Ok, I do feel what Vick did was stupid (if he actually did it), but only b/c he is a Multi-million dollar NFL QB and dog-fighting is illegal in the state of Virginia. My feelings are hurt and my prayers go out to "Ookie" and his family. I wish he wasn't involved. However, assuming that he isn't innocent, I don't understand why everyone is ready to lynch Vick.
For all of you that do now fully understand what Vick is being charged for, let me explain. Vick is not being charged for killing a dog. Vick is not charged for electracuting a dog. Vick is not charged with shooting nor hanging a dog. Vick is charged with sponsoring illegaldog-fights(by buying property used for breeding and fighting dogs), purchasing dogs from out of state and either transporting them personally or having them brought to Virginia, gambling on the fights. MIKE VICK is not being cited for killing a dog. I've looked at the Indictement and Vick's name is not mentioned one time for killing a dog.
Let me ask you this, How many ants have you stepped on in your life? How about flies swatted? How many times have you or a family member gone hunting for deer, rabbit, or another forest animal? How many cows are killed yearly to provide the US with enough beef to keep McDonald's in business? A lot, right? And Vick's dog-fighting ring is sooooo much worse, right? Oh, I guess, it's different b/c insects don't have feelings, and forest animals and cows (and/or other animals) are not domesticated. That's not a legit reason to throw Vick to the sharks in my opinion? I mean, if dogs weren't "cute" and "fluffy" would anyone really care. If dog fighting was the worse thing in the world, it would be illegal everywhere, not just in certain places and/or states. And if you want to make the case that hunters use the animals they kill as food, that's not always the case. A lot of hunts are just for the sport of it. Remember Ivory Hunters anyone???
The fact remains, Vick wasn't sponsoring an illegal Motal Kombat Tournament for Midgets, he was "sponsoring" dog-fights. I'm apauld that people are calling for Vick's head. I don't think what Vick has done, or not done, should be affecting his career at this point. If Vick is convicted and has to go to jail for any extended period of time, his career will essentially be over any ways. But he should be allowed due process and assumed innocentuntil proven guilty. When was the last time you seen any "regular joe" arrested for anything and protestors called for "regular joe" to be fired or suspended from Pep Boys? You do understand that we live in the United States of America ladies and gentlemen and we are entitled to a few rights? One of them is called due process and the fact that we are presumed innocent until proven guilty.
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