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Words from a 360 faithful

Alright, I'll admit I'm not the greatest blogger in the world, Sometimes I'm pretty darn lazy. As most of you know I frequent the SystemWars boards, and occasionaly I run into a gem of a post. This came from VoodooHak when he replied to a threadby a PS3 fanboy asking people to defend the xbox. The fanboy claiming thathe pwns all his friends whoown a 360 in an argument about which system is the best.

By VoodooHak:

I was going to say it's all Xbox Live. But in truth, Xbox Live is only part of the picture. It's probaly the most obvious part, but only one part. The Xbox 360 has set up a whole ecosystem of gaming that addresses the whole gaming experience.

While playing on a system like the PS3, it still feels very much like a solitary experience. Gaming is only really about being in a game proper. Not so with Xbox 360. On the console, I almost never just launch into a game. I check my messages first. I look at my friends list to see who's partied up and who's playing what. I'll check the Events section to see what's on tap for the night and next few nights. Maybe the Spotlight section has a cool Inside Xbox segment or IGN Strategize has something new. Oh look... they already have a tip for Arkham Asylum. Or maybe I'll check the marketplaces to see if any new demos, videos, add-ons.

This brings me to the layout. It's not like I have to go far to look. Everything is at or near the surface of the dashboard. No need to launch a separate app.

Then there's something like achievements which have been there from launch, so they're in every single game except for Indie games. The data's accessible any community developer that wants it, giving rise to sites like or 360Voice which get update dynamically. There's no manual synching process. It just happens. Trophies on the other hand are now only standard since the start of this year, leaving a large gaps in the number of games that support them. The data isn't publicly available, so the services like TripleTags and AngelFire require you to manually update your trophies.

Then you have the integration with The gaming experience doesn't have to end when you turn off the console. You can keep up with your friends list via MSN messenger or manage your messages and your account through Meanwhile, PSN's integration with is so rudimentary, it really offers little value.

Xbox also has very visible and accessible community managers that not only go to industry events, but also set up celebrity meetups and play sessions with developers and address subsections of the community that otherwise get ignored (ie GamerChix, GamerParents, Ambassadors to help newbies).

These are just examples of how MS and Sony approach gaming today. It would seem that Sony is stuck in the traditional, last gen mentality of what gaming is while MS has kept in step with the web 2.0 movement and focused heavily on creating a framework where a community can thrive.

So won't find these things on the back of the box or on some consumer product grid. These are things you can only experience by being part of the community.

Sony's disregard for casuals spells doom.

Name the number one selling console out on the market today, and whom does it cater too? Now name the second? And in 3rd place we have the Playstation 3. While the Wii went after the casual market, both Xbox and PS3 went after the 'hardcore' gamers. Almost everyone at SystemWars counted the Wiiout as it didn't cater to what we wanted, asystem that brings in a leaptechnological advancement, withbigger and longer games. The Wii took a side step and made a technological advancement, not in raw computing horse power, but rather in user interface, with smaller and shorter games. This of course got media attention and sold consoles.

What did Xbox and PS3 do to answer the huge potential for sales in the casual market? Well the Xbox revamped their menu screen and introduced cute little avatars. While this is nothing new, the Wii had them since launch and the PS3 had HOME Beta. The xbox made it part of the new menu screen and have even released games where you can show off your creation. The PS3 only had their avatars as an optional download. Lets call that strike one.

Next the Xbox revamped their user interface even more with the introduction of Natal. Given that this is a peripheral and didn't come included with the system, it will be a tough sale for the casuals to bite. The approach they are going for is that they are treating the Natal like a new system aimed at the "60 per cent of households where a videogame console doesn't exist", rather than current casual gamers "or even PS2 people who haven't upgraded". . It has received a lot of media attention since it's unveiling at E3. Just like the Wii, this can mean sales. The PS3 unveiled their project, still early in development as it still does not have a name. Sony said that they want"developers to create entirely new types of games that we believe have the potential to appeal to core gamers who, up until now, maybe haven't embraced motion gaming as much as casual fans." Lets call that strike two.

And last we have is the biggest deterrent to casual gamers which is of course the price point. To this day the PS3 has been the most expense system. Talks about price cut have been rumored for years. But if the price pointfor the PSP Go is anyindication of how much they have learned from the past, than they have got a longway to go before casual gamers proclaim PS3 the must have system. According to Kaz Hirai, Sony really isn't to interested in the casual market. "If you go mainstream too quickly and don't support the core gaming audience then you lack the pillar to support your platform", says Kaz. "Without this pillar", he continues, "you end up with a fickle audience that might be big but will probably move on. This is fine if you're looking at a five-year lifecycle like all of our competitors, even looking back in history, have always done. The new console comes out and the old one is immediately disregarded." Lets call that strike three, and that's game.

(BATTLE) Yojiro Hanma vs. Akuma

Ok, I saw the full series of Baki the Grappler and most of the Street Fighter animes. This being a gaming site I would think most people would say Akuma would win in a fight. Maybe because he has fireballs and the Shin Goku Satsu. In my opinion there isn't a martial arts style that Yojiro hasn't fought against and won. Just seeing how he beats top tier fighters and doesn't even need to try. My guess is that he has already ran into Ansatsuken (Ken & Ryu style) and already knows all the weaknesses of it.

Akuma has trained almost his whole life in Ansatsuken style martial arts. Now-a-days he trains by himself. Occansionally someone will challenge him, depending if they are worthy, he might even give them a warriors death. Yojiro Hanma has been training almost his whole life too, not just in one martial arts, but all well known fighting styles, including esoteric ones like udonde,Shinogi, and Shinshinkai karate, even the forces of nature itself. His day is not complete until he has put a world class fighter in a coma or has taken on an entire martial arts school and knocked everyone out, including the coaches and instructors. Small note the only known time that Yujiro has ever been knocked unconscious is when Tokugawa had him shot several times with tranquilizer bullets. Despite having enough trances in his system to kill ablue whalehowever, he made a full recovery after a rather short period of time.

Now I heard somewhere that Akuma destroyed an island with his Hadoken, yeah thats pretty powerful, butYojiro fought bear handed in the Vietnam war against both American and Vietcong troops. After the war the US hired him as aliving weapon of mass destruction. Both have a sort of power up where Akuma will harness the power of the Dark Hadou and become Shin Akuma;while Yojiro when hefights for pleasure a demon's face will appear from the muscles on his back.

For me, I picture a great fight , oth being pushed to their limits but in the end, Yojiro's vast knowledge of all the martial arts would be to much for Akuma to counter against.

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PSN is better than XBL? Not this Gen !

Ok, XBL has way, way more downloads. They have movies, shows, demos, Netflix, wall paper, gamer pics and yes you can get some for free. You can even do custom wallpaper with your PC networked. Don't forget custom soundtracks in-game.

Having P2P has it's ups and downs. I do know that if I want to play quick match I don't have to search or wait. Playing and chating with friends is a lot easier, even while playing different games it's easy to talk with friends.

Less people on PSN means less people playing on-line. I still believe those numbers $ony released last month about them having close to 18 mil users is false. Plus more people are able to chat on XBL because they give you a mic when you purchase Gold. PSN you got to go out and buy a bluetooth headset which has to be compatiable and on top of that not guaranteed to sound good, but whats the point when there's no one else to chat with.

Please note that more expensive doesn't mean more mature. I've seen plenty of 17 or 18 yr old kids with BMWs and Lexus. Parents buys their snotty, immature children PS3s too. If people are annoying you online you can always MUTE them or vote to boot them off on XBL.

About does 30 vs 30 games, they sound fun. So does MAG,with 128 players, if it had a release date. Don't know about you but people want to play games online , not Waitware.

Home is garbage. Money and resources well wasted, once again I want to play games not potential, and all this talk about what it can be or will be after updates. That potential doesn't have a release date so have fun waiting and dancing in front of the virtual jumbo TV.

PSN being free is nice, but you get what you pay for. PSN NOW is better than XBL at 360 LAUNCH. XBL is better now and will still be ahead of the PSN and WiiConnect.

Plug n Play

Little Johnny and little Jimmy are 10 years old and are neighbors and share the same birthday. On their birthday little Johnny got a new next gen console and was told by his parents, "If you can hook it up you can play it". Next door little Jimmy got all the parts to put together a high end top of the line PC. He too was told by his parents "If you can hook it up you can play it".

Little Johnny already knew where the power plug goes into and figured out where the audio video cable connected to on the back of the TV. Within a few minutes from being in the box little Johnny was playing his next gen console and having fun.

Little Jimmy next door was opening all the boxes for all the parts of his PC and laid them out in front of him. He had a tower , flat screen, KB&M, video cards , sound cards, DVD drives, power supply, mother board, hard drive, RAM, cables and install discs galore. He set out to try and hook up his PC up, wishing he had more than a 5th grade reading level. He screwed and plugged all the parts where they belong on the mother board. Then came time for the cables. After a lunch break and some reading of instructions he managed to put all the cable were they belong and then plug the power cord and finally turn on the PC. Upon start up he was asked to install the OS, after that was the video card install, then the sound card and KB&M install. After dinner he saw all the installs were complete. He popped in the new video game he got and the first thing he saw when he did was a request to install. After all that he started a new game but before he could slay his first monster or talk to his first NPC his mother comes in and said "it's time for bed, you got school tomorrow".

At school little Johnny was talking about his new game console and how he was so tired from playing all day long yesterday. He asked little Jimmy "what did your parents get you for you birthday?" Jimmy replied, "A PC ! >:( "When asked how fun it was Jimmy said "none at all. I haven't even played a game yet". Johnny felt bad for his friend and said "if you want to, you can come over and play some co-op tonight. I have an extra controller" Jimmy asked how long will that take? Little Johnny looked at little Jimmy confused. He said "you just push a button. That's it". When Johnny asked Jimmy if he could go over to his house and play together on his PC he said , "sorry, I only have one player games."

The next morning Johnny was so excited. He told everyone how he was playing on-line yesterday. All he needed to do was plug a cable up from his next gen console to the modem and after putting in some information on his TV he was playing with friends and having more fun than before. He knew the high speed internet guy was at Jimmy's house too, so he asked "Did you play on-line too Jimmy?" By this day little Jimmy was on the verge of tears. He replied to Johnny's question, "No." When asked why not, Jimmy only said "Installs." "Ok, but what about after that," said Johnny. Little Jimmy looked at little Johnny and said " Then I got the BSoD". "Ouch", said Johnny. "I guess you're SOL"

What's up with Gamestop employees.

When did Gamestop start hiring people that don't know jack squat about videogames or the video game industry. I have to drive five cities over just to find one guy in the whole district that knows what the heck is going on. In fact almost everytime I try to strick up a conversation about gaming news the employees always say ' Oh wow you know alot about video games, you should talk to whats his name in Fayettville, he knows about video games too". It use to be everyone that worked there were die hard gamers, heck they were late to work cause they were playing video games, on their breaks they were playing video games.

My biggest pet peeve was when I asked the guy at the counter if they have any used Wavebirds and the dude just looked at me funny like I was in the wrong store. He asked if it was a video game and I told him no it is the wireless nintendo gamecube controller. He of course had to ask someone else and that person goes 'no I don't think Nintendo ever made a wireless controller, but we have some Gamestop brand Gamecube controllers. Than I gave him a look like he was in the wrong store. This ever happen to you where you just want to jump over the counter rip their name badge off and tell them ' You're fired, you don't belong in this store or any video game store, go work at walmart, you're are a fakeboy!'

Nothing sells on the PS3

I tried to sell nothing to a guy on a street corner for just $5, but he wouldn't get it. SONY has managed to sell consumers nothing for $400-$600? That's truly astonishing.

Why do 360 fans come onto ps3 news and bash the system?

Written bynikefreak.

Once again. Someone having a dislike for something, doesnt mean they are bashing the system, fanboys, etc. If they have legitimate reasons behind it, then thats their opinion. I am QUITE sure that no 360/Wii fan feels anything but humored on the PS3, far from inferior. However, I CAN say, PS3 fans tend to go on whine sprees, whenever the PS3 is spoken of in a less than perfect light. However, people such as yourself, running and calling the waaaambulance, having never even reviewed anything other than Nintendo/PC/Mac/Playstation/Sega games, I doubt have much to back yourself up with on your feelings about the competition. To an observer, you automatically look like the typical Sony fanboy.

Now, for the reason 360 fans tend to come to share their dislike of the PS3, well, I think they have said their reasons over and over and over, yet some (like you) cant seem to understand that, so here is a recap...

1. Games are not the best, nor the most rounded as for selection.
2. Most good games on the PS3 platform are available on the 360 platform as well, and usually are the same or better, featuring the same or more features/etc.
3. Bringing a system out for 600.00 and heralding how people will buy it regardless, putting a bunch of nonsense in that causes them to have to take massive losses to even try to decrease the price, and then having to cannibalize parts of your company as well as sell off a factory that produces the main component in your system (Which, if it were SO great, they wouldnt let that happen, especially to a rival who produces HD-DVD ), all to lower the PS3 200.00 in price, in a year, as a desperate attempt to recapture the market they have continued to loose. Then, in a bold move, they release a commercial about having your "Eyes scream and ears bleed", when in fact the only thing the PS3 has made bleed up to now, are peoples wallets.
4. Forcing tech onto consumers without any option as to if they want it or not, simply to further their own agenda.
5. The fact that most PS fanboys have no solid reasoning for why they stick with PS platform, and hate on others, other than because it is made by Sony, and the PS2 was big... Previous successes do NOT guarantee future ones.
6. When a company such as Sony, does what they have done as a whole, and given the attitude they have, people such as myself begin to see them as more harm than good to the games industry, and would rather someone else step up and take their spot. The PS games would then move to the competitions systems, so you would still get your franchises, but we wouldnt have a company such as Sony doing nothing but bad, and trying to rule everything. To be quite honest, I would rather see Sega where Sony is now :
7. Why should WE, make ourselves blind to the competitions products, as you have done, when that doesnt do anything other than fuel ignorance? I personally feel it is a good idea to keep up on whats going on in PS3 land, even if I wouldnt own one right now - even if it were free. I still want to keep up on that side of the console front, and know whats happening. If you guys keep pushing fans from other consoles AWAY, when they are trying to see whats up with your favorite companies products, you will only further hurt the sales for your said company. If and when, for example, I see Sony change the problems, attitude, etc. that have caused them all these headaches in the first place, I would be willing to get a PS3. However, people such as yourself remind me of part of the reason I am steering clear....

I am a gamer. I buy based on the GAMES. I dont buy based on a brandname, nor do I buy because it looks "so teh coolz!!!111". I dont buy based on "Last gen PS2 was top", nor do I buy based on "Well the PS3 can do xxxxxx theoretical performance", I buy based on what the console actually DOES.

And as far as what it does, and its draw to people like me? Well, lets just state the obvious - draw your own conclusions. The only systems I havent owned through the years -- 3D0, NeoGeo, PS3 -- thats it.

What do you do with an old console?

I've kept every system I've own. You won't regret keeping your system, 20 years from now you can sell it for a bunch of cash if you sell it to the right people. Plus there have been time when I go to my local gamestop and see an old school game for like $2 bucks and play it on my old system. This past year alone I've played an NES game, Genesis game, 2 Xbox games and a PS2 game. Game systems I still have: Vectrex, Atari 7800, NES, Original Gameboy (gray brick), SNES, Genesis w/ Master System convertor, Atari Lynx, Sega CD, Sega Nomad, Game Gear, Playstation, N64, Gameboy Advance, PS2 w/ Network Adaptor and HDD, Gamecube, Xbox, Atari Flashback, DS, Xbox360, and Wii. All these are the original systems purchased at launch or close after, not the second remakes making them hard to find and worth more money. Quick note I did have Captian Power but sold it on ebay. Anyone remember him?

no point in buying PS3 for 1 year :As written by dk_2007

I didn't write this, but I do agree with what he said:

Hi gamers, I am thinking to buy a new console. I was confused and I read "lot" of threads on the gamespot.

I have decided that I don't want to be a victim of the false hype.

Now I believe that there is "no logic" in buying the PS3 for at least 1 year. Rather buying xbox 360 and PS2 looks logical. Both of the systems have good games and are worth the price. PS2 has more worth than the price. Only problem with PS2, and it applies to PS3 as well, looks to be its company called Sony.

Is it true that Sony is expert in building a false hype and succeeds by victimizing many people with it? Best example is that some PS3 's have been sold even when it very expensive and has no games. I am sure some of the people who bought it were the victim of the false hype. This has gone to such extent that so called"fan-boys "have started to idolize PS3 and Sony.

Another example is killzone2. The first trailer was incredibly good and I read it somewhere that Sony said it was not CGI! but was "in-game". Isn't it a lie?
New trailer looks good but is already a step down from the first trailer. Well it is human psychology to accept things when they change in small steps but a big change will not be accepted. It looks like Sony first lies and by playing psychology games, it tries to convert those lies into (false) "beliefs". I say beliefs because beliefs are not always true.

Another point is: In the beginning how Sony said that their PS3 will be so much powerful than the other systems. It sounded as if other systems will look like crap. Again with "small steps" that
lie is being converted into belief.

Conclusion is that Sony builds lot of false hype. That succeeds because of their psychological methods and people become victim of the false hype.

Anyway coming back to the topic: I think that if I have to spend $500 or $400 then the console I buy should be worth the money. I don't want an expensive console, sitting idle in my home and myself waiting for 1 year so that some good games like MGS4 arrive, getting frustrated even when I paid so much money. Next thing would be paying more money, like $200-$300, out of frustration, $50 per game, on some average games.

I am thinking to buy XBOX360 straight away. and also PS2. Even if I don't like Sony because of what I said before, PS2 looks irresistible.

With XBOX360 & PS2, I will have a huge library of games with 360 having lot of games with best graphics. Nothing is there on PS3, at present, that can even come closer. That will remain for at least 1 year or may be for more time.
Moreover it is possible to buy cheaper second hand games for XBOX360 & PS2 as they have been out in the market for sometime.

Otherwise please correct me.

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