@NTM23 Two big problems with game advertising these days.
1. Revealing too much in trailers and showcases ruins the fun and surprise.
2. No emphasis on a particular subject or mascot in the game for us to anticipate. (Ex: Master Chief in Halo, Sam Fisher in Splinter Cell, Laura from Tomb Raider, Niko Bellic from GTA4) I can't seem to find particular mascot in Destiny besides that big white ball. The characters introduced in this trailer shows zero significance.
Remember back when games had sense of mystery and suspense that ramps up the anticipation for its release. Nowadays we get game development clips, shots, showcase and trailers every once a month....spoiling all the surprises.
hahaha wow they took out everything that made the previous titles good, which was very little...and turned this game into absolutely nothing but another brown people shooter in sand and junkyards. It's like the game companies don't even like money anymore.
My top priority is story and gameplay. If you have boring cutscenes with lifeless characters and clunky controls, your game fails. Graphics are just pictures for menus. The main dish is what I'm paying for.
Ex: Saints Row 2 had shitty graphics, but the story was interesting, funny, sad, gritty, and overall very engaging. Just like San Andreas.
Console graphics or not, GTA is gonna bring something special to the table. They always do. And with a title this big, man.....better buckle up kids. Because Uncle Rockstar is about to set fire to disneyland and call in school bus of hookers and miniguns.
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