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Five Most Memorable Video Game Moments

This is a list of the fivevideo game moments that are most memorable to me. This is not the ten best moments, just ten moments that stick out in my mind.

#5 Call of Duty 4 (XBOX360) The ending.

Your partner slides you a pistol and you have to take out your enemy andhis two goon while lying down injured in the middle of a wrecked bridge. AWESOME!!! Video

#4 Pokemon Crystal (GBC) Finally getting Ho-oh.

This probably wasn't very memorable to most people but it is to me because i always had a very hard time doing it. For those who don't know, getting Ho-oh in crystal is a lot harder than getting him in gold or silver. In g/s you just went to some place and he was there. In crystal you have to first catch suicune, raikou and entei before you can get ho-oh. Every time I played through crystal I would get impatient and just use my masterball on raikou or entei and then be unable to catch Ho-oh. It was only last year on maybe my 8th or 9th time playing the game that I finally got ho-oh.


#3 Paper Mario (N64) The torch puzzle from Bowser's castle.

Basically the puzzle was there was several rooms with an exit on the upper floor and an exit on the lower floor. You had to go through the correct exit in each room to move forward. The clue was that in the room before there was a pattern of torches. Some were high, others were low, indicating which exit you should take and in what order. It's weird. I knew what I was supposed to do. I knew the order I was supposed to use. But I never for the life of me was able to get through!!!! Eventually one day my friend came over when i was playing. I explained to him what you had to do. He said "oh that's so easy!!!" and promptly completed the puzzle!! I was shocked but that quickly went away because it was time to fight Bowser. About a year later I was playing the game again. I got to the torch puzzle and couldn't do it. So I called my friend up and he did it no problem. To this day I always have trouble with the torches, although I have managed to make it through once or twice but only by pure luck.


#2 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time(N64) Seven years have passed...

Becoming old link. After first seeing this moment i was in awe for about a week. It was just so amazing. You ake up in the temple of time to find that seven years have passed. You are now older and stronger, but some of the weapons from your childhood no longer work. And then you go outside and see the destruction brought on by ganondorf ovcer the last seven years. It's absolutely amazing. This one scene is what makes Ocarina of Time so amazing for me.


#1 Super Mario RPG: The Legend of the Seven Stars (SNES) Fighting Smithy

Its amazing that this moment can beat out the awe inspiring Temple of Time. But to me it's more memorable, simply because the boss fight was so fricken long!! Smithy is not your average Mario boss. But then again Super Mario RPG was not your average Mario game. He constantly transforms, forcing you to change your strategie. He probably killed Geno about 20 times throughout the battle so its a good thing Peach can revive fallen allies. Plus the battle goes through several stages, with each harder than the last.


So there you have it, my top five most memorable video game moments. Were these moments memorable to you? Have some other moments you think were memorable? Leave a comment!!!

And some other stuff...

I got the sixth pure heart in Super Paper Mario. Just two more left!!!

And I have a new banner. From left to right: Paper Luigi, Mario, Toon Link, Charizard, Megaman (Battle Network Version), and Mallow from Super Mario RPG.

Better Than the PSN Platinum Trophies

Is Pokemon Platinum. Taken from various websites from around the internet here is all the information on pokemon platinum that is available so far.


This is supposedly known as the torn world. From what I can gather it some sort of alternate dimension created by Dialga and Palkia.


Cyrus sees Giratina entering the world. I beleive this is how the torn world is formed.


This is the new form of Shaymin, the sky form.


The wifi components of the game are going to be a huge step up form D/P. The underground will now be wifi enabled and the GTS will be upgraded. The picture above is from the new GTS. Also, you will be able to have up to 20 people in one room over wifi.


Registeel and Regice's rooms. There is supposedly a way to get them in platinum bu the only way I have heard involves getting a Regigigas from a Japanese promotion of the new pokemon movie. No word on how N America will handle this.


Giratina plays a large part in Platinum and replaces Dialga and Palkia as the main pokemon hunted by team galactic.


He even gets the cover! (ok not the official cover but it is safe to say that the cover will look similar to this when released.)


And finally the battle frontier from emerald makes a return. It's not known what it will be like but the Battle Tower will be there for sure. I would assume that lots of the places from emerald's frontier will be there like the battle dome and battle factory.

Please comment if you know of any other information about pokemon platinum, or even just to say how much you are looking forward to this game!!!

And in gaming news...

I decided to play through Metroid Prime 3: Corruption again the other day. I played for about 5 hours over the last couple days and am just a little bit past the boss that gives you the ice missiles. One annoying thing is that my old save file has been deleted. It's not that big a deal since I am starting over but I lost all of the unlockables and credits I had :(

About a month ago I started playing Pokemon Emerald again. I just beat the elite four and have started on the battle frontier. My pokemon aren't quite good enough yet so I have just been doing the battle factory with the rental pokemon.

Welcome to my Blog/Super Paper Mario

I finally have a blog header. It's not quite finished I still want to remove all the white spots but I had no header before so I stuck it up anyways. [UPDATE: I removed the white spots] It's Paper Mario themed if you couldn't figure out. And speaking of Paper Mario I finally bought Super Paper Mario for the Wii. It`s a fun game, don`t get me wrong, it`s just not really a Paper Mario game to me. The 2D platforming is tons of fun but I just prefer the 3D RPG the was the first two Paper Mario games. After ``The Thousand Year Door`` was so good for the gamecube I really expected Nintendo to make it that much better for the Wii. Like I said I am enjoying this game and will definately finish it, but my Paper Mario craving won`t be satisfied until Nintendo makes a real Paper Mario for the Wii. Maybe I`ll just go back and play ``The Thousand Year Door`` one more time:P


Finished the COD4 Campaign

So if you look at my game catalogue you will see that all my games are on Nintendo systems. That is because I have only ever owned Nintendo systems simply because the games I want are on those systems. But thats not to say there are a few games on other systems I enjoy. After spending an afternoon at my neighbours playing TDM online in COD4 my neighbour asked if I wanted to borrow his xbox for the week since he was going out of town. I had to laugh because I knew he was just lending it to me so I would get him some XP in COD4 but I said yes anyways. So this past week I played COD4 online for a bit but when I reached level 54 I decided to stop playing. My neighbour hadn't reached prestige mode yet and I wasn't sure if that was something he wanted to do. So I started playing the campaign. I was hooked instantly!!! The plot flowed smoothly and the game is just so darn fun! By far it is the best single player campaign I have ever played in a FPS. "Gillies in the Mist" is the most amazing mission I have ever played. My only gripe with it is that it was too short. I was able to beat it on regular difficulty in about 5 hours of play time. I might write a review of this game. I've played so much online at my friends house and now I've finished the single player so I've played enough to be able to write a review,

Viva la Vida!

So I picked up the new Coldplay cd at a bestbuy (it was a steal too, only $12 Canadian!) and it's pretty good. It's the type of album that just grows on you. The first time I listened to it I was thinking to myself, "ok, a little over-hyped. The only good songs are the singles." But having listened to it a few times since then I am really starting to appreciate the little things in it more and more. "Viva la Vida" and "Violet Hill" are still my favourite songs on it but I really getting into "Death and All His Friends" and "42". I recommend this album to coldplay fans but I wouldn't recommened it to someone who has just liked the singles in the past because there are't any songs that sound like them on this album. This album is alot different from older Coldplay albums but is definately worth a listen.

New banner

I made a new banner for my profile. The new banner is a few screenshots from the greatest videogame of all time, Super Mario RPG: The Legend of the Seven Stars. The screenshots basically summarize the ending of the game. In the first one Smithy has been defeated, in the second one Geno is using the stars to restore peace, in the third one Bowser gets his castle back, and finally in the last one there is the "Thank You" message that is custamary for most Nintendo games.

Another Friend Code

I finally got Mario Kart Wii. I'm still pretty new to the game so right now I would be an easy opponent, but you can add me if you like. Just make sure to PM me your code. My friend Code is:


Nintendo Friend Codes

This is a list of all the Nintendo WFC games I have that I actually play online with. Feel free to add me just remember to PM with your codes.


Mario Kart DS: 378078-755750

Pokemon: 5412-8151-9542

Metroid Prime Hunters: 1117-8537-5413

AW Days of Ruin: 532701-720995

Megaman Starforce Dragon: 4811525622476

I know MMSF has no wifi games to play but I really need a brother and you can do that over wifi so PM me if you are interested.


Super Smash Brothers Brawl: 2921-8759-5458

So those are the friend codes of games I play online. If I get any new online games I will make another blog post. I hope to play against you soon!