@Aleperez75 so it seems the majority agrees that the Xbox One reveal was total garbage. Why bother telling me otherwise? Sorry, we're just not happy. Simple math.
Why can't things just be more simpler? I just want to sit on my ass and play games, period. The whole new gen deal should just be . "Here's the new console, look at how different it looks now. Check out the new graphics card. Now here are the games that will be coming out with the console. Thanks for showing up, hope you enjoyed it, goodbye." ****! IT'S THAT SIMPLE!! HOLY SHIT!!!
Help me please! My son has been smoking pot and clocking hookers with a wrench all because of that Call of Mario: Black Cops Auto 3 game on the Nintendo. Please everyone, let's ban video games forever and ever mmmkay? Btw what's the name of that movie where Al Pacino is cuban swears all the time and kills bunch of people snorting cocaine? I love that movie! But really though, lets ban video games, they're baaad.
Now i understand why Andrew Jackson allowed regular citizens to work in the government, cuz the majority knows whats good. For **** sake the Microsoft people really don't know how to give a good presentation. This leads me to shitty directions that recent games have been striving for. Just hire us the people to write for these games, and i mean US. We know what we want, let us take control.
If all the guns and explosives overshadows your precious script, it means one thing...Your script ain't shit. It's not appealing enough to dig its way out of the burning hot shells. There's your problem you ungrateful fruit. Now quit your whining and start over from square one.
The last time I checked, the majority population that plays video games are young people...not grandmas from Alabama with conservative values. This is real world business, leave your family out of it.
- Insane maps (zero gravity in space, collapsing buildings, in an airplane going for a nose dive, maps that fucking moves and is alive...jeez too much to ask?)
- Cool modes (massive naval battle., duck hunt, assassination in the middle of the busy streets in New York...you know? spice things up a little. ****)
Sure as hell Call of Duty: Ghost won't have any of those...only one can dream
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