I always diss COD games, but have all the titles sitting at home. I'm gonna give it a rest and just be honest for once: This game looks sweet, I'm getting it lol. Whew, that was actually okay.
Hi, I'm Dr. Bengay, and here I have your results from your diagnosis. Now it's not gonna be easy for you to digest this, and I don't expect you to, but you're gonna have to try because this is very important to you and everyone else around you. Your social life, as we all know it, has only 4 weeks left to live. Take the remaining days you have to inform your family and friends. They're gonna miss you a lot when you're gone.....IN LOS SANTOS!! YEAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! I'm sorry, that wasn't very professional of me.
It has been at least a month and a half since the reveal of XboxOne, and this is the best response he could come up with? It's true we're always online....ON OUR COMPUTER! YOU BALD-HEADED DUNCE! lol this guy is trying to make xboxone a home computer or something. It's a gaming console for **** sake.
@Gle4se If only we could find a way to sum all that up into one word. Then perhaps the gaming world would become a better place. Everyone needs to read the paragraph above me.
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