with friends I decided to rearrange and organize my gaming set up, as well as establish a new one in my room. My basement is my main set up, there's a nice 46 inch HDTV, HD cable (with PVR!!!) a DVD player and my wii. Basically all I did was rearrange the furniture, organize things and set up the DVD player. What I am very pleased with is the set up in my room. It's a retro setup consisting of my SNES, N64 and gamecube all attached to a 14 inch crapbox. The toc is so old that all it has is a coaxial input, which was fine for my SNES but not for the cube or N64. I had to buy one of those RF modulators to get them connected. Using a series of connections that wasn't all that complicated but will sound complicted if I try to explain it (so I won't) I have it set up that as long as I'm on channel 3, whatever is turned on will play. It's pretty convenient I never have to unplug cables to switch the input, even though all three are running on one single coaxial input. I also have the audio for the N64 and gamecube (not the SNES unfortunetely) running through my stereo so it's sounds great! I have a lot of respect for the cube and you can't even compare to the N64 or the SNES so it's great to play them in the comfort of my own bed.

The reason I got the gamecube set up in my room is cause I got a new game.


It's a game I've been wanting to try even since I got Prime 3 so when I saw it for $10 used at EB games I picked it up. I absolutely love it, so far more than prime 3. I love how it feels like a next gen game, even though it's from 2002. The graphics are mind blowing for the gamecube and it even looks better than a lot of Wii games. The controls are perfect even though it took me a bit to get used to not being able to constantly free aim. Gamespot was right, the game is very atmospheric and it is truly a game you can get lost it. And I love the soundtrack! It sets the mood perfectly and seems to be a bit more upbeat than Prime 3's soundtrack. Makes me glad I'm running the cube through my stereo.

A s***** week, but things should be getting better

Things just seem to be going rough for me lately. Nothing big, just a bunch of annoying small things that have added up and are really starting to piss me off.

First there was the applebees stuff which I talked about in my last blog.

Then last weekend I spent all saturday night doing homework. Then I got up at 10 sunday (slept through church haha) and did homework from 11 am to 1 am. Sure I had some breaks, but I spent at least 10 hours doing homework. It was brutal. I had two big semester end group projects due for Monday, and both where gorup projects where my group was less than adequate to say the least. Well too be fair, one of the project was my own fault. It was an english project I was doing with a friend of mine, and I agreed to do one part of it because we both thought it wouldn't be too hard. We were wrong. It was hard and took forever, but I had agreed to do it so I was stuck with it. The other project pissed me off. It was a group project for ethics class about the Jonestown cult. It shouldn't have been hard at all except we had a four person group and only me and a friend of mine were working. The two others did s*** and they probably lowered our mark because when we presented they had no idea what they were doing, me and my friend just gave them cards and told them to read it. The worst part is that one of the non-workers is a really good friend of mine. But I was pissed and I b****ed her out after. I guess I managed to make her realize how lame she was being, cause in the end she was apologizing to me even though I had been using my "angry voice"

Then on Tuesday I learned that our basketball coach might be getting fired. A bunch of the parents complained saying he was too loud and too angry. Suck it up princess he may be bad, but I've had so much worse. I guess I'm the only one on the team who played football (our football coach was a total spazz) But no he might be getting fired which means no more basketball. Our assistant is really busy and cant become our full time coach and its half way through the season we wont find a replacement. Damn I will be pissed if hes fired.

This past weekend was a bit better, I just had to study for finals. It was actually good cause I didn't get caught up in obsessive studying (I never do) and I feel good about the english final I just wrote today.

But there was some tension before. I sort of crashed my dads van into a snowbank, broke his bumper and all that. Not good but he was surprisingly cool with it. He seemed more worried that I would be late for my exam than about his bumper. Still, it will most definitely cost me some money and thats never fun.

And then today I get home from exam all ready for a sweet "study break" and the online for my wii wont work. I've been really getting into CoD WaW for Wii and I'm level 42 now.

OH that reminds me another reason why this week has been sucky. I am trying to start up a union/clan for CoD WaW Wii and even though i had enough people who agreed to be charters, only 2 accepted. Pisses me off dont say you'll charter then just disappear. And I'm not totally sure how forming a union works, but my understanding was that fter 7 days you go back and invite new charters. It's been almost two weeks and it won't let me pick new charters. Also the union hasn't been denied. Its weird. Luckily though a gamespot member ysef95 is going to make the union and give me leadership at some point. I think we still need some charters so if you are willing let me know and I will pass your name of to ysef.

So yeah i think that sums of my s***** week. It feels like there was more maybe I missed something. But it should be getting better after tomorrow my hard exams will be over and I'll finally be able to relax. And this weekend as long as we still have a coach my teams in a tournament which should be fun. And then its a new semester and I finally get spares!!!!! If you didn't know I got screwed this semester. No spares not even a lunch spare. It was terrible I had to eat in my computer class. But next semester I get two! It will seem like so much time I won't even know what to do with myself!

"But you fed me raw food!!"

After our basketball game a bunch of the guys decided we would head over to Applebee's a just hang out and eat a little. Applebee's where I live is still a bit of a novelty because it opened up less then a month ago, and the owners and managers all have kids at my school. Actually one of the owners is my neighbour and I'm really good friends with his son, and the general managers son is on our basketball team.

But even with those sweet connections we weren't just going to sit back and let them get away with their crap service, rediculous long waits and uncooked food. For starters, we had to wait over an hour for our food. When it finally came one person only had half theire meal and another had no food altogether. Those who had food like myslef got cold food. The sever assured us that the missing food would come shortly. 30 minutes later, we're all done eating excpet for my two buddies with no food. My friend actually said to the server, "are you serious? I'm not even hungry anymore". But here is the worst part. My opne friend got half way through his burger when he noticed it was pink. Like really pink, almost raw. So we called our server and talked to her. She said she couldn't do anything but she would bring her manager. Yet another wait, another 30 minutes wasted. Finally the manager comes in. (thank god it wasn't the manager we all knew) She sits down with us and tries to act all casual just like "so what seems to be the problem, boys?" OK don't give us that bulls***. You gave two guys food 30 late (so an hour and a half wait total for those guys) and served my friend raw hamburger. You know what the problem is.

Here is my least favourite part of the whole situation. It was clear that the manager thought we were just stupid teenagers just trying to score a discount. She tried to say we were exagerating everything and that nothing really went wrong. Oh cmon the facta re right there you know you f***ed up big time. But man I love my friends none of us backed down. It was basically like this:

"I know you guys are just trying to get a discount, kids do this all the time"

*random b****ing about the wait, and we repeated asked to get the chanel changed on the TV and they told us everytime it'll just take a minute, but it never happened*

then my favourite part...

"It is our policy not to give discounts regularly"

"... BUT YOU FED ME RAW FOODQ!!!" (he just yelled it, people in the restaurant were staring haha)

"Fine we will refund the burger"


"ok your desert is now free"


ahhh what a guy I was proud that moment. After all was said and done, we went from "It is store policy not to give discounts" to a 30% haha. But serious we put up with s*** the whole night just got she thought teenagers wouldn't have the balls to stand up for themselves. We probably deserved the whole meal free it was rediculously slow, and the food was either cold raw or 30 minutes later then everyone elses. Seriously we were in that restaurant for 3 hours in the end. Its fricken applebees it should've taken an hour and a half, tops.