All this for removing backward compat' only to have me give up current gen to commit to a console who's policies could change anytime for the worst. I'd rather keep the good times to laugh at the bad times and (if necessary) jump ship.. fast!
But I forgot,i've no plans to get xbox one as I've pre-ordered PS4 already :D
M$ moneytizing even on content sharing just alerts Sony's to play second fiddle for our financial benefit. Classic Tom and Jerry with gamer perks at it's best.
EA raises $18,000 for AIDS research to look generous while greedily raising all their next gen games to $80 on us. Hypocrites is to passive to begin with!
Kinect is just probing every desperate avenue to justify it's relevance of value from looking too expensive. Soon Kinect will find highly technological extraterrestrial life and the price of new technology. Only then will it claim that it's scene of worth in Xbox One is generously worth £429.99.
No Kinect free version? That's it, I don't want to hear anything Xbox one in my life again but will just laugh in the H8 Gamespot users will giving it with great satisfaction.
There are X1 buyers totally permissive to the spy power it'll increasingly exploit that'll hopefully only end up as a problem of mistaken identity and not to a full blown catastrophy of what happened to Jean Charles Menendez.
pmamba45's comments