going to eat'n park at 3 am
pmo5010's forum posts
i've got two cavities right now...fun
nothin' like video gamers talking about fetishes on a video game website. sad...
the only time i compare games is if it is a sequel - like comparing Mass Effect 2 to Mass Effect...which, in this case, it was way better (even though I wasa huge fan of ME1). it'll be awhile before free-roaming/gang-based games like Grand Theft Auto have someone to compare itself with. several have tried - true crime and driver with little success.
that all depends. if you like studying humans as a species and our evolutionary historythen its definitely a great class. a little heavy on jargon from time to time but its an interesting class. if you like how humans behave within societies (especially with contemporary issues) then sociology is cool too. i like both and took both during my time in college.
i've tried looking around for stuff on this and not much has come up. I've tried to become a more dedicated Sim City 4 player and my game keeps crashing. I bought the Deluxe Edition (which contains both Sim City 4 and Rush Hour in one installation, rather than separate installations). My computer is a Dell Dimension 521 with an AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4400+ running at 2.3 GHz, 2 GB of RAM, and uses Windows Vista (I'm beginning to think that this may be the problem but I want to hear others' opinions on it). I got thisPC back in the summer of2007 so its not archaic in terms of technology needed to run this game. all of my other games run just fine and I really only have four games installedthat I play on this. The game doesn't always crash on me with smalltownsbut it crashesalmost everytimewhen my cities and townsget bigger. I have come across these 'Exception Reports' and it shows all of the times it crashed. I don't know whats causing this and its frustrating me. I try to save often but I shouldn't have to be playing this game while being completely paranoid and its very frustrating when i get far. I've also downloaded their patches and it still hasn't worked. any suggestions or ideas?
as a star wars fan I don't hate the prequels. they are an interesting look at the story but i think lucas truly screwed up on the romance between anakin and padme. it was just horrible - the dialogue was abysmal. i don't mean to be rude but its probably why lucas wasn't successful at marriage in the first place. and seriously, whodisagrees with me in saying that Jar Jar Binks was the most worthless character ever. needless to say, the prequels were cool but i think the coolness of the action and special effects was a bit of a cost to the series because now we have to make up for the lack of CG sequences that were obviously not available during the time of the original trilogy. its an awkward transition from the superior display of the prequels to going to the older display in the original trilogy (which are still cool but it obviously needs help from DVDs and hopefully more advancement by Blu-Ray).
Prequels are not easy to make and generally tend to be the least succesfull - even compared to sequels. I think Lucas would have lucked out if he made the sequel trilogy that he said that he was interested in making. Wouldn't say that it is not a possiblity but if you look at everyone (Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, and Carrie Fisher), it would be hard to make a story within the timeframe that it was supposed to encompass in the sequel trilogy. Which is why I enjoy the video game adaptations and I have to say some of the prequels that came from video games were comparably better than the prequel trilogy - Knights of the Old Republic was awesome. I just wish they would make a game based on the Yuuzhan Vong Crisis or the Dark Empire series (which Lucas praised as being the closest to what he had in mind for a sequel trilogy).
That said, the prequel trilogy wasn't a total stucker. It did some justice inmany ways. The rise of Emperor Palpatine was superb and Anakin's transformation to Darth Vader was good, too (though it probably could have been better). I also thought that Boba Fett was kinda worthless but the prequels did him justice too, i suppose. I liked the prequel trilogy but there were a lot of things that could have been managed better for the story. So, all in all, I'm not a hater of the prequels.
i can think of one thing when it comes to "cherry"but gamespot would probably penalize me for writing about it, lol.
anything that says "SPOILER" or "...Ending" will get a lot ofpeople to look at it....only to see a stupid Rick Roll'd flick...
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